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By David H. Shinn
Adjunct Professor, Elliott School of International Affairs
George Washington University

There are fifty-three (fifty-four if you include the disputed Western Sahara)
countries on the African continent, islands in the Atlantic, and islands in the
Indian Ocean. This bibliography encompasses material on countries in both
Sub-Saharan and North Africa. As a result, some citations focus on the Middle
East as they include information on Egypt and/or North Africa. The
bibliography covers all aspects of the China-Africa relationship. It is not
restricted to trade, aid, investment, and political ties that constitute so much of
the writing on this subject in recent years. A special effort has been made to
include older material.
With rare exceptions, the citations are limited to English and French,
although some of the material has been translated into English from other
languages, especially Chinese. A few of the entries discuss China’s relations
with Africa generally or individual African countries during the period that
predates the establishment in 1949 of the People’s Republic of China. The vast
majority deal with PRC-Africa relations after 1949. Many of the most recent
citations come from sources that are only available on-line. As this material
on the web occasionally moves around or even disappears, I have included
an access date for each web citation. Authors from the People’s Republic of
China and Ethiopia appear with family name first as is the custom in those
countries. All other names have been alphabetized by surname, followed by
the given name.
I compiled this bibliography in connection with research for a book that
Joshua Eisenman and I are writing on China-Africa relations. The book will
be published by the University of Pennsylvania Press.
The bibliography contains material noted up to March 2009. ARD intends to
publish supplements as the literature on China and Africa continues to

Abegunrin, Layi. (1983-1984) “Soviet and Chinese Military Involvement in

Southern Africa,” Current Bibliography in African Affairs, 16 (3), pp. 195-206.
Adie, W.A.C. (1962) “China, Russia, and the Third World,” China Quarterly,
no. 11 (July-September), pp. 200-213.
__________. (1964) “China and Africa Today,” Race and Class, 5 (4), pp. 3-25.

African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008 3

__________. (1964) “Chou En-lai on Safari,” China Quarterly, no. 18 (April-
June), pp. 174-194.
__________. (1970-1971) “The Communist Powers in Africa,” Conflict Studies,
no. 10 (December-January), pp. 1-20.
__________. (1972) “China Returns to Africa,” Current Scene, 10 (8), pp. 1-12.
__________. (1973) “China’s West Asian Strategies,” in China and the World
Community by Ian Wilson (ed.). Sydney: Angus and Robertson, pp. 179-199.
African Forum and Network on Debt and Development. (2008) Mapping
Chinese Development Assistance in Africa: A Synthesis Analysis of Angola,
Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Harare, Zimbabwe: AFRODAD. See at
.pdf. Accessed 5 October 2008.
African Union Commission. (2006) “Meeting of the Task Force on Africa’s
Strategic Partnership with Emerging Powers: China, India and Brazil,” Report
of 11-13 September meeting.
Ahmed, Gaffar K. (2005) “China Relations with the Middle East and North
Africa,” International Review (Shanghai), (autumn). See at www.siis-org-
cn/Sh_Yj_Cms/Mgz/2008724233116XBG4.pdf. Accessed 30 December 2008.
Ai Ching-Chu. (1964) “China’s Economic and Technical Aid to Other
Countries,” Peking Review, 7 (34), pp. 14-18.
Aicardi de Saint-Paul, Marc. (2004) “La Chine et l’Afrique,” Mondes et Cultures,
1 (4), pp. 342-355.
__________. (2004) “La Chine et l’Afrique – Entre Engagement et Intérêt,”
Géopolitique Africaine. See at
l’afrique-entre-engagement-et-interet.html. Accessed 4 June 2008.
Ajakaiye, Olu. (2006) “China and Africa – Opportunities and Challenges,”
presentation before African Union Task Force on Strategic Partnership
between Africa and the Emerging Countries of the South (11-13 September).
See at
Challenges%20_Olu.pdf. Accessed 13 January 2009.
Akindele, R.A. (1985) “Africa and the Great Powers, with Particular Reference
to the United States, the Soviet Union and China,” Afrika Spectrum, 20 (2), pp.
Akurang-Parry, Kwabena O. (2001) “‘We Cast About for a Remedy’: Chinese
Labor and African Opposition in the Gold Coast, 1874-1914,” International
Journal of African Historical Studies, 34 (2), pp. 365-384.

