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Present Perfect Continuous este folosit pentru a exprima: HAVE / HAS+BEEN+VB-ING

1.o actiune inceputa in trecut care se continua in prezent: I have been

teaching English for a long time. (I started teaching English a long
time ago and Im still teaching this language.)
a. I started to study English years ago and Im still studying it.
b. !hey started "aiting for the bus # minutes ago and theyre still
c. It started to rain $ days ago and its still raining.
d. !he children started to eat lunch an hour ago and theyre still
eating it.
e. !he boys started playing football % hours ago and theyre still
f. !he pupils are "riting a paper. !hey began at & ocloc'.
g. !he secretary is typing a report. (he started on )onday morning.
h. )other is coo'ing. (he began early in the morning.
i. *e are rehearsing a play. *e started at the beginning of the month.
%. o actiune care se termina in trecut si are efecte in prezent:
+,ou loo' thrilled.-
+I 'no". Ive been "atching a very amusing movie.-
a. /lease excuse my dirty clothes. I ("or') in the garden.
b. /lease excuse my dirty hands. I (repair) the car.
c. *e call 0nn +butter fingers-. (he (brea') things ever since she "as a
little girl1 that is "hy.
d. 0lice needs a holiday. (he ("or') too hard.
e. ,our lips are all blue. *hat on earth (you 2 eat)3
f. )ind you dont slip on the stairs. I ("ash) them.
g. 4e ("or') all day long1 thats "hy hes gone to bed early.
h. *ho (use) my pen3 It doesnt "rite properly.
i. Im no" sha'ing your hand so hardly because (loo' for"ard) to meeting
5. *e all have a smile on our faces because "e (listen) to /auls 5o'es.
Past Continuous este folosit atunci cand: WAS / WERE + VB-ING
1. exprimam o actiune care s2a desfasurat neintrerupt intr2o perioada
de timp bine definita din trecut:
a. I (do) my home"or' at ocloc' yesterday.
b. )y brother (sleep) "hen I came home last night.
c. 0nn ("rite) a letter at ococ' yesterday.
d. !he sun (shine) "hen I got up this morning.
e. It (rain) at brea'fast time.
f. I ("al') to to"n at & ocloc'.
g. )y father ("or') in the factory at this time yesterday.
h. I ("atch) !6 at dinner time.
i. *e (have) dinner "hen my friend rang me up.
%. accentuam faptul ca o actiune s2a desfasurat pe o perioada mai lunga de
a. !he baby (cry) all day yesterday.
b. !hey (have) fun the "hole time they "ere together.
c. )r /lumb "as on a business trip to (uceava for a month. 7o" he is
bac' and everybody is as'ing him 8uestions about the time he spent there.
0ngela: *hat sort of hotel (you 2 live) in 3
)r /lumb: It "as very ne" and modern and it had a nice vie". I (share)
the room "ith another man actually.
0ngela: *ho "as the man you (share) the room "ith3
9. exprimam o actiune de durata desfasurata in trecut si intrerupta de o alta actiune din trecut:
a. *hen the guests arrived I still (coo').
b. (he (sleep) "hen the phone rang.
c. :immy fell do"n "hile he (climb) the ladder.
d. /auls car bro'e do"n "hen he (drive) to "or'.
e. !he postman arrived "hen I (have) lunch.
f. I dropped the vase "hen I (dust) the furniture.
g. ;ichard sa" )ary "hen she (cross) the street.
h. It started to rain "hile Irene ("al') in the par'.
Past Perfect Simple se foloseste atunci cand: HA + VB ! / VB - E
1. exprimam o actiune trecuta. anterioara unei alte
actiuni tot din trecut:
a. I 'ne" I (meet) her.
b. *hen "e arrived at the station the train already
c. (he (do) her home"or' by # ocloc' yesterday.
d. 4e (live) in this house since 1<<= "hen I moved
e. *hen >an rang up. )ary (finish) her pro5ect.
f. *hen !om came home )other (coo') the dinner.
g. *hen the teacher collected the papers. I ("rite)
all the essay.
h. *hen ;oger arrived. the match (start).
i. *hen /eter offered to help. his father already
(clean) the car.
5. I didnt realize my mista'e until I (hand) in the
'. )rs ?arton didnt leave the shop until she (spend)
all her money.
l. @ather didnt give up smo'ing until the doctor
(order) him to.
