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The prevailing winds in Brunei Darussalam have diurnal and seasonal variations. Generally weak winds
from the land prevail in the morning and a progressively increasing wind from the sea in the afternoon.
The seasonal variation is mainly reflected in wind direction and strength. Onshore, the Northeast
Monsoon has the highest percentage of strong winds in the 4-8 m/s category. The most common wind
direction (but generally weak) onshore is from the south.

The diurnal winds are caused by temperature differences between the land and the sea.

The strongest winds are usually recorded during squalls, which are often accompanied by
thunderstorms and heavy rains. They are the result of convergence and intense convection and often
appear as linear features or "line squalls" during the Southwest Monsoon. Squalls traverse
northeastwards with the prevailing upper (steering) level wind. They may cause destruction to
structures and, in some cases, affect offshore and nearshore operations. A typical squall lasts only one
or two hours. Wind speeds can reach up to 25-30 m/s.

Tropical cyclones in the West Pacific are common during the Southwest Monsoon. With increasing
maximum wind speeds near the centres these develop from tropical depression to tropical storms and

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