Employee Handbook - Revised 012814

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Revised 1/28/14 1

Employee Handbook Employee Handbook Employee Handbook Employee Handbook

Revised 1/28/14 2
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 3
PHILOSOPHY AND MISSION STATEMENT.................................................... 3
HIRING PROCESS................................................................................................ 4
PAYROLL AND BENEFITS.................................................................................. 5
REQUIRED FORMS FOR EMPLOYMENT ......................................................... 7
PERSONNEL PRACTICES................................................................................... 8
CHILD ATTENDANCE......................................................................................... 15
MEALS AND NUTRITION.................................................................................. 17
HEALTH AND SAFTETY.................................................................................... 18
CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT......................................................................... 23
CURRICULUM AND PROGRAMMING ............................................................ 23
GUIDANCE............................................................................................................ 26
FIELD TRIPS.........................................................................................................27
OUTDOOR PLAY ................................................................................................. 28
CHILD INTERACTIONS...................................................................................... 28
PARENT INTERACTIONS.................................................................................. 29
STAFF INTERACTION........................................................................................ 31
PETS...................................................................................................................... 32

Revised 1/28/14 3
Academy for Little Learners, Inc. realizes that we can create the perfect facility and
plan a great program and curriculum, but we are nothing without great staff. We look
forward to establishing a positive working relationship as we are all here to play a vital
role in the lives of children and their families.

Please review the following information on our policies, procedures and philosophy.
Communication will be a key factor in creating a team atmosphere, so please ask any
questions you may have, both now and in the future.

Academy for Little Learners accepts each child, family and staff member regardless
of race, national origin, sex, creed, political persuasion, ancestry or handicapping

Our Center is licensed by the State of Wisconsin Department of Health and Family
Services a Division of Children and Family Services. We are licensed to care for 168
children at our 9649 Silicon Prairie Parkway location and 92 children at our 9601
Silicon Prairie Parkway location. Childrens ages range between six weeks and twelve

Academy for Little Learners is a corporation owned by Amy and Dennis Crooks.
Amy is also the director and is responsible for the overall running of the Center, as
well as for ensuring compliance with all State agencies and completion of paperwork
for operations.

A handbook containing the regulations we are required to meet is available in the
office. We require all staff to be familiar with the standards we are required to fulfill
as many of our policies and procedures are in accordance with these guidelines.

Our mission to our children and parents is to provide a unique childcare experience.
Our curriculum and programming encompass social, physical, emotional, and
educational needs in an all inclusive setting. We want families of the Academy for
Little Learners experience to be one that enhances both parent's and child's lives

The early childhood years reveal milestones on an almost daily basis and Academy
for Little Learners will help to maximize these moments by presenting a well developed
curriculum in accordance with Madison Metropolitan School District requirements for
kindergarten admittance, providing extracurricular activities that nurture the whole
child, and by hiring and retaining quality staff that have a commitment to the
development of children.
Revised 1/28/14 4
Academy for Little Learners is an equal opportunity employer.

As of January 1996, Wisconsin licensed centers are required to obtain the result of
criminal record searches for employees. All staff will be subjected to this review and the
results of the traces are on file in the office prior to the first day of work.

Center staff shall contact Center administration as soon as possible, but no later than
the person's next working day when any of the following occurs:
1. You have been convicted of a crime;
2. You have been or are being investigated by law enforcement or any
government agency for any act of offense or omission, including an
investigation related to the abuse or neglect or threat of abuse or neglect to a
3. There has been finding substantiated against you of abuse or neglect

Academy for Little Learners is required to report any of the above situations as it
relates to them to State Licensing as soon as possible, but no later than the person's
next working day.

To start the hiring process potential new hires must fill out an Application for
Employment and submit it to the Assistant Director or Director. After the application
has been reviewed and it is determined that you meet the qualifications for the
position for which you are applying an interview will be scheduled.

The interview will consist of questions with the Director and/or Assistant Director as
well as time for a brief lesson in the classroom.

You will be notified after the Director and Assistant Director have conferred as to the
status of your employment at Academy for Little Learners.

If you have been selected for a position a time will be scheduled to meet to receive
required paperwork and orientation training, establish a schedule and start date.

Orientation must be completed prior to first day of employment. Center
administration is responsible for completing orientations and will follow the State
Licensing Orientation form.

There will be a three month probationary and training period to determine if the
employee meets the expectations of the Center and job duties. Employee may be
dismissed at any point during the probationary period if employer determines that job
performance does not meet expectations.
Revised 1/28/14 5

Probationary status may be extended for up to two months with written notice, as to
evaluate performance as well as objectives to meet expectations.

If employee terminates her or his employment with the Academy prior the end of his or
her probationary period, the employee will be responsible to reimburse all initial costs of
employment, including but not limited to the costs associated with the Registry,
CPR, out of state background checks, and driving records.

At the end of the probationary period employee will receive a written performance
evaluation that will then be continued on a yearly basis. Feedback will be given more
informally throughout the year. There are also always opportunities for both
supervisor and employee to request a more formal meeting between the yearly

As indicated above, employee evaluations will be done on an annual basis. Raises are
given at the beginning of the year, as appropriate, and are based upon merit.

Payroll is paid on a bi-weekly basis. Timesheets are to be filled out and turned in to
supervisor for signature by 12:00pm Monday to be processed by Tuesday of said week.
Time sheets must be signed and hours tallied accurately or they shall be returned to
employee for revising thus delaying the payment process. Employees that use
vacation time on weeks with staff meetings shall only claim the remaining hours of
vacation time after the staff meeting hours are added. Employees may not claim any
time that they arrived prior to their scheduled start time unless previously approved by
a member of Administration. All payments will be directly deposited in to your
account. At the time of hire you will need to provide us with a blank check as well as a
completed I-9 and W-4 form to ensure paperwork is set up with the accountant's office
so you receive your first check without delay.

All holidays the Center is closed are paid vacation days for full time employees. In
addition to these days, full time employees will also receive vacation time based upon
the length of employment. Part-time employees will not receive paid vacation.