4 African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008

Albright, David Edward. (1975) “The Soviet Union, Communist China, and
Ghana, 1955-1966.” PhD diss., Columbia University.
Alden, Chris. (2001) “Solving South Africa’s Chinese Puzzle: Democratic
Foreign Policy-Making and the ‘Two Chinas’ Question,” in South Africa’s
Foreign Policy: Dilemmas of a New Democracy by Jim Broderick, Gary Burford,
and Gordon Freer (eds.). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
__________. (2005) “China in Africa,” Survival, 47 (3), pp. 147-163.
__________. (2005) “Red Star, Black Gold,” Review of African Political Economy,
32 (104/5), pp. 415-419.
__________. (2006) “China and Africa: Special Report,” CLSA Asia-Pacific
Markets (September), pp. 1-27.
__________. (2007) China in Africa. London: Zed Books.
__________. (2007) “Emerging Countries as New ODA Players in LDCs: The
Case of China and Africa,” Institut du Développement Durable et des
Relations Internationales, Gouvernance Mondiale paper no.1, pp. 1-14. See at Accessed 15 December 2008.
__________. (2008) “South Africa and China: Forging Africa’s Strategic
Partnership,” China Brief, 8 (13), pp. 9-11.
__________ and Ana Cristina Alves. (2008) “History and Identity in the
Construction of China’s Africa Policy,” Review of African Political Economy, 35
(115), pp. 43-58.
__________ and Garth Shelton. (1999) “Camarades, Parias et Homme
d’Affaires: Mise en Perspective des Relations entre l’Afrique du Sud et la
Chine,” Politique Africaine, no 76 (December), pp. 18-29.
__________ and Martyn Davies. (2006) “Chinese Multinational Corporations
in Africa,” unpublished paper presented at China-Africa workshop in Hong
Kong on 11-12 November, pp. 1-11. See at
Accessed 13 April 2008.
__________. (2006) “A Profile of the Operations of Chinese Multinationals in
Africa,” South African Journal of International Affairs, 13 (1), pp. 83-96.
__________, Daniel Large, and Ricardo Soares de Oliveira (eds.). (2008) China
Returns to Africa: A Rising Power and a Continent Embrace. London: Hurst.
Alemayehu Geda. (2006) “The Impact of China and India on Africa: Trade, FDI
and the African Manufacturing Sector Issues and Challenges,” African
Economic Research Consortium, paper no. ADWP-03 (September), pp. 1-15.
See at Accessed 24
March 2008.

African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008 5

__________ and Atnafu G. Meskel. (2008) “China and India’s Growth Surge: Is
It a Curse or Blessing for Africa? The Case of Manufactured Exports,” African
Development Review, 20 (2), pp. 247-272.
Ali, Ali Abdalla. (2006) The Sudanese-Chinese Relations before and after Oil.
Khartoum: National Centre for Scientific Research.
Allen, Kenneth. (2005) “China’s Foreign Military Relations: 2003-2004,”
Chinese Military Update, 2 (5), pp. 3-7.
__________ and Eric A. McVadon. (1999) China’s Foreign Military Relations.
The Henry L. Stimson Center. See at Accessed 11 April 2008.
Aluko, Olajide (ed.). (1977) The Foreign Policies of African States. London:
Hodder and Stoughton.
Alves, Ana Cristina. (2006) “Emerging Postcolonial Solidarities: China’s New
Economic Diplomacy towards Subsaharan Africa,” unpublished paper
presented to the 16th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of
Australia on 26-29 June. See at
conference/2006/Alves-Ana-Cristina-ASAA2006.pdf. Accessed 26 September
__________. (2008) “China’s Lusophone Connection,” Report no. 2, South
African Institute of International Affairs. See at
df. Accessed 26 September 2008.
Alves, Philip. (2006) Engaging Asia’s Biggest Tiger: Exploring the Contours of
a SACU-China Trade Deal. South African Institute of International Affairs
Trade Policy Report No. 14, pp. 1- 55. See at Accessed 12 March 2009.
Amnesty International. (2006) “People’s Republic of China: Sustaining
Conflict and Human Rights Abuses. The Flow of Arms Accelerates.” See at
Accessed 29 March 2008.
__________. (2006) “Sudan/China: Appeal by Amnesty International to the
Chinese Government on the Occasion of the China-Africa Summit for
Development and Cooperation,” (1 November). See at Accessed 11 April
__________. (2007) “Sudan: Arms Continuing To Fuel Serious Human Rights
Violations in Darfur,” (8 May). See at Accessed 11 April

