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Congressman Ron Paul Monday morning Dear Fellow American: Za You may not have much time left. Next year, or next month, the New Money could wipe destroy everything you've worked and saved for--end leav fomily destitute. It could happen any time. And_1 don't mind telling scared, For myself, for my family, fer my friends, for my: asuntry. this century. This one could take 1 And cake, with a big Surprise!, a Picture this: your feet are aching, your back is sore, your patience ran out about two hours ago. How dare thes: pureaucrats treat you like this? Hew dare they make you ' this line, this incredibly tedious line, to turn in your greonbacks? ‘then, when it's finally your turn, it's not tedious after all. ry r, and "explanation." From his tone and by ou expect the Miranda warning next. While muggers, robbers, and rapists run free on the streets ‘the power of the state is focused on you. And no wonder. You'ze a suspicious character. You've alway: kept seme emergency cash. And now you're in trouble...because you tried to take care of yourself and your family, because you saved and planned ahead. when President Bush announced the New Money during a Waz-on Drugs speech, fev realized what it meant, or just now bad it would be--for innocent Americans, not drug dealers. Turning in 411 your old money £or a new currency wasn't so bad. They'd 4 it often encugh in Latin America, after all. A But ag someone with more cash than the secret federal. ceiling allows, you're treated like a possible drug dealer or a tax evader. Who else deals in cash? you're not arzegted, though) the tex man weuldl glass to elap the cuffs on you xight now. No) he jusy Marlee to clap tne, horrifying ordeal at his disposal: the new & Suspicious Gash Audit-and moves on to the next victim: Months later, after the tex police have put you and ¢ sdpect ce your Life through tha weinger, youll vite you'd us your old Federal Reserve Notes for Wallpaper, OF flushed th down the toilet. tt will be that bad. And it will only be the beginning: be a mark in this federal scam. Gente avelcoibe|aiepetuosey won! ci veut! St asia ie ee ber: sor euat, surviving the New Money? Tt normally costs $50, NEY girs tusey Fe to you, at absolutely no) charge: But you don't need to First the feds claimed the New Money was an anti- but that lame excuse, in & time of counterfeiting measure. eee eeing counterEaiting (non-Fed, of course), want down the memory hole. qj it doesn't exist--they claim 1 Now--unen ngt pretendin a drug dealers, But j New Money will nab money launderexs 57 as before, they're lyin hot that they don't pursue criminals, but we've their real targets, The politicians and bureaverats want to tax and control cere thair hearts’ coftent--if they, can bé) saic to) Nevo Desaiags Gna the New Money will make this possible enenber that money laundering--despite its evil ring--has naching to ao with taxation or rugs: Tt de) the epsie Of aaa Seeertun after-tax, honestly earned cash without flora poe Sovernmant forn, And the banks are ordered by the controller of Speebureency to repart customers who displey the Oxwe)tian ane Sorion Gf 'geluctance” at filling out a Treasury CIR (currency transaction report) The feds sce us as rats in a maze. And they want to own the maze. ey patt of this scheme. 1 uncovered the New Money plans during my last term U.S. Congress, and I held the ugly new bills in my hands tell you--they made_my skin crawl! nted pink and blue and brown, and bl ffraction gratings, metal and pla! gegree,* te allow the feds to keep track of American cash, and Anierican citizens. As one federal scicntist confirmed to me, these bills can He computer imprinted and read, to lay a paper trail hundreds of transactions ong. Who uses them,when, and where. ‘The caggents--chemical “alarms--wil? set off federal casn2deeaetion fachines at airports and anyplace else they choose. and these are other swindles involved as well. Thank goodness, a patriotic American within the Federal Reserve teld-me about this financial-Manhatten Project. But this ‘time, the government wants to drop the bomb on us ae” To manufacture tho Nev Money, the feds have built a colossal blockhouse in Ft. Worth, Texas, as ugly as ft is evil. Designed in Stalin-style, guarded by KCB-level security, and £0l1 of three-color printing pre: and spy device embedders, it belongs in Moscow, not Texas Stage One of the New Money--micreprinting and a polyestar thread--was meant to lull us to sleep, before the knife fell, But the bureaucrats’ scheme went awry when the old Bureau af Engraving and Printing plant in Washington, D couldn't handle the new technology. They've fixed that now, and Stage Two will chill your bleeds The Now Money will steal our freedom and our prosperity; it will accelerate the transfer wealth and power fram the people to the government and ite friends, No wonder the Establishment ig cheering. And ex-Treasury Secretary Don Regan is the head cheerleader. Regan, who was also White House chief of staff and president of Merrill Lynch, is the personification of special-interest government. When I fought him on the U.S. Gold Commission, he was as nasty a statist as 1 encountered in Washington. A man who hates hard money and our Constitution, and lusts after power. How appropriate that they chose Regan as the ¢ront man for the mest vicious currency switch possible, including a "National Finance Guard" to enforce the New Money and destroy our privacy. The Romanians get rid of Ceaucescu’s Securitate, and we get the wash police the government loves war because it can commandeer more power over the people, and the War on Drugs is no exception. Tha feds want to eliminate our privacy and our independence, so they cen track and tax every dime we earn, save, and spend.

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