1. Up to end of second year 5 days/year
2. Three to end of fifth year 10 days/year
3. Six to end of tenth year 15 days/year
4. Eleven to end of fifteenth year 20 days/year
5. Sixteen years and above 25 days/year

Revised 1/28/14 6
If employee terminates at will or is dismissed for cause, vacation time that is paid in
advance but not earned will be deducted from your final paycheck. Vacation/personal
leave is accrued on each paycheck and will be used to determine time used versus time

Full-time employees are also eligible for health care benefits. Administration will
review options on an individual basis at the time of hire.

Time off and Vacation days must be requested in advance. Time-off request forms
are located in the office. After review, and if approved, these dates will be placed in the
staff log book to keep co-workers aware of staffing.
Below are some of the guidelines used by Administration when approving time off,
and suggestions for Employees when requesting time off/vacation:
1.) 2 teachers from the same classroom CANNOT be off at the same time
2.) Time-Off requests must be submitted 2 weeks in advance
3.) Only 2 teachers off at one time
4.) 20 hours of unpaid time may be used within an anniversary year for full-time
5.) 10 hours of unpaid time may be used within an anniversary year for part-time
6.) A binder will be kept on the front desk so teachers can see who else asked off for the
same day
7.) Time-off request sheets will also have a place for Office Use Only which will
contain the following information:
*Not Approved
*How it will be covered
8.) Teachers must indicate whether they intend to use paid time or unpaid time off
9.) Once approval has been given your name will be added to the calendar for days
10.) Time off requests will be processed and approved according to need & frequency of
11.) We will do our best to respond within a week of requests being submitted
Revised 1/28/14 7
12.) Please check-in with us!!!
13.) Priority is given to paid time off requests
14.) Forms need to be completely filled out or they will be returned and processing will
be put on hold
15.) Office will keep track of unpaid time off usage
16.) No time-off requests for doctors appointments, or other like appointments, will be
covered on a Monday or Thursday morning
17.) No time off will be granted before or after a holiday weekend
18.) Please use prudence when scheduling appointments and make them during break
19.) No time off will be granted if your class is going on a field trip (If you are
requesting time off during your teaching week, make sure your sub and co-teacher
know what the plan for activities for the day are.)
20.) There will be close-out weeks through out the year that NO time off requests will
be granted (first week in January, the first week of summer break, before or after all
holidays, the last week of summer, week around Labor Day, and the week before winter
The following forms must be completed and on file prior to start date:
1. Application Form (Academy for Little Learners)
2. Staff Health Form (State Licensing)
3. Staff Record Form (State Licensing)
4. Documentation of Continuing Education(State Licensing)
5. Documentation of SIDS and SBS Training
6. Documentation of CPR Training
7. Driving Record
8. Background Disclosure Form(State Licensing)
9. Result of background Check
10. Documentation of Child Care Experience
11. Documentation of Orientation(State Licensing)
12. Documentation of Education Qualifications
13. Registry Certificate
14. W-4 Form
15. Contract
16. I-9 Form

Revised 1/28/14 8

Monday through Friday twelve months a year
6:30 AM-6:00 PM


Academy for Little Learners will be closed New Years Eve, New Years Day,
Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, the day after
Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the week between
Christmas and New Years. If a holiday falls on a Saturday the Center will be
closed the preceding Friday. If a holiday falls on a Sunday the Center will be
closed the following Monday.


For the safety of children, parents and staff we will follow the Madison
Metropolitan School District's snow day policy. Therefore, if MMSD cancels
school due to snow or other inclement weather the Academy will also be closed.
However, if MMSD is closed due to sub sub sub sub- -- -zero temperatures zero temperatures zero temperatures zero temperatures only only only only the Academy
for Little Learners will be OPEN. Cancellations are posted on all local area
television networks and listed on local area radio stations. Please ask a
member of Administration if you ever have a question about this policy.


Your work schedule will be developed based upon the times that children are
enrolled to ensure accurate ratios for State Licensing.

*This schedule may This schedule may This schedule may This schedule may change d change d change d change depend epend epend ependent upon child enrollment.* ent upon child enrollment.* ent upon child enrollment.* ent upon child enrollment.*

You will be given as much advance notice as is reasonably possible when your
schedule is to change. You are expected to be ready to work at the beginning of
your shift, and are expected to work until the end of your shift. Leaving early
without permission is not tolerated.


Staff files contain health reports, documentation of program orientation,
completed staff record form, transcripts, a Registry certificate, a Background
Disclosure form, results of Criminal Background checks, performance reviews,
Revised 1/28/14 9
record of continuing education, CPR certification, SIDS and SBS training
certification and completed Staff Record Form.

Assistant Director, or his or her designee, will be responsible for ensuring files
are complete and kept current. These files will be kept in the office or other
secure and locked room.


Our clients share information with us to enable us to provide better care to their
child. It is of the utmost importance that this information be kept confidential
and not discussed with, or given to, any individuals outside of Academy for
Little Learners without the express written consent from parents. Only staff
working directly with children shall have information pertaining to their files.


Administration will automatically provide basic art and equipment supplies to
all classrooms. In addition to that, each classroom may request supplies needed
which are above and beyond what the Center normally keeps in supply.

If you are aware of an upcoming project requiring additional resources, please
fill out a supply requisition form. The Director will review the request and
determine whether the request is appropriate. If approved, the center will
reimburse you after you purchase the authorized supplies. You will not be
reimbursed if the Director has not preapproved the purchase.


Staff trainings will occur on a monthly basis and will include child abuse
and neglect training and other pertinent subjects appropriate for the further
development of programming and curriculum. The staff meetings will be
directed by outside speakers, administration and teaching staff.

You will be paid for your attendance at monthly staff meetings as they are
mandatory, for both full and part time staff, and will only be excused for
extenuating circumstances. If a CPR class or other class is not during a
monthly staff meeting, you will not be paid for your time. However, you will
receive related continuing education hours.

Per State Licensing each employee is required to participate in continuing
education hours. Every staff member who works 20 hours a week or more is
required to complete 25 hours per year. Every staff member who works less
Revised 1/28/14 10
than 20 hours a week is required to complete 15 hours per year. It is your
responsibility to make sure you have taken your required continuing
education hours.


