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My perspective changed throughout the revision process of my poem.

In my
first draft I had three stanzas, and each one described a word similar to peace. The
first described truce, the second was about contentment, and the third addressed
peace itself. However, each of these seemed separate. They didnt blend into each
other, so each had a completely separate perspective. The first stanza stressed the
temporary nature of peace, the second described ways to achieve peace or ideals we
associate with peace, and the final stanza described peace as an eternal force like
time. In other words, my poem had three perspectives instead of one or two unified
ones. However, I refined this draft and eventually created a forward reverse poem
that describes, when read from start to end, how peace is doomed to be destroyed
by war, but when read in reverse, it shows how peace will always rise above war. In
this way I was able to show the two unified perspectives that I found most
important in my first draft. To create these new perspective I needed to make many
changes in my poem, but I find three of these edits to be the most important.
The first major change was rearranging my stanzas. As my poem was and is
still an acrostic form, this step allowed me to add and change imagery. For example,
my stanza on truce, formerly my first stanza, became my third stanza as I switched it
with my peace stanza. Changes like this caused me to rewrite and improve my lines
so that they would make sense in this new context. Lines like, Trust begins, and
Rivalries arise again eventually became Temporary trust leads to other things
and Rivalries arise again but this is not the worst. This rearrangement of stanzas
improved my poem in this manner. It also paved the way for me to make other
Once I had made this alteration, I realized that one more stanza would
improve my poem. This new stanza is my war stanza. Before I created this three-
line stanza my poem showed how peace degraded, but never reached a definite low
point for peace. The following is the stanza that filled that void:

Without peace this pattern echoes throughout time
All falling prey to darkness
Revolt, rebuild, repeat

This stanza brought my poems fist perspective on peace to its climax, and my poem
was made better because of this modification, but this final stanza also allowed for
the most important change in my poem.
This new stanza provided me with the perfect opportunity to add to and
change my poems form. It allowed my to insert the forward and reverse form in
addition to my original acrostic form by simply adding the word reverse to my final
line. One I had found this opportunity, then came the tricky part; rewriting my
poem, so that it would not only make sense read both ways, but so that the message
would continue to grow throughout its entirety. I needed to re-rewrite my poem. I
began this continued version of the revising process and eventually my stanzas not
only made sense when read both ways, but also continued to build on and improve
my message intellectually. For example, my Peace stanza evolved.

Periods of peace feel short or long
Every hour can pass as a day
And a day is but a second long
Can you see how time and peace are equal?
Every man has peace

Eventually it grew into the following stanza:

Peace exists in all of us
Even if it is only for a moment
All we have to do is grab it
Contentment is created
Each time we reach towards this goal.

This evolution allowed my message to reach its final stage and show how peace is
doomed to be destroyed by war, but also is eternal. In this process, I was not only
able to improve my poem to a more sophisticated message, but was also able to
build upon my skills as a writer and grow as a poet.

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