Mhs 6 Year Plan

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1 Rodriguez

Vannessa Rodriguez
8 May 2014
Throughout the four years in Merced High School I have not always been interested in school.
As a freshman I did not know what I wanted to be when I grew up, this kind of had an effect on my
grades. I was an average student, usually got Cs because I never really tried to work in any of my
classes. Then I began thinking what career did I want, and then I started getting my grades up and
trying to figure out what I wanted my sophomore year.
During my sophomore year I choose to take a summer class to get ahead to have an extra class.
I was enrolled in avid because I wanted help learning about college and other information that could be
useful. Being in avid help me be more organized and encouraged me to try in my classes. The classes
that I was enrolled in were chemistry, geometry, digital media, athletics, english and avid. I kept good
grades in these classes except for chemistry because I was not that good at science. But all my other
classes were good and I kept my grades up and stayed focused and was also in cross country and
During my junior and senior year it was easy but stressful because I started preparing for
college. My grades during junior year were much better than the previous years, the only class that I
was struggling with was Algebra II/Trig. All the other classes were easy and I learned so much. My
senior year is going very well. I kept good grades and got accepted into four colleges, I felt so proud of
myself I never would have thought I would get this far in school.
During my four years in Merced High school I have learned so much and have grown in so
many different ways and will soon do so in the future.
2 Rodriguez

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