All absences, including sick days, must be approved by the Director or
Assistant Director. If for any reason you are unable to work your scheduled
shift you must notify the Assistant Director, or her designee, two (2) hours
prior to the start of your scheduled shift. If you cannot work your shift for
more then one (1) day, you must call each and every day you are unable to

If you miss more then one (1) day of scheduled work due to illness, you must
provide Administration with a doctors note.

If you do not arrive for your scheduled shift and do not call Assistant Director,
or her designee, Employee will be terminated unless Director determines that
extreme extraneous circumstances existed.


If you are a full time employee you will receive an hour unpaid break. Breaks
normally occur while children are napping in order to ensure adequate
staffing. If you are a part-time employee you will receive a fifteen minute
break for a four hour period of time.


Cell Phones:

Our cell phone policy is as follows:

While on the clock:
No texting
No answering calls
No making calls
No using your phone to check the time or the weather

In general:
No taking pictures with your cell phone, this includes children in the picture
No using your cell phone for playing music for the children
No using your cell phone to play videos for the children
Revised 1/28/14 11
No using your phone as a computer----meaning NO Snapfish, NO Weebly, NO
email, etc.

The ONLY exception:
It is expected that you take a cell phone with you when going on field trip or on a walk,
off campus, with the children. You must notify Admin which cell phone we can reach
you on

If you are expecting a call:
You may ask Admin for special permission or
Plan for it for your lunch break or after work hours

Or ONLY in the event of an EMERGENCY, direct calls to the main line number 608
826-5437 will be answered by Admin and directed your way (Be sure to let family
and friends know this is the preferred way to reach you in an emergency.)

When on your break:
It is absolutely fine to use your cell phone while on your break, but limit usage to the
break room or outside of the building. You may not use your phone in your classroom,
the hallway or in the lobby of Academy.

It is expected that ALL cell phones are turned OFF and are put away for the duration
of the time you are on the clock.

If we see cell phones out, we will take them away and issue a formal write up.


If a parent is phoning while you are with the children answer their question if
it does not require more than a minute or two. If they need longer
communication with you, please notify them that you are with the children
and that you would be happy to return their call at naptime.


Our dress code at the Academy for Little Learners is casual, but neat. Your
attire should present a professional image to parents while being comfortable so
as to allow you to interact on the children's level.

Successful people believe their success is attributable to a pattern of mutually
beneficial interpersonal relationships, as much as it is due to technical skills or
business knowledge. Your communication and the image you present create
Revised 1/28/14 12
the first impression - often the lasting impression - on the people you meet.
How you present yourself is the first step in building that mutually beneficial
network of contacts.
The overall appearance that Academy staff are expected to portray is that of a
professional teacher within a business casual environment. Even in a business
casual work environment, clothing should be pressed and never wrinkled.
Torn, dirty, or frayed clothing is unacceptable. All seams must be finished.
Any clothing that has words, terms, or pictures that may be offensive to other
employees is unacceptable. Clothing that has the company logo is encouraged.
Clothing that reveals too much cleavage, your back, your chest, your stomach
or your underwear is not appropriate for a place of business, even in a business
casual setting.

Slacks that are similar to Dockers and other makers of cotton or synthetic
material pants, wool pants, flannel pants, dressy capris, high wasted blue
jeans and nice looking dress synthetic pants are acceptable. Inappropriate
slacks or pants include sweatpants, exercise pants, short shorts, leggings, and
any spandex or other form-fitting pants such as people wear for exercising.
Pants shall cover your rear-end when standing, sitting, and bending over.
Pants shall contain no holes.

Casual shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, golf-type shirts, and turtlenecks are
acceptable attire. Inappropriate attire for work includes tank tops; midriff tops;
shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, or
slogans; halter-tops; tops with bare shoulders.
Tops shall show absolutely NO cleavage and have no holes. Tops, as with
pants, shall be long enough to cover torso and backside when standing, sitting
and bending over. Hoodies that are clean and in good condition may be worn.
No athletic sweatshirts

No slippers unless you are in the baby room

Hats are not appropriate in the office. Head Covers that are required for
religious purposes or to honor cultural tradition are allowed.

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Jewelry, makeup and perfumes should be worn in good taste. Remember that
some employees and children may be allergic to the chemicals in perfumes and
make-up, so wear these substances with restraint.
1. If questionable attire is worn in the Center, the supervisor will hold a
personal, private discussion with the employee to advise and counsel the
employee regarding the inappropriateness of the attire.
2. If an obvious policy violation occurs, supervisor will hold a private
discussion with the employee and ask the employee to go home and change
his/her attire immediately.
3. Repeated policy violations will result in disciplinary action, up to and
including termination.

There is a zero tolerance policy for employees in regarding to the consumption
of, or coming to work under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other controlled
substances while on the premise of Academy for Little Learners or while caring
for children enrolled in our program.


Smoking is not permitted on the premises of Academy for Little Learners.


1. Administrator
2. Director
3. Assistant Director
4. Administrative Assistants
5. Lead Teacher
6. Assistant Teacher
7. Nutrition Coordinator
8. Volunteers


Communication is key to having a successful experience at Academy for Little
Learners. Any question you may have is important to us so please do not hesitate to
ask them as they arise.
Revised 1/28/14 14

The purpose of this section is to encourage communication between Administration
and the Academys employees, and to ensure that concerns, problems or complaints
which arise during the course of employment can be aired. If you have a concern that
needs to be addressed, please follow this procedure:

1. The employee shall informally discuss their concerns with their immediate
supervisor in an attempt to resolve their concerns. This step is a necessary
prerequisite to an administrative review.

2. If the employee continues to feel the personnel action is unjustified, the
employee may request a review by the Director. The request must be made in
writing, within one week of receipt of the administrative review decision. The
Director shall meet individually with the supervisor and the employee to
determine the details of the personnel action. The employee and/or Assistant
Director may request an informal meeting with the Director to further discuss
and clarify the matter. At this point, after reviewing all of the evidence, the
Director will make a written decision which either confirms, modifies, or
changes the initial action within one week.