6 African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008

Amosu, Akwe. (2007) “China in Africa: It’s (Still) the Governance, Stupid.”
Foreign Policy in Focus, 9 March Discussion Paper. See at Accessed 21 March 2008.
Ampiah, Kweku. (2007) “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? China and Africa:
Engaging the World’s Next Superpower,” concept paper for conference
hosted by the Centre for Conflict Resolution in Cape Town, South Africa,
pp. 1-10. See at
p2007.pdf. Accessed 26 March 2008.
__________ and Sanusha Naidu (eds.). (2008) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?
Africa and China. Scottsville, South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
An Yanjun and Zhang Yue. (2006) “An Inventory of Current China-African
Relations,” International Strategic Studies (Beijing), 4 (82), pp. 54-60.
An Yongyu. (2002) “China-Africa Political and Economic Cooperation:
Retrospect and Prospect,” Foreign Affairs Journal, no. 66 (December), pp. 7-22.
__________. (2007) “Common Effort Should Be Made for Africa,” unpublished
paper delivered 13 March in Beijing at Third Dialogue on US-China Relations
in a Global Context sponsored by China Institute of International Affairs and
George Washington University.
Ancharaz, Vinaye Dey. (2008) “David V. Goliath: Mauritius Facing Up to
China,” report prepared for the African Economic Research Consortium
(January). See at
Accessed 13 January 2009.
Aning, Kwesi and Delphine Lecoutre. (2008) “China’s Ventures in Africa,”
African Security Review, 17 (1), pp. 39-50.
Anonymous. (1964) “China, the Arab World and Africa: A Factual Survey
1959-1964,” special China issue of The Mizan Newsletter, 6 (5), pp. 1-56.
__________. (1974) “At Banquet Welcoming President Boumediene and Joint
Communique,” Peking Review, 17 (10), pp. 6-11.
Anti-Taylor, William. (1964) “China through African Eyes,” Race and Class, 5
(4), pp. 48-51,
Anyu, J. Ndumbe and J.-P. Afam Ifedi. (2008) “China’s Ventures in Africa:
Patterns, Prospects, and Implications for Africa’s Development,”
Mediterranean Quarterly, 19 (4), pp. 91-110.
Arbab, Farah. (2007) “China-Africa Interaction: Prospects for a Strategic
Partnership,” Strategic Studies, vol. 27, no. 3. See at Accessed 26
February 2009.

African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008 7

Armstrong, J.D. (1977) Revolutionary Diplomacy: Chinese Foreign Policy and the
United Front Doctrine. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Asche, Helmut. (2008) “Contours of China’s ‘Africa Mode’ and Who May
Benefit,” China Aktuell, no. 3, pp. 165-180.
Askouri, Ali. (2006) “China’s Investment in Sudan: Destroying Communities,”
Pambazuka News, (14 December), pp. 4-9. See at Accessed 6 February
Attwood, William. (1967) The Reds and the Blacks. New York: Harper and Row.
Austin, Angelica, Danila Bochkarev, and Willem van der Geest. (2008) Energy
Interests and Alliances: China, America and Africa. Policy Paper no. 7 (August),
EastWest Institute.
Ayittey, George B.N. (1992) “Africa in the Postcommunist World,” Problems of
Communism, 41 (1-2), pp. 207-217.
Azikiwe, Emeka Ayo. (1966) “Chinese Communism in Africa,” SAIS Review
(spring), pp. 18-24.
Bailey, Martin. (1975) “Tanzania and China,” African Affairs, 74 (294), pp. 39-
__________. (1976) Freedom Railway: China and the Tanzania-Zambia Link.
London: Rex Collings.
Bajpaee, Chietigj. (2005) “Sino-U.S. Energy Competition in Africa,” Power and
Interest News Report (7 October). See at
Accessed 29 March 2008.
Bamou, Ernest and Adeola Adenikinju. (2006) “Evaluating Asian Drivers
Impacts on Sub-Saharan Africa Oil and Gas Industries: A Methodological
Framework,” unpublished paper presented to a conference hosted by the
African Economic Research Consortium in Addis Ababa on 9-10 October, pp.
Bang Quan Zheng. (2006) “A Rising China: Catalysts for Chinese Military
Modernization” in China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’ in the 21st Century by Sujian Guo (ed.).
Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 183-209.
Bark, Dennis L. (ed.). (1988) The Red Orchestra: The Case of Africa. Stanford, CA:
Hoover Institution Press.
Barnouin, Barbara and Yu Changgen. (1998) Chinese Foreign Policy During the
Cultural Revolution. London: Kegan Paul International.

