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Educational Management Internships

Department of Education
_Carrie Jacobs___________ ____Hampton University________________
Intern Name College/University, School, Organization, Agency
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Strayer University
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Tuesday 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. 1) Training on the Financial Aid Process
a. Private loans
b. ilitary loans
c. Federal !overnment "oads
d. a#ing cash payments
e. $sing %&' (ebsite thru 'epartment o) *ducation
Thursday + p.m. , p.m. -) Participated in .orth /aleigh Advisory %ouncil eeting
ccomplishments * #no+ledge and S)ills De,eloped
0e!er to 123periences 4-ring Internship56
Listed below is a brief summary on what I had learned this week:
This week I spent three hours working with the Business Office to learn more on how Strayer
processed their student loans. Once students have been approved as a student at Strayer they are strongly
encouraged to complete their !S! loan. Students pay for tuition three ways such as "#$ they pay cash
"%$ they apply for student loans and "&$ they pay by using their military benefits "''%#($ whereby they
complete a )O* application.
+any students at this campus apply for student aid through !S! which they complete online
and submit for an immediate response. Strayer ,niversity business manager can review all reports online
through -O' "-ommon Organi.ation and 'isbursement /ebsite from 'epartment of 0ducation$. It was
e1plained to me that students often become e1cited and forget to sign their promissory note which
prevents them from starting classes right away2 therefore3 this office will notify the students by phone as a
friendly reminder so their loan paperwork can be processed right away.
4rior to reporting to class3 all students have to complete a financial worksheet and receive
counseling so they can be fully aware of the funds they are borrowing and the monthly payments which
they are obligated to pay at the end. It appears that once the process is clearly e1plained students will be
reluctant to borrow over the amount of money that is needed to pay for tuition. !lso3 students understand
that if they are not enrolled in any school after borrowing the funds they must start paying back the
student loan after si1 months.
*e1t3 I met with the -ampus 'ean since she oversees this office. She manages the financial
office3 recruitment center3 and works closely with the dean5s office. 6owever3 her role is strictly to
recruit students. This person travels to different businesses within the area to discuss what Strayer has to
offer and invite their employees to come by and speak with a representative. This manager supervises
two branch offices and is definitely a people person.
On Thursday3 +ay 73 %8#( I was asked by the 'ean to attend the *orth 9aleigh Student !dvisory
Board +eeting. Based on my observation the purpose of this meeting was to prepare an agenda for the
fall session. Two ma:or ob:ectives for the today5s meeting pertained to creating a plan to recruit more
members3 plan an agenda to bring in guest speakers each month3 plan ;uarterly fun activities for the
students3 etc. In summary3 this board was very organi.ed and they advocated for the current student body
by serving as an active voice.
Student !dvisory Board

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