5-13-14 Region III Baseball Final Four

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RELEASE DATE: May 13, 2014

SUBJECT: NJCAA Region III DIII Baseba !ina !o"# a$ %e$e#ans &a#'
S(URCE: Dona) D"$*+e#, ,ea) Baseba Coa*+, -../0300, E0$1 222-
HERKIMER, NY The Herkimer Generals baseball team will be playing in the NJC Regi!n III "III
#inal #!$r this #ri%ay thr$ &$n%ay at 'eterans Mem!rial (ark in )ittle #alls, NY*
Herkimer +,-. is /resh !// a sweep !/ #inger )akes C!mm$nity C!llege in a s$b-regi!nal play!//
series whi0h was h!ste% at Herkimer C!llege* The team was awar%e% the 1+ !2erall see% in the /inal /!$r*
They3ll play 14 Niagara C!$nty C!mm$nity C!llege in the 5$arter/inals !n #ri%ay at +6+7 p*m*
ls! making it t! the t!$rnament was 8n!n%aga C!mm$nity C!llege an% Erie C!mm$nity
C!llege* The )a9ers were gi2en the 1: !2erall see% while the Kats were gi2en the 1;* <!th teams will
/a0e ea0h !ther in game tw! !/ the 5$arter/inals !n #ri%ay* &tart time is = p*m*
#!r an $p-t!-%ate bra0ket !/ the three %ay e2ent, please g! t! www*herkimergenerals*0!m* 8ther
in/!rmati!n 0an be /!$n% !n Twitter >HerkimerGeneral as well*
Photo: Attached is a team and action photo of the Herkimer Generals baseball team.

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