3. If employee remains unsatisfied after step 2, then employee shall request a
formal hearing with the Director and supervisor and outsourced human
resource contact. This shall be requested within one week of Directors reply in
step 2. Decision from this meeting shall render the decision in writing and it
will be final.


Staff disciplinary notifications can be done verbally and/or in writing within two
weeks of the incident. The notification is done in private and between the employee
and the person they report to. When violations are repeated the consequences become
more severe.

Verbal Warning
A supervisor may give a verbal warning for a performance, instance, or
attitude infraction. This will be discussed and staff will have the opportunity
to ask for clarification.

Written Warning
If an employee receives several warnings for the same infraction this will be
documented in writing and the employee must sign indicating knowledge of
infraction and corrective measures to be taken to remedy behavior.

Revised 1/28/14 15
Dismissal for Cause

Director or Assistant Director has the authority to dismiss an employee
immediately for cause in situations such as, but not limited to the following:

1. Striking a child;
2. Physical, verbal, emotional or sexual abuse of a child;
3. Transporting children without a valid driver's license;
4. Lying to a supervisor about a job related matter;
5. Insubordination to a supervisor in a public setting such a classroom, in
front of co-workers or parents;
6. Stealing program materials;
7. Breaching client's confidentiality;
8. Falsification of documents;
9. Gross negligence;
10. Behaviors are exhibited which have been clarified with written warning;

If an employee has been dismissed for cause they must immediately turn in
keys and vacate the facility. With advanced notice any remaining belongings
may be collected after hours when children and parents are no longer in


All employees shall give a thirty (30) day written notice of resignation. If an
employee voluntarily terminates within their probationary period, they will be
required to payback all costs paid on their behalf including, but not limited to,
out of state background checks, fingerprinting, The Registry, CPR training,
and any other training costs. These expenses will be deducted from your final


All staff shall maintain a gossip free work environment.

Each parent is required to sign their child in and out on a daily basis. This can be
done at the computers in the main entry way. At the time all forms are received,
information can be used to create an account for families and a code can be given for
the purpose of documenting children's attendance.

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Staff will also have attendance sheets in the classroom which will be printed out on a
weekly basis which show days and times of each child's attendance. You will be
responsible for signing children in and out on these sheets to keep an accurate account
of the number of children in your care at all times. Attendance sheets shall follow the
group at all times including field trips and on the playground.

We request that parents call the office if their child will not be in attendance for a
day. If they know in advance they are to let you know. If they would like to use a
credit day please ask them to notate that on the Vacation Day Sign-Up Sheet at the
front desk of either building so that Director may credit their billing account. Do not
automatically assume the use of a credit and apply only when requested.

If a child is not at the Center within two hours of his or her scheduled time, place a call
to parents work, home or cell to see if the child will be in attendance.

Staff schedules are developed based upon the schedules and times that parents sign up
for. We ask that parents be conscious of staff commitments and pick up children on
time. Habitual late pickup can result in termination of a child's enrollment.

We do understand that there will be occasions when life happens and parents will be
unable to pick up at their designated time. We ask that they notify us if they know
they are running late so that we can ensure we have the proper staffing available and
so that we can let children know parents are on their way.

In the event that a child is not picked up by the close of business hours, staff shall
contact parents to find out expected time of arrival. If staff is unable to reach any
contacts on the child's form and it have been over half an hour both the Director and
local police shall be notified.

Staff shall be informed of all persons permitted to pick children up. In the event that
an individual appears to pick up a child that staff are unfamiliar with, photo
identification shall be requested. If this person does not have the authority to take
child both Director and parent shall be notified immediately.

All staff shall be notified if there is a copy of a court order denying persons from
picking up a child. If persons that are not authorized to pick a child up appear the local
authorities and administration shall be contacted immediately.

If a parent comes to pick their child up and appears to be under the influence of alcohol
or drugs staff does not have the authority to withhold the child. Staff shall however,
notify both Director and local authorities of suspected influence.

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In the event that a child is ever missing while at the Center, immediately inform
administration and call local authorities. Administration will immediately notify
parent and State Licensing.

If a child is missing while outside of the Center follow the same procedures as above
and also work with the business where children are in attendance to coordinate places
to look for the child.

Nutritious foods are an important part of a child's early development and we at
Academy for Little Learners want to encourage that by providing breakfast, lunch
and afternoon snack to all children on table food which meet the requirements of the
Federal Food Program.

A weekly menu will be posted on the bulletin board in the main lobby area in each
building as well as in classrooms. Any substitutions made to the menu will be noted.
All children are encouraged to try the variety of foods that they are provided but are
never forced to eat food or to clean their plates. We do encourage them to try a couple of
foods offered before filling up on one component of the meal.

Staff is required to eat with children ages one and up. Meals will be served family
style in the cafeteria. Children are encouraged to serve themselves, try a variety of
foods and learn mealtime etiquette. This is a great opportunity to discuss the day's
events and stay in touch with the children.

Infants shall be fed in accordance to the intake form completed by parents.

Any child with food allergies or restrictions due to religious beliefs will be notated in
the kitchen and in all classrooms. Dietary substitutions will be notated by weekly
menus for those children with special needs.

School age children attending before and after school care will be offered breakfast
before going to school and snack when returning at the end of the school day.

Food substitutions will not be made for a child's food likes or dislikes.

In keeping with having a goal for nutritious foods we request that children not bring
gum, candy, or soda items to school. Staff is required to eat items such as this on
break times away from the sight of children. If you need to have a soda throughout
the day it must be placed in a cup holder such that the can is not visible to children.
Water bottles are acceptable.

Revised 1/28/14 18
Breakfast, lunch and snack will be served at staggered times so please review your
classrooms schedule to see times.

Food, formula and breast milk for infants and toddlers are to be provided by parents.

Food is never withheld as a form of punishment.

Ensuring a child is safe and healthy while at the Academy for Little Learners is our
highest priority as any other type of learning cannot be fostered without first having
an environment that allows parents, children and staff to be confident that these
needs are being met. There are many ways to provide and promote these needs and we
need to be aware of signs and symptoms of illness to achieve this.