%. in vorbirea indirecta verbul din propozitia
principala este la un timp trecut:
a. !om said he (see) the film.
b. :enny said she (hear) that song before.
c. (usan told us she (have) brea'fast half an
hour before.
d. )other told 0nn that 0lice (ring) her up a
moment before.
e. /eter told me he already (study) the
f. )ichael admitted he (buy) a record the
day before.
g. Ahristine said they (reach) the village at
h. (he told me she never (lose) her 'eys
i. 0nn said she never (tell) a lie.
5. >avid said he (not ride) a don'ey.
'. !im said he (brea') his leg in the country.
l. /eter told us he occasionally ("or') on a
farm before.
9. folosim adverbele: 40;>B,.
(A0;AEB, si 7C (CC7E;.
a. 4ardlyD(carcely had I fallen asleep "hen
the phone rang.
b. 7o sooner had he arrived than he had to
leave again.
c. 4ardly /eter (loc') the door "hen the
doorbell rang.
d. 7o sooner :im (post) the letter than he
remembered he (not stamp) it.
e. )r /lumb no sooner (buy) a car than he
had an accident.
f. Ahris no sooner (ta'e) the medicine than
she felt better.
g. )r @aul'ner no sooner (smo'e) a cigarette
than he lit another.
h. 7o sooner Eerald (finish) an exercise than
he began another.
i. (carcely he (eat) the chocolate ca'e "hen
he felt sic'.
Past Perfect Continuous exprima o actiune de lunga durata. care a continuat pana intr2un anumit moment din trecut. HA+BEEN+VB-ING
1. *hen I got home my friend ("ait) for about half an hour.
%. 4e ("ait) in the rain for an hour "hen she arrived.
9. 0t that time "e ("or') on the pro5ect for six months.
$. I ("atch) horror films and my mind "as full of terrifying images.
. *hen they found the child they (loo') for him for t"o hours.
#. *hen I arrived in /itesti I (travel) for three hours.
F. *hen "e "ent on holiday in the mountains it (sno") for five days.
&. 4o" long the 0rt teacher (dra") posters by # ocloc'3
<. 4o" long the <
form pupils (recite) poems by 1= ocloc'3
1=. 4o" long 0lice (ma'e) telephone calls by 1% ocloc'3
11. :immy had a blac' eye because he (fight) "ith the other boys.
1%. ?ens trousers "ere torn because he (climb) trees all afternoon.
/resent /erfect Aontinuous:
1. a. have been studying1 b. have been
"aiting1 c. it has been raining1 d. have been
eating1 e. have been playing1 f. have been
"riting1 g. has been typing1 h. has been
coo'ing1 i. have been rehearsing
%. a. have been "or'ing1 b. have been repairing1 c. has been brea'ing1 d.
has been "or'ing1 e. have you been eating1 f. have been "ashing1 g. has
been "or'ing1 h. has been using1 i. have been loo'ing for"ard1 5. have
been listening
/ast Aontinuous:
1. a. "as doing1 b. "as sleeping1 c. "as
"riting1 d. "as shining1 e. "as raining1 f.
"as "al'ing1 g. "as "or'ing1 h. "as
"atching1 i. "ere having
%. a. "as crying1 b. "ere having1 c. "ere
you living1 "as sharing1 "ere you sharing
9. a. "as coo'ing1 b. "as
sleeping1 c. "as climbing1
d. "as driving1 e. "as
having1 f. "as dusting1 g.
"as crossing1 h. "as
/ast /erfect (imple:
1. a. had met1 b. had already left1 c. had
done1 d. had lived1 e. had finished1 f. had
coo'ed1 g. had "ritten1 h. had started1 i.
had already cleaned1 5. had handed1 '. had
spent1 l. had ordered
%. a. had seen1 b. had heard1 c. had had1 d.
had rung1 e. had already studied1 f. had
bought1 g. had reached1 h. had never lost1 i.
had told1 5. hadnt ridden1 '. had bro'en1 l.
had occasionally "or'ed.
9. c. 4ardly had /eter
loc'ed1 d. 7o sooner had
:im posted1 hadnt
stamped1 e. )r /lumb had
no sooner bought a car1 f.
Ahris had no sooner ta'en1
g. )r @. had no sooner
smo'ed1 h. 7o sooner had
Eerald finished1 i.
(carcely had he eaten
/ast /erfect Aontinuous:
1. had been "aiting. %. had been "aiting. 9. had been "or'ing. $. had been "atching. . had been loo'ing. #. had been
traveling. F. had been sno"ing. &. had the 0rt teacher been dra"ing. <. had the <
form pupils been reciting. 1=. had
0lice been ma'ing. 11. had been fighting. 1%. had been climbing.

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