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Kyle Frizzell

Objective My objective is to play college football while pursuing a career in business.

Work Experience Meridian Magnesium Products of America
2001 Industrial r.! "aton #apids! MI! $%%2&
1&*$ +. Michigan Ave! ,ac-son! MI! $.202
/ales Associate
0lavon1s Pi22eria 3 Pub
4010 )linton #d! ,ac-son! MI! $.201
0itchen and 5usser
Accomplishments All )onference +ide #eceiver my /ophomore and /enior 6ears of 7ootball. I
was also All )onference in 5as-etball my ,unior 6ear. I have been named to the
8onor #oll many times. I have won 9 M:P awards from &on&1s and football
Activities 5as-etball! 7ootball! 'olf! ;rac- and 7ield! )oaching 6outh 5as-etball.
Interests I enjoy lifting weights! playing ()AA football games! and hanging out with my
Education /pringport 8igh /chool
900 +est Main /treet!
/pringport! MI! $.2%$
ates attended< /eptember 2010=,une 201$
Reerences /am 5rafford
'() /tore Manager
1&*$ + Michigan Ave!
,ac-son! MI! $.202
Matt /chwart2-opf
8igh /chool 8ead )oach
900 +est Main /treet!
/pringport! MI! $.2%$
!"#$% &ope 'hurch Rd
(prin)port* +I* #$",#

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