8 African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008

Barrows, Walter L. (2007) “China’s New Activism in Africa,” Defense
Intelligence Journal, 16 (2), pp. 9-27.
Bartke, Wolfgang. (1975) China’s Economic Aid. London: Hurst.
__________. (1992) The Agreements of the People’s Republic of China with Foreign
Countries 1949-1990. Munich: K.G. Saur.
Behar, Richard. (2008) “Special Report Imbalance of Power: China Africa,” Fast
Company (June), pp. 100-123.
Behbehani, Hashim S.H. (1981) China’s Foreign Policy in the Arab World.
London: KPI Ltd.
Bello, Walden. (2007) “China Eyes Africa: The New Imperialism?”
Multinational Monitor, 26 (1), pp. 23-26.
__________. (2007) “China Provokes Debate in Africa,” Foreign Policy in Focus
(9 March). See at Accessed 13 December 2008.
Ben-Dak, Joseph D. (1970) “China in the Arab World,” Current History, 59
(349), pp. 147-152, 174.
Benite, Zvi Ben-Dor. (2008) “‘Nine Years in Egypt:’ Al-Azhar University and
the Arabization of Chinese Islam,” HAGAR: Studies in Cultures, Polity and
Identities, 8 (1), pp. 105-128.
Berger, Bernt. (2006) “China’s Engagement in Africa: Can the EU Sit Back?”
South African Journal of International Affairs, 13 (1), pp. 115-127.
__________ and Uwe Wissenbach. (2007) “EU-China-Africa Trilateral
Development Cooperation: Common Challenges and New Directions,”
German Development Institute Discussion Paper 21, pp. 1-27. See at Accessed 23
March 2008.
Bergsten, C. Fred, Charles Freeman, Nicholas R. Lardy, and Derek J. Mitchell.
(2008) China’s Rise: Challenges and Opportunities. Washington: Peterson
Institute for International Economics.
Beri, Ruchita. (2007) “China’s Rising Profile in Africa,” China Report, 43 (3),
pp. 297-308.
Bermingham, Jack and Edwin G. Clausen. (1981) “Revolution and Foreign
Policy: Sino-African Relations 1949-1976,” Munger Africana Library Notes, issue
59/60, pp. 1-40.
Bertoncello, Brigitte and Sylvie Bredeloup. (2007) “The Emergence of New
African ‘Trading Posts’ in Hong Kong and Guangzhou,” China Perspectives, no.
2007/1, pp. 94-105.