REST TIME: All children under the age of 5 are required to rest. Any child who does
not sleep after 30 minutes or who wakes up after 30 minutes will be given quiet
activities to work on while others are resting.

The Center will provide cots and cribs and ask that parents provide a sleeping bag,
special blanket or sleeping friend which will be inviting to a child for a secure resting
time. These items should be labeled and will be sent home on a weekly basis to be
washed in accordance with State Licensing.

ILLNESS: For the health of everyone in attendance at the Center we require that a
child be kept home if he/she is showing any of the following symptoms: fever (over
101 degrees), vomiting, unknown rash, sore throat, inflammation of the eyes,
diarrhea, or is not up to participating in daily school activities.

A child can return 24 hours after a fever has broke or the last sign of vomiting or
diarrhea. If they have seen a physician, met criteria on the Department of Public
Health Communicable Disease Chart or if they have been on medication for 24 hours
for an illness he/she may return. Parents are required to notify us of any
communicable disease a child may have so that we can post this information for other
parents (child's name is not attached to this posting). In some instances these
diseases must be reported to the Public Health Department.

If a child becomes ill while at school remove him/her from the classroom and contact
his or her parent. For the safety of the child, parents will be required to pick up within
an hour.

All children are required to participate in outdoor activities. If they are not well enough
to go outside, they should not be in attendance.
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MEDICAL LOG BOOK: Each classroom will contain a bound book which will
document any injury or evidence of unusual bruises, contusions, lacerations or burns
received by a child in or out of the facility. Upon arrival at the Center each staff
member shall observe children for symptoms of illness and injury.

This book shall be reviewed every six months by Director or his or her designee.

POISONING: Suspected poisoning shall only be treated after consultation with a
poison control center.


1. Bodily secretions such as runny nose, eye drainage and coughed-up matter
shall be wiped with a disposable tissue, used once and placed in a plastic-lined
2. Bodily secretions on surfaces shall be washed with soap and water and
disinfected with a bleach solution made fresh daily;
3. Children shall be protected from sunburn with protective clothing and/or
parent provided and labeled sunscreen;
4. Children shall be clothed to assure body warmth and comfort;
5. All toys and equipment shall be sanitized on a weekly basis unless it is in
direct contact with bodily fluids and then it shall be sanitized immediately;
daily in infant and toddler rooms;
6. Facility shall on a daily basis be made free of dirt, debris, and clutter;
7. Staff are responsible for cleaning if a sensory or art activity leaves a space

CHILD HEALTH CONCERNS: At the time of enrollment for a child all health
concerns or allergies will be posted in the office so that all staff are aware of the
children in the Center and his/her individual needs. It is the responsibility of all
teachers to understand the health, allergy and medication particulars of every child in
their charge.

At the time a child is transferred into the next classroom the current teacher and
upcoming teacher shall meet to discuss the needs and developmental level of each child
to ensure a continued forward progression of learning and safety.

MEDICATION: If a child requires medication while at the Center, parents must bring
it in its original container labeled with the child's name, dosage, directions for
administering medication, name of drug, date and physician. An Authorization to
Administer Medication form must also be filled out (State Licensing). These forms
can be found in each classroom. Parents are to give both the medication and form to
you. It must then be placed in the designated box in the classroom which is up and out
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of reach of all children. After medication has been given the dosage, time, date,
medication type and initials of person administering the medication must be made
in the medical log book.

INJURIES: If a child receives a minor injury while at the Center a note is to be sent
home explaining the injury as well as what treatment was given. This would consist
of cleaning a scrape, applying a band-aid or ice.

If a child receives a major injury such as loss of consciousness or failure to breath,
phone emergency services immediately. Children shall be transported to University
Hospital in the event of a life threatening emergency. Parent is to be contacted
immediately in the event of such an injury.

If you are unclear as to how to treat an injury ask Director or contact parent
immediately to get advice on treatment.

All injuries will be documented in bound medical log books stating what occurred,
location and description of the injury, what was done to alleviate injury and initials
of staff person.

If the injury requires professional medical intervention, staff must complete an
Incident Report form. The form may be obtained from Administration and must be
sent to the Department of Health Services within 48 hours of the incident.

SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME: All staff participates in training to reduce
the risk of SIDS and SBS. All infants will be laid to sleep on their backs with their
feet at the end of the crib. There are no fluffy blankets or stuffed animals allowed in

SPECIAL NEEDS/SPECIAL HEALTH NEEDS: If a child in your classroom has
special health needs and/or other special needs, you should inform other staff
members, as necessary, of such special needs. However, please keep in mind that the
childs privacy and confidentiality are of primary importance and that only staff
members interacting with the child need to know such information.

Also, if you have a child with special needs in your classroom, the plan to meet such
needs shall be dependent upon an individualized plan created utilizing other
professionals, the childs parents/guardians, administration members, and other
teachers. If the child is in the Middleton Cross Plains School District, the child may
be eligible for additional services through the School District.

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HAND WASHING: Hand washing is to occur in all of the following circumstances:

1. Before eating or handling food;
2. Before and after diapering;
3. After handling or cleaning bodily fluids (wiping noses, treating cuts or sore);
4. After using the toilet;
5. After handling or feeding pets;

Hands shall be washed for 10 seconds before rinsing, drying with paper towel and
turning off faucet with paper towel.

UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS: The following are examples of when universal
precautions shall be taken:

1. Discharge from a bloody nose;
2. Assisting children or staff who have cuts or scrapes that bleed;
3. Cleaning up blood spills on floor, counter or equipment;
4. Changing diapers that may have blood in the stool or urine;
5. Receiving a bite or other injury from a child which causes bleeding;
6. Cleaning up vomit;
7. Cleaning up urine;

Single use disposable gloves shall be worn if there is contact with blood-containing
body fluids or tissue discharge. Use disposable cleaning items when cleaning any of
the above listed items.

Have a disposable bag available and place all items used into bag, remove gloves and
place in bag, do not place bag in trash container in classrooms, but dispose of in
dumpster and then proceed to wash hands with soap and water.

