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NOVEMBER 6-7, 2009


Samuel Thompson

"Flee for your life, do not look behind you, and do not stand in the entire plain.
Flee to the mountain, lest you perish." (Bereshit 19:17)

Parsha Points SOME LIGHT TORAH- Eliana Light
» Avraham visited by three Sarah does a lot of laughing act of disbelief. But in truth, miracle, Sarah began a path
Angels in parashat Vayera. First, she doesn’t believe. So when to belief in all miracles.
» Sarah laughs when she hears she hears God telling her she does get pregnant and In the Torah, it is not rare for
she will conceive in a year husband that she will have gives birth a year later, she barren women to give birth
» Sodom is destroyed a child within the year and is overwhelmed with joy. It and for rams to suddenly
chuckles out of skepticism: catches her so off guard that appear in thickets, but there
» Philistine King Avimelech
she’s too old for anything she can’t help but laugh— are miracles all around us in
takes Sarah
to happen between her and with joy, with surprise. She our lives as well—they can
» Sarah gives birth to Isaac at Avraham! But God calls her names the boy "Itzhak," which happen when you least expect
age 90 (Abraham is age 100) out on it and reminds her means “God has brought me them. So the next time you
» Hagar and Ishmael are that nothing is too wondrous laughter; everyone who hears are faced with a miraculous
banished for God. Sarah tries to deny will laugh with me.” This is situation, I hope that you
» Binding of Isaac her laughter, embarrassed the laughter of happiness, not burst into joyous laughter!
» Rebecca is born that God caught her in an of skepticism. Through this

‫כ׳ חשון תש״ע‬

A publication of Hillel at Brandeis
Editors: Chaya Bender, Brian Blumenthal
Contributors: Eliana Light, Jason Henry Simon-Birenbaum, Samuel Thompson

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