African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008 9

Besada, Hany, Yang Wang and John Whalley. (2008) “China’s Growing
Economic Presence in Africa,” Policy Brief, The Centre for International
Governance Innovation, no. 6 (October), pp. 1-6.
Bischof, Henrik. (1970) “China and Russia Clash in Africa,” Afrika-Heute
(translated from German), 1 October, pp. 285-288. JPRS Translations on Africa,
145 (51837) no. 967, pp. 1-9.
Bitzinger, Richard A. (1992) “Arms to Go: Chinese Arms Sales to the Third
World,” International Security, 17 (2), pp. 84-111.
Blake, Alex. (1967) “Peking’s African Adventures,” Current Scene, 5 (15),
pp. 1-9.
Bodomo, Adams. (2009) “The African Presence in Contemporary China,” The
China Monitor (January), pp. 4-6.
Booyse, Wim J. (1988) “The People’s Republic of China’s Role in Africa 1955-
1988,” Southern African Freedom Review, 1 (4), pp. 20-28.
Bosshard, Peter. (2006) “Export Credit Agencies and Environmental
Standards: An Invitation to Join the Dialogue,” paper prepared by policy
director of International Rivers Network (December), pp. 1-6. See at Accessed 31 May 2008.
__________. (2007) “China’s Role in Financing African Infrastructure,”
International Rivers Network (May). See at Accessed 21
March 2008.
__________. (2008) “China’s Environmental Footprint in Africa,” SAIIA China
in Africa Policy Briefing, no. 3 (April), pp. 1-12. See at
Accessed 30 May 2008.
Boungou Bazika, Jean-Christophe. (2008) “Les Relations Économiques de la
Chine avec la République du Congo,” report prepared for the African
Economic Research Consortium (February). See at
Accessed 13 January 2009.
Braeckman, Colette. (2008) “Manoeuvres Spéculatives dans an Katanga en
Reconstruction,” Le Monde Diplomatique (July), pp. 12-13.
Brandtzæg, Bjørn, He Wenping, Chibuzo Nwoke, Anna Eriksson, and Osita
Agbu. (2008) “Common Cause Different Approaches: China and Norway in
Nigeria,” Research Report 2008-014, pp. 1-49. See at
014%20BJB%20Common%20cause%20different%20approaches.pdf. Accessed
4 May 2008.

10 African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008

Bräutigam, Deborah. (1998) Chinese Aid and African Development: Exporting
Green Revolution. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
__________. (2003) “Close Encounters: Chinese Business Networks as
Industrial Catalysts in Sub-Saharan Africa,” African Affairs, 102 (408),
pp. 447-467.
__________. (2007) “‘Flying Geese’ or ‘Hidden Dragon’? Chinese Business and
African Industrial Development,” presentation at UCLA workshop, April 27,
pp. 1-4. See at Accessed 18
April 2008.
__________. (2008) China’s African Aid: Transatlantic Challenges. Washington,
DC: German Marshall Fund of the United States, pp. 1-32. See at Accessed
25 April 2008.
__________ and Adama Gaye. (2007) “Is Chinese Investment Good for
Africa?” Council on Foreign Relations online debate (February 20). See at
ml. Accessed 22 March 2008.
Brea, Jennifer. (2008) “Lessons Learned from China in Africa,” Ebony, 63 (3),
pp. 68-71.
Bredeloup, Sylvie and Brigitte Bertoncello. (2006) “La Migration Chinoise en
Afrique: Accélérateur du Développement ou ‘Sanglot de l’Homme Noir’?”
Afrique Contemporaine, no. 218 (2), pp. 199-224.
Brenthurst Foundation. (2006) “Africa-China-US Dialogue: Report of the First
Meeting of the Trilateral Dialogue,” Brenthurst Discussion Papers, no. 6,
pp. 1-10. See at
s/BD0606_AfUsCh.pdf. Accessed 21 March 2008.
__________. (2007) “Competition or Partnership? China, United States and
Africa – An African View,” Brenthurst Discussion Papers, no. 2, pp. 1-5. See at
s/BD0702_China_US_Africa.pdf. Accessed 21 March 2008.
__________. (2007) Africa-China-U.S. Trilateral Dialogue: Summary Report.
Breslin, Shaun and Ian Taylor. (2008) “Explaining the Rise of ‘Human Rights’
in Analyses of Sino-African Relations,” Review of African Political Economy, 35
(115), pp. 59-71.
Brewer, Nicole. (2008) “The New Great Walls: A Guide to China’s Overseas
Dam Industry.” International Rivers (July). See at
Accessed 11 November 2008.