DIAPERING: Children in diapers mush be changed at a maximum of every two hours
and sooner if wet or soiled. Staff must wash hands both prior to and after diapering
as well as washing child's hands (infants and toddlers included) after changing.

Changing area is to be cleaned after every use first with soap and water and then with
chlorine bleach solution made fresh daily.

Disposable gloves shall be used in the event of a bowel movement. All disposable gloves
and diapers must be placed in a separate plastic-lined food activated covered container
immediately. This shall be removed twice daily and the trashcan will be disinfected.

TRANSPORTATION: A binder shall be kept in each of the centers vehicles. The
binder shall include a copy of each and every passengers Transportation Permission
Revised 1/28/14 22
form which includes, but is not limited to, the childs emergency contact information,
the name of his or her physician or medical facility, and authorization for emergency
treatment. The driver of the vehicle is responsible to confirm that each child riding in
his or her vehicle has a Transportation Permission form on file in the binder.

All classrooms practice monthly fire drills and tornado evacuations. These times and
dates are documented and posted in the office. All routes of access are printed and
posted in each area of the facility. Alarms and exit signage is tested on a weekly basis
and is also documented in the office.

All staff has yearly training on the use of fire extinguishers. Extinguishers are
checked annually and the facility is open to inspections from City of Madison fire

In the event of a fire or tornado teacher's' main focus and responsibility is to ensure
that all children are accounted for and are led to safety. Be calm as children will be
looking to you for guidance and assurance.

Before exiting the classroom ensure that you have all the children designated to your
care, take emergency bag with contact information, close doors in classroom and
evacuate via nearest exit.

Infant teachers shall place infants in cribs and wheel children to safety.

The facility temperature may not be below 67 degrees or above 80 degrees. In the event
there is a loss of heat, air conditioning, electric, phone, or water, Director shall be
notified immediately to contact service providers. If for any reason a loss of heat, air
conditioning, power or water occurs for an extended period of time, you will be notified
by Director as to what you should do. This may include, but is not limited to, the

1. Administration will arrange for use of another appropriate facility for the
duration of the outage; and/or
2. Administration will have parents/guardians keep their child at home until
such outage ends.

All outside doors at the Academy should remain locked at all times. The main lobby
doors in each building have a biometric fingerprint reader which requires a
fingerprint and/or series of pass-codes to enter the building. All individuals who are
not in the centers system must ring a doorbell to gain access to the building. No
staff should allow an individual not in the computer system access to the facility
until the person is authorized by Administration.
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If at anytime there is a security threat, the center shall be put on lockdown, and the
following steps shall be taken:

1. Administration shall announce the lockdown.
2. All teachers and children shall go to their assigned room.
3. All doors shall be locked and blinds shall be lowered.
4. Children are not allowed out of their rooms until such time as
Administration declares the lockdown over.
5. If the lockdown occurs during a meal or snack, the meal or snack will be
served in the classrooms.

In the event there is an emergency Director shall be the first line of contact. If the
Director is unavailable there are additional persons available within five minutes to
assist with situations. These persons are listed on the emergency phone number list
posted by all phones.
Academy for Little Learners staff are mandated child abuse and neglect reporters. All
staff will have annual training on identifying signs of abuse and neglect and how
to proceed if abuse is suspected.

Any injuries or comments regarding injuries will be documented in the bound
medical log book. If you notice a pattern in injuries, hear a child make a comment, or
witness any action indicating abuse or neglect you shall immediately contact the
county department of social services or human services or local law enforcement

The telephone number for Dane County Child Protective Services is on the Emergency
Contact numbers list next to every telephone. If a different phone number is needed,
such as a different countys number for child protective services, an administrative
staff member will help you obtain the correct telephone number.

Please notify the Center Administrator of the report being made as soon as possible so
Administrator will be prepared for a subsequent investigation and the possibility of
hostile parents/guardians.
Our curriculum is based upon the Wisconsin Early Learning Standards and the
kindergarten admittance requirements for the Madison Metropolitan School District.
These items were taken into consideration to establish a set of individual classroom
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goals. These goals allow for a flow of learning from one classroom to the next so that
skills acquired will facilitate progressive growth into the public school system.

Classroom goals and guidelines for child evaluations will come as a separate
attachment in your orientation information.

Within our curriculum you will be required to create weekly lesson plans that
incorporate the skills needed to progress to the next classroom. Children will gain
experiences with math, pre-reading skills, science, gross motor, small motor,
computers, language, art, and sensory stimulation. We also promote creative
expression, responsibility, safety, independence, decision making and social

Children are required to be given opportunities for growth in the above stated areas in
relationship to the classroom goals but, you have flexibility in how you present it to
them. Teachers are not required to follow any specific teaching curriculum
(High/Scope. Reggio, etc.) but are encouraged to present information in your
classroom in a way that you are most passionate about. This will also allow for easier
incorporation of future learning methods you may discover during continuing
education classes.

Every child is unique; therefore, each child is encouraged to develop at their own pace.
Recognize that a child may excel in some areas, need to be challenged in others, or be
given additional opportunities to grow in still others. Children are provided all
activities in a center format which allows them to proceed through areas on a daily or
weekly basis at their own pace.

Free play time is provided everyday to encourage creative thinking, social interaction,
independence, and responsibility for personal choices.

Teachers are required to present activities that have a respect for cultural diversity.
Materials for the Center shall be purchased which reflect a variety of races, disabilities,
family make ups and creeds. At no point shall any teacher incorporate their own views
in politics or religion into programming (includes both children and parents).

Infant and toddler teachers will be required to review the Intake for Children Under
Two Years' forms provided by parents to help create daily programming. Children
shall follow schedules established at home to further consistency.

Infants shall be moved frequently during the day to promote eye hand coordination,
large and small muscle development, and sensory skills. Staff is required to be on the
children's level and to provide comfort whenever needed to create a strong bond between
child and caregiver. Music and reading shall be presented on a daily basis.
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Toddlers shall be encouraged to build social relations, but given modeling on ways of
positive expression, both verbally and non-verbally, given opportunities to continue
development in body movement, and exploration of objects. School age children shall
be given activities which allow for a continuation of higher learning. During the
school year children shall be given opportunities to complete homework with the
direction and guidance of staff, be outside for large motor activities, art, games,
puzzles, and small manipulatives.

