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John M.

Conklin, Chief of Police

Brea Police Department
One Ci vi c Cent er Ci rcl e, Brea, CA, 92821 (714) 990-7626
Todays Date: May 13, 2014 Time
2:00 PM Release Autori!ed
"t# Darrin De$ereu%
Date o&
May (, 2014
)out Brea *+itin 1,2 mile o& Brea Bl and 'mperial -i.+ay/
Type o& 0rime or
'ndecent 1%posure
'2D1012T 13P4)5R1 )5)P10T )456-T
The Brea Police Deart!ent i" "ee#in$ in%or!ation to hel cat&re an in'ecent
e(o"&re "&"ect) *ince +arch o% thi" ,ear there have -een three in"tance" that
inve"ti$ator" -elieve are relate') The !o"t recent .a" on +a, 8, 2014) All three
ca"e" occ&rre' on cit, "treet" .ithin a / !ile o% the inter"ection o% Brea Blv' an'
0!erial 1i$h.a,)
0n all three ca"e" the !ale "&"ect &lle' hi" vehicle alon$"i'e the c&r- an' a"#e' a
%e!ale chil' %or 'irection") 2hen the chil' aroache' the oen vehicle .in'o., the
"&"ect e(o"e' hi!"el%) The "&"ect i" 'e"cri-e' a" a .hite or 1i"anic !ale, 20 to
40 ,ear" o% a$e, clean "haven, .ith "hort 'ar# hair) 1e .a" 'rivin$ a 'ar# "ilver or
$re, "e'an)
All o% the"e cri!e" occ&rre' on .ee#'a,", -et.een 3430 an' 5400 P+) All o% the
victi!" .ere %e!ale" a$e" 11 or 12, .ho .ere -, the!"elve")
The Brea Police Deart!ent .o&l' li#e arent" to re!in' their chil'ren a-o&t .hat to
'o i% %ace' .ith "i!ilar "it&ation" (r&n, ,ell %or hel, "ee# o&t a tr&"te' a'&lt)) 0n all
three o% the"e ca"e" the $irl" i!!e'iatel, ran %ro! the area) Parent" are &r$e' to
6or a''itional in%or!ation contact 7t) Darrin Devere&( (714) 990-7748
or a%ter ho&r", call the on-'&t, 2atch Co!!an'er at (714) 990-7624)

City of Brea Police Services News Bulletin 2
'i"c&"" "o!e o% the lo," re'ator" !a, &"e to atte!t to l&re the! to their car (nee'
%or 'irection", can',, %in' a lo"t &,, etc))
+e!-er" o% the &-lic are a"#e' to i!!e'iatel, call 911 i% the, -elieve the, "ee
"&"icio&" activit, occ&rrin$) The inve"ti$ation i" on$oin$) An,one .ith in%or!ation i"
enco&ra$e' to contact 4ran.e 0ounty 0rime )toppers at 17(887T'P7400))

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