African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008 11

Brink, Gustav. (2006) “The Memorandum of Understanding and Quotas on
Clothing and Textile Imports from China: Who Wins?” TRALAC Working
Paper, no. 17 (October), pp. 1-30. See at
Accessed 25 March 2008.
Broadbent, Kieran. (1970) “Chinese Aid and Trade in African Countries,”
Contemporary Review, 216 (1248), pp. 19-22.
Broadman, Harry G. (2007) Africa’s Silk Road: China and India’s New Economic
Frontier. Washington: The World Bank.
__________. (2008) “China and India Go to Africa: New Deals in the
Developing World,” Foreign Affairs, 87 (2), pp. 95-109.
Brookes, Peter. (2006) “The Global Dragon—China’s New Strategy: Making
Friends, Creating Enemies,” Armed Forces Journal (July), pp. 32-35 & 49.
__________. (2007) “Into Africa: China’s Grab for Influence and Oil,” Heritage
Foundation Lecture (9 February). See at Accessed 22 March 2008.
__________ and Ji Hye Shin. (2006) “China’s Influence in Africa: Implications
for the United States,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder, no. 1916 (February
22), pp. 1-9. See at Accessed 25
March 2008.
Brook-Shepherd, Gordon. (1962) “Red Rivalry in the Black Continent,” The
Reporter, 26 (2), pp. 23-25.
Bruce, Guenther. (2008) “The Asian Drivers and the Resource Curse in Sub-
Saharan Africa: The Potential Impacts of Rising Commodity Prices for Conflict
and Governance in the DRC,” European Journal of Development Research, 20 (2),
pp. 347-363.
Brunson, James. (1985) “African Presence in Early China,” Journal of African
Civilizations, 7 (1), pp. 120-137.
Buckens, Marie-Martine. (2007) “EU-Africa-China, A New Triangular
Relationship?” The Courier, no. 3 (November/December). See at www.acp-
Bukarambe, Bukar. (2002) “Nigeria-China Relations: The Unacknowledged
Sino-Dynamics,” African Journal of International Affairs and Development, 7 (2),
pp. 27-49.
Burke, Christopher. (2007) “China’s Entry into Construction Industries in
Africa: Tanzania and Zambia as Case Studies,” China Report, 43 (3),
pp. 323-336.

12 African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008

__________, Sanusha Naidu and Arno Nepgen. (2008) “Scoping Study on
China’s Relations with South Africa,” report prepared for the African
Economic Research Consortium (January). See at
Accessed 13 January 2009.
Burrack, Dieter. (1972) “Peking’s Influence in Black Africa,” Aussenpolitik
(English edition), 23 (2), pp. 216-224.
Butler, Tina. (2005) “Growing Pains and Growing Alliances: China, Timber
and Africa,” African Renaissance, 2 (4), pp. 42-46.
Byman, Daniel L. and Roger Cliff. (1999) China’s Arms Sales: Motivations and
Implications. Santa Monica CA: RAND.
Cabestan, Jean-Pierre. (2006) “Relations between France and China: Towards
a Paris-Beijing Axis?” China: An International Journal, 4 (2), pp. 327-340.
Camilleri, Joseph. (1980) Chinese Foreign Policy: The Maoist Era and its Aftermath.
Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Campbell, Horace. (2008) “China in Africa: Challenging US Global
Hegemony,” Third World Quarterly, 29 (1), pp. 89-105.
Campos, Indira and Alex Vines. (2008) “Angola and China: A Pragmatic
Partnership,” working paper presented at Center for Strategic and
International Studies Conference on 5 December 2007, pp. 1-26. See at
Accessed 21 March 2008.
Canby, Kerstin, James Hewitt, Luke Bailey, Eugenia Katsigris, and Sun
Xiufang. (2008) “Forest Products Trade between China and Africa: An
Analysis of Imports and Exports,” Forest Trends report (February), pp. 1-36.
See at
Accessed 24 March 2008.
Carey, Kevin, Sanjeev Gupta, and Ulrich Jacoby. (2007) Sub-Saharan Africa:
Forging New Trade Links with Asia. Washington, DC: International Monetary
Fund, pp. 1-55.
Carmody, Pádraig R. and Francis Y. Owusu. (2007) “Competing Hegemons?
Chinese versus American Geo-economic Strategies in Africa,” Political
Geography, 26 (5), pp. 504-524.
Castellani, Luca, Pang Zhongying, and Ian Taylor (eds.). (2007) China outside
China: China in Africa. Torino, Italy: Centro di Alti Studi Sulla Cina

