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30 Anhang B, Kapitel 1: Modulhandbuch M. Eng.

Modul 17: Environmental Economics
Studiengang/course: M. Eng. Energie- und Umweltmanagement / M. Eng.
Energy and Environmental Management
Modulbezeichnung / module
Environmental Economics
ggf. Krzel / abbreviation
ggf. Untertitel / subtitle
ggf. Lehrveranstaltungen /
Environmental Economics I, Environmental Economics II
Semester / semester: 1
Modulverantwortliche(r) /
person in charge of module:
Dipl.-Volksw. Julia Schirrmacher
Dozent(in) / person teaching
the seminar:
Dipl.-Volksw. Julia Schirrmacher
Sprache / language: English
Zuordnung zum Curriculum /
attribution to courses:
M. Eng. Energie- und Umweltmanagement / M. Eng.
Energy and Environmental Management
Compulsory Course for the first semester M. Eng. Energy
and Environmental Management
Lehrform / SWS / form of
seminar / teaching hours per
Lecture / 4
Arbeitsaufwand / student
60 hours of teaching
90 hours of student work
Kreditpunkte / credit points: 5
Voraussetzungen /
Admission to the M. Eng. Energy and Environmental
Basic knowledge in Economics (especially Microeconomics)
Lernziele / Kompetenzen /
aims of the module /
The course covers a broad range of interactions between
the environment and economics and issues of sustainable
development. Students will learn different methodologies
to analyse ecological and economic influences on the
environment, different approaches on valuing the
environment and the resulting problems . Students will
become acquainted with different economic instruments to
deal with external effects on the environment and its
resources and they will be able to examine the
effectiveness and efficiency of these instruments.
Competencies covered:
ability to solve problems
target-oriented action
specific knowledge in environmental economics
interdisciplinary in-depth knowledge
subject-specific in-depth knowledge
economic competence
ecological competence
methodological competence
social and ethical responsibility
self organisation and teamwork
project organising skills
conflict solving skills
interdisciplinary communication
Anhang B, Kapitel 1: Modulhandbuch M. Eng. EUM 31

analytical thinking
Inhalt / subjects covered: The following topics will be covered in the module:
Origins of the Sustainability Problem
Concepts of Sustainability
Ethics and the Environment
- naturalist vs. humanist moral philosophies
- Utilitarianism
- Rawls Theory of Justice
Welfare Economics of the Environment
- Efficiency, Optimality and Equity
- Allocation in Market Economies
- Market Failure and the Environment
Environmental Pollution: External Effects
- Targets and Instruments
- Public Goods and Common Resources
Valuing the Environment
- Concepts
- Methods
Natural Resource Economics
- Efficient and Optimal Use of Natural Resources
- Non-Renewable Extraction
- Renewable Resources Extraction
- Stock Pollution Problems
International Dimension of Environmental Problems
Studien- Prfungsleistungen
/ form of examination:
Oral presentation of the results of the different teams in
the seminar and a final written report by each team
Medienformen / media used: Group work and lectures with beamer based presentations
Literatur / basic literature for
the module:
Hussen, A. M. (2000): Principles of Environmental
Economics Economics, Ecology and Public Policy,
Kolstad, C. D. (2000): Environmental Economics,
New York.
Parkin, M.; Powell, M.; Matthews, K. (2005):
Economics, (insbes. Part 4: Government in the
Economy), Essex.
Perman, R.; Yue Ma; McGilvray, J. and Common, M.
(2003), Natural Resource and Environmental
Economics, 3
. Edition, Essex, UK.
Siebert, H. (1998): Economics of the Environment,
Ed., Berlin.
Tietenberg, T. (2009): Environmental and Resource
Economics, 8
Edition, Boston.

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