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Arkeme Smith

105 24
Ave E
Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
"#$ective% To obtain a position in Law inforcement utilizing my current training
and experience.
E&ucatio'% Paul w Bryant High School
Course of study !cademics
"iploma #ay $%&'
Paul w Bryant High School
Skills a'&
A#ilities% To complete this section( use a copy of the competencies for your shop.
List the s)ills that you ha*e learned.
+nclude personal s)ills such as good communication s)ills( wor)ing
well with others( or if you are bilingual
(ork )istor*% Starting date , Present
Tuscaloosa( !L
Position Stoc)ing
Starting date . /nding date 0$( &1( $%$%2
Tuscaloosa( !L
Position Stoc)ing
Honors and
+artici,atio'% 3ac)son State 4ni*ersity( #S
Perfect !ttendance 0$%&'2
Paul w Bryant High School
Honor 5oll 0$%&'2
-e.ere'ces !*ailable upon re6uest

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