During summer programming teachers will present a calendar outlining all field
trips and options for themes children can participate in. The children shall have input
regarding learning experiences to encourage active participation.

Religious training shall not be presented at any time within the Academy for Little
Learners curriculum.

Holiday celebrations will only be discussed if all traditions are given shared time for
exploration and will not go into religious beliefs.

Early morning and late afternoon programming will be based upon child enrollment
and will change based upon the needs of the ages of children present during these
times. All staff will be noticed of this process and if a change is being made.

Teachers will be required to document each individual child's progression. This
information will be kept in individual files in the classroom and the information will
be shared with parents twice yearly to inform them of their child's areas of growth and

For consistency in following a child's growth from classroom to classroom and for
ease of parents understanding of what is being evaluated, all staff will use a
combination of High/Scope key experiences and classroom goals to monitor growth.

In addition to the daily classroom experiences Academy for Little Learners also
provides opportunities that create well rounded children. On a weekly basis children
two and over will be participating in music and Spanish from specialists who come to
the Center. Teachers will attend these times with the children but are not required to
present the information.

We will also provide transportation to and from swim lessons for those who elect to
participate. At the time of enrollment we will have a better idea of how many children
will be taking advantage of this to determine how this well affect each individual
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Academy for Little Learners provides an environment which promotes physical and
emotional safety for everyone. This environment can only be achieved when a positive
relationship between the children and staff has been established. Classroom and
Center guidelines are based upon respect for oneself, others and belongings. These
guidelines are clear and consistently reinforced which allows children to feel secure
physically and emotionally.

Our philosophy on guidance is based upon Love and Logic. You will receive training
on aspects of this approach which include giving the children choices in decision
making to give them a feeling of ownership in the classroom.

Teachers are expected to discuss with the children the feelings that they are
experiencing and appropriate ways of handling emotions.

Children are never forced to say 'I'm Sorry'. If they choose to say it with sincerity that
is appropriate, but if they are required to use the verbiage but show no remorse for their
actions it has no meaning. Some children often use the phrase to get out of trouble but
do not make efforts to not repeat the same behavior.

Redirection shall be used whenever possible. In the event that repeated attempts at
redirection are not effective or a child is endangering another child or adult a time out
may be necessary except in children under the age of three.

If a time out is given the child shall remain in sight of staff members. This cool down
time shall be no longer than one minute per age of the child with the maximum
amount of time to be five minutes, and shall not be used for children under the age of
three. At that time staff will discuss the situation with the child and problem solve to
find appropriate ways of handling future occurrences.

Transition times shall be kept to a minimum. Activities such as finger plays or songs
will be used to capture children's attention so that behavior issues do not arise during
these times.

Biting is a natural occurrence for toddlers and two year olds. When this happens staff
is to document what transpired in the medical log book. Watch for patterns with
individual children to determine if there is a time or situation that precipitates the

Comfort the child that was bit and help them to find an activity that is not with the
child that did the biting. Discuss with the child that bit why it is not appropriate and
monitor them closely.
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This is a highly charged emotional issue for parents. Explain to the parents of the
children, separately, what occurred and what was done to prevent future biting
situations. At no point should either parent be made aware of whom the other child in
the situation was.

Communicate with the parent of the child who bit to determine if this is a behavior that
they see at home, and if so, what they are doing to stop the biting. If documentation
shows that a child has bitten on a daily basis for two consecutive weeks, termination
of enrollment is possible.

Guidance is never done in a manner than is aversive, cruel or humiliating, and
actions that may be psychologically, emotionally or physically painful,
discomforting, dangerous or potentially injurious are prohibited.

Yelling at a child is never appropriate. Tone and volume have a large impact on what
the child hears and how they respond. Be on the child's level and speak to them in a
tone which establishes respect with them.

With any strategy you employ with children it is done with understanding, respect
and a willingness to look not only at the behavior but the factors that lead to the

Actions that are aversive, cruel, humiliating, or that may psychologically,
emotionally or physically painful, discomforting, dangerous or potentially injurious
are prohibited.

If you find yourself needing support with particular situations, including but not
limited to managing crying, fussing or distraught children, or if you need to
otherwise add to your list of effective tools, please ask a member of administration or
other staff member for ideas; the odds are that one of us has encountered an experience
such as this before.
To create additional experiences for children's learning experiences we will be taking
field trips from time to time. If you have ideas for your class or Center as a whole,
please let the Director know so that arrangements can be made as parents need to be
notified in advance regarding where the trip is to, the timeframes we will be away
from the Center, and the cost of the trip.

If trips are taken, all staff attending the trip shall have written documentation of
which children they are responsible for, emergency contact information for those
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children, their physician or medical facility contact, authorization for emergency
treatment, first aid supplies, a cell phone, and disposable gloves.

In the event there is an emergency while away from the Center the Director or
Assistant Director shall be called immediately.
Outdoor activities promote good health and children will be outside on a daily basis at
least two times for full day care. Each group has its own developmentally appropriate
equipment that will best facilitate large motor skills and allow children the
opportunity to move with children at their same level of readiness. Access to
playgrounds is from individual classrooms and cannot be accessed from outside the
fenced area.

All children are required to participate in outdoor activities. We will be outside unless
the temperature is above 90 degrees, below zero including wind-chill for children over
two, and below 20 degrees fro children under two years. Make sure you have
appropriate clothing for the weather.

If you choose to take a walk with the children a staff member remaining at the Center
must be made aware of your departure. A note shall be posted for parents showing the
path you are taking, time of your departure and expected return time.
On a daily basis you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on children's
lives. How you interact with them and the environment that you create for them
facilitate this impact. Treat each child as an individual, with respect, and learn from
them as much as you are teaching them.

Be at the children's level whenever possible by joining them on the floor, sitting at
their tables, or being active in outdoor play. When interacting with the children be
sure to remain cognoscente of where other children are and that staff are not all in the
same area.

