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Polytechnic Mercedes Morel

ATT: Miguel Santiago, Manager

Villa Francisca Street #13, Home #5,
La Vega, 41000
Cell: (809)239-1281

Subject: Invite you to weddings daughter
Dear Bethsaida Garrido,
Domingo and Angel Santana are proud to announce the upcoming marriage of
their daughter, Yudelka, to Jose Ramirez, son of Miguel and Estefany Ramirez,
on January 18, at the Church Inmaculada Concepcion.
You are invited by the brides parents to the marriage ceremony, as well as the
subsequent reception, on January 19, at the residence of James Miguel and
Estefany Ramirez at 551 Carreras Street in La Vega from 7.00pm to 10.00pm.
A wedding gift list is in place at Hunters Home Store.

Annabel Capellan

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