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1aco Salad


1 1/2 lbs ground beef
1 1/2 cups onlons, dlced
3 garllc cloves, dlced
salL, Lo LasLe
chlll powder, Lo LasLe
cumln, Lo LasLe
1 lb velveeLa cheese
10 3/4 ounces LomaLoes and green chllles (l used 8o-1el.)
1 head LeLLuce, large, coarsely chopped
2 1omaLoes, large, flrm and rlpe, dlced
1 (11 ounce) package corn chlps (l used whlLe corn LorLllla chlps.)


8rown beef ln small amounL of faL. SauLe onlons and garllc unLll sofL buL noL brown, add Lo
beef. Slmmer for several mlnuLes. Season wlLh salL, chlll powder and cumln. MelL cheese ln
double boller, add LomaLoes. lace leLLuce and LomaLoes ln a large salad bowl, add beef
mlxLure. Mlx llghLly, Lop wlLh hoL cheese mlxLure. Sprlnkle wlLh corn chlps, serve

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