African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008 13

Centre for Chinese Studies. Stellenbosch University. (2006) “China’s Interest
and Activity in Africa’s Construction and Infrastructure Sectors,” study
prepared for DFID China, pp. 1-110. See at Accessed
26 March 2008.
__________. (2007) “China’s Engagement of Africa: Preliminary Scoping of
African Case Studies Angola, Ethiopia, Gabon, Uganda, South Africa,
Zambia,” study prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation, pp. 1-208. See at Accessed 1 April 2008.
__________ and The Development Bank of Southern Africa. (2008) “China As
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13 February 2009.
Chai, Winberg (ed). (1972) The Foreign Relations of the People’s Republic of China.
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Chaliand, Gérard. (1982) The Struggle for Africa: Conflict of the Great Powers.
New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Chan, Cheryl. (2007) “China in Africa-Spreading the Wealth,” Canada Asia
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5 June 2008.
Chan, Stephen. (1985) “China’s Foreign Policy and Africa: The Rise and Fall of
China’s Three World’s Theory,” The Round Table, no. 296, pp. 376-384.
Chan-Fishel, Michelle. (2007) “Time to Go Green: Environmental
Responsibility in the Chinese Banking Sector,” study sponsored by Friends of
the Earth US and Bank Track (May), pp. 1-102. See at Accessed 29 April 2008.
__________ and Roxanne Lawson. (2007) “Quid pro Quo? China’s Investment-
for-Resource Swaps in Africa,” Development, 50 (3), pp. 63-68.
Chang, Andrei. (2009) “China Expanding African Arms Sales,” UPI Asia
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Chang Qing. (1989) “Chinese Foreign Minister Tours Africa,” Beijing Review,
32 (35), pp. 10-11.

14 African Research & Documentation No. 108 2008

Chang, Sen-dou. (1968) “The Distribution and Occupations of Overseas
Chinese,” Geographical Review, 58 (1), 89-107.
Chau, Donovan C. (2007) “Assistance of a Different Kind: Chinese Political
Warfare in Ghana, 1958-1966,” Comparative Strategy, 26 (2), pp. 141-161.
__________. (2007) Political Warfare in Sub-Saharan Africa: U.S. Capabilities
and Chinese Operations in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa,”
(March), pp. 1-75. See at Accessed 28
March 2008.
Chen, Chuan, Pi-Chu Chiu, Ryan J. Orr, and Andrea Goldstein. (2007) “An
Empirical Analysis of Chinese Construction Firms’ Entry into Africa,” paper
presented at the Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management
and Real Estate, 8-13 August, Sydney, Australia. See at
Accessed 12 July 2008.
Chen-ch’ang, Chiang. (1989) “Anti-African Student Incidents in Mainland
China,” Issues and Studies, 25 (2), pp. 9-11.
Chen Zhimin and Jian Junbo. (2009) “Chinese Provinces as Foreign Policy
Actors in Africa,” Occasional Paper No. 22, South African Institute of
International Affairs (January), pp. 1-22.
Cheng, J. Chester (ed.). (1966) The Politics of the Chinese Red Army. Stanford,
CA: Hoover Institution Press.
Cheru, Fantu. (2007) “Love at First Sight! Or Confused Priorities? Decoding
the Evolving China-Africa Relations,” presentation at UCLA workshop, 27
April, pp. 1-3. See at Accessed
18 April 2008.
Chew, Emrys. (2007) “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Indian Ocean
and the Maritime Balance of Power in Historical Perspective,” unpublished
paper (25 October), pp. 1-21. See at Accessed 15
December 2008.
Chibundu, Victor Nwaozichi. (2003) Foreign Policy: With Particular Reference to
Nigeria (1961-2002). Ibadan: Spectrum Books.
China. (2009) China’s National Defense in 2008. January white paper released in
Beijing. See at
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