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This man was someone who inspired others through

his connection with technology. He developed

interest in people by his supreme creations. Even
though he passed away he is still remembered
through his amazing inventions.
Steven Paul Jobs was born in Los Altos, California-
24th of October 1955. Steves actual father was
Abdulfattah John Jandli who was a Syrian political
science professor. Also his mother was Joanne
Schieble who worked as a speech therapist. But
when Joanne and John abandoned Steven Clara and
Paul were the ones that adopted him. Clara was an
accountant and Paul was a coast guard veteran and a
Jobs mostly helped his father Paul with machinery
and thats where he got his interest with machinery
and technology. Steve went to Homestead High
School and after several years he started college at
Reed College. In college Steve skipped class most of
the time and concentrated on his own likings.
Although he also skipped school because of family
When Jobs was 27 years old he found out about his
biological parents who had a daughter called Mona
Simpson. When studying in Reed College, Steve met
a person called Steve Wonziak. He was also into
technology, so they decided to be partners in future.
Wonziak and Jobs started the Apple Company in
1976. As the production of Apple computers began
to rise, Steve became the executive officer from
1997 to 2011.
After a while Jobs also became the
former head of Pixar Animation Studios
Company. He became the largest
stockholder for the Disney Company.
Steve married Laurence Powell, who was a investment
banker. He told his friends that they went out together
for nearly a whole year and then decided to get married.
Steve and Laurence had three children- Reed, Eve and
Unfortunately Steven Paul Jobs died in Palo, Alto,
and California on 5th of October 2011. But as we
all know Steven was one of the greatest inventors
of all time and is the king of the Apple Company.

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