Have a positive attitude with the children. A responsibility we have to children is to
demonstrate that in spite of being sad, mad, happy, anxious, or reflective, we can still
be genuinely interested in what we are doing. They will undoubtedly pick up on your
emotions, but you can still make it a positive learning environment for them.

Be consistent in all aspects of your classroom management. The more comfortable the
children feel within their environment the more they will be able to focus on learning.
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Make sure the children have an understanding of the limits and expectations as well
as what the outcomes of their behaviors are.

Strive to encourage children to develop a sense of positive self worth by developing their
skills in problem solving, self expression, cooperation, decision making, and their
capacity to learn through a variety of experiences.

Accept each child as an individual capable of unique and extraordinary abilities.
Consider the child as a whole and evaluate all of the aspects that make them who they
Academy for Little Learners values the trust that parents have placed in our staff and
programming to provide their child with the safest, most nurturing care that they can
receive. Get to know parents' names and show that they are important to our success
by greeting them and treating them with the respect they deserve.

Parents are encouraged to participate in our program. This can include, but is not
limited to, attending field trips, sharing a hobby or skills that they have with the
children, reading a book, sharing a family tradition or favorite dish, or eating lunch
with their child. Please be supportive in parents' involvement in your day to day

Academy for Little Learners has an open door policy and parents are welcome at the
Center any time. At any point a parent enters the facility they should be comfortable
with the activities and interactions they see their children involved in.

Formal parent/teacher conferences will be held twice a year and will share information
regarding children's physical, emotional, academic, and social progression over a
course of time. Sign up sheets for parents will be posted outside of your classroom in
the weeks prior to conferences.

Each child under your care is required to have a Portfolio. You can keep your students
portfolios together in a folder, a drop file or binder. Whatever works for you, just make sure
that it is all in order by date! The Portfolio will move with the child as he or she progresses
through the Academy.

Each child shall have at least ONE portfolio entry per month. (More is ALWAYS welcome,
especially if you teach a smaller group.) Any time you see a child reaching a milestone,
doing something significant or noteworthy, or meeting one of the goals on his or her
assessment sheets, it should be documented. A Portfolio shall include, but not be limited to,
the following:

Revised 1/28/14 30
Photographs (depicting evidence of math, science, block building, creative expression
(art) social/emotional development, gross motor play, and fine motor play)
*Photographs do NOT have to be color! They can be black and white and printed off the
computer here!*
Writing Samples
Drawing Samples
Anecdotal Records/Notes
Journal Entries
filled out assessment sheets

If you have questions about Portfolios, please ask your co-workers and administration for

In each classroom there is a bulletin board that shows the daily schedule, weekly
lesson plan, and a note showing what happened in the classroom for the day. This will
allow you an area to place notes referencing upcoming events and reminders.

We encourage you to make contact on a daily basis, even if it is only for a minute or
two; it goes a long way in establishing open communication lines. If you are unable
to spend time when children are arriving or being picked up, at least show the parent
some indication that you are aware of their presence. This can be as simple as a wave,
a nod or a smile.

Staff will have the opportunity to add to information that parents will receive in a
monthly newsletter. Share what has been done the previous month as well as what will
be occurring in the months to come. This will be going out in e-mails so you can draft
items and email them to Director.

Each classroom is required to send a weekly update by email to all of their childrens
families. This takes the place of a weekly classroom newsletter. All weekly updates
have a certain format that can be obtained from Administration. If for any reason a
family indicates that they would like to receive paper copies of the weekly update or
other email correspondence in addition to or in place of emails, it is your responsibility
to provide them with the requested copies.

Each classroom has a Weebly website which needs to be updated weekly. This site
should contain your current lesson plans, announcements, teacher bios and other
information about the events in your room. You may post photos of your class on
your Weebly website. However, you must also post them to your classroom Snapfish
account. Please make sure that all parents are aware of how to access your Weebly
website and Snapfish photographs and given the related password.

Revised 1/28/14 31
On an annual basis parents will receive a staff, administration and program
evaluation. We will evaluate their feedback on our facility and will look for
opportunities to continue our strengths and develop strategies for areas in need of

Encourage parents to visit their child's cubby and take home pockets on a daily basis
to take home notes or artwork that their child has created.

Understandably relationships with parents develop at different levels and paces. You
may be asked to babysit for parents outside of Academy for Little Learners hours.
Please note that administration does not condone this. At no time should babysitting
arrangements be made on Academy time.

As you build relationships with parents please remember that there is a line between
being friendly and professional that should not be crossed by sharing information
with parents. This may include, but is not limited to, stories regarding your off hour
activities (ex. drinking, partying), information regarding other children, parents or
co-workers. We live in an online connected society. Please remember that once
something is on the internet, there is no real way to remove it, so please think before
you post!

The success of Academy for Little Learners depends upon the close relationships that
are built not only between you and children, but with their parents as well.

Academy for Little Learners values education and the studies that our teachers have
completed to be effective mentors for children and coworkers. In conjunction with one's
educational background we also value having a passion for working with children
and the ability to continue to grow, both professionally and personally.

Each of us brings an invaluable ability to pass on knowledge from experiences and
the ability to accept the information and implement this into our classrooms. Having
staff with differing backgrounds and experiences allows for this process to occur.

You will be provided with monthly training and staff meetings to discuss items that
effect programming, curriculum, State Licensing requirements and the center as a
whole. Staff will be encouraged to lead staff meetings to share relevant information
regarding topics and to utilize strengths to better the program as a whole.

Contribute to making each day a positive experience with coworkers by maintaining a
positive attitude, avoiding gossip, being reliable, assuming a fair share of communal
maintenance tasks, voicing ideas, keeping an open mind, accepting constructive
Revised 1/28/14 32
criticism, implementing Center policies, resolving conflicts in an appropriate manner
and accepting decisions that are made in resolutions.

Pets will not be allowed at Academy for Little Learners without permission from
Director. Prior to any pet coming to the Center the classrooms affected will be notified
in advance and written permission will be requested by all parents. If a child does not
want to participate, other arrangements will be made during that timeframe.

I have read and had the opportunity to discuss with administration the
Employee Handbook. I understand the information contained herein and
agree to the policies set forth.



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