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Monica Contreras

April 27, 2014

Love Kills
All those who try to unveil the mysteries always have tragic lives, and in the end they
are always punished (Anais Nin). People have to let life take its course and try not to mess with
the balance of the universe. They should not only have faith in themselves, but also in the ones
around them that they truly love and care about. Iago messed with the balance which ended up
causing the murder of Desdemona. Tragedy is inevitable when there is distrust. In Othello by
William Shakespeare the death of innocent Desdemona is caused by jealousy,
miscommunication, and insecurities.
The tragedy in Othello was brought on by his insecurities about his race and his rank. He
shows that his race is a problem to him when he says, Haply, for I am black and have not those
soft parts of conversation that chamberers have (3.3.304-305). Iagos lies that have make
Othello suspicious of Desdemonas fidelity. He starts to believe all the negative thoughts and
rumors said about him because he has lost a lot of self confidence. He starts to become more
insecure because of the color of his skin, and he starts to feel like he is not good enough. As Iago
starts to get into his head even more, Othello says, Shes gone, I am abused, and my relief must
be to loathe her (3.3.309). He believes that he has lost the love of his life because he is not
worthy enough for her which brings on more insecurities. He feels like he is being used because
of the ideas Iago has put in to Othellos head. Iago proves to be the mastermind of this whole
Othello becomes jealous because of Cassios relationship with Desdemona which
eventually leads to her murder. Before Othello goes mad with jealousy he says, Farewell the
tranquil mind (3.3.348). He acknowledges that he is no longer thinking properly and is being
overtaken by jealousy. He starts to over think every single thing from this point on. When Iago
shows Othello Desdemonas handkerchief he found in Cassios room, Othello freaks out and
says, Oh, that the slave had forty thousand lives! One is too poor, too weak for my revenge
(3.3.452-453). He goes into a mad rage and says he wants to kill the innocent Cassio for what he
has done with Desdemona. Iago has made Othello such an insecure and jealous person that he
would kill just to feel better because he no longer has control over his emotions.. Due to all the
insecurities, Othello can not help but to give in to his emotions.
Miscommunication between Othello and the other characters because of Iago is one of
the other causes of the murder of Desdemona. When Cassio talks to Desdemona about getting his
job back Iago plays his mind games and says to Othello, Ha I like not that [Iago]. What dost
thou say? [Othello]. Nothing, my lord, or if-- I know not what [Iago]. Was not that Cassio
parted from my wife? [Othello]. Cassio, my lord? No, sure, I cannot think it that he would steal
away so guilty-like seeing you coming [Iago] (3.3.33-39). Iago is fueling Othello up slowly for
a huge explosion. He made othello misconstrued the innocent conversation as an amorous
exchange. When Cassio chases after Bianca after their argument Iago turns to Othello and says,
Did you perceive how he laughed at his vice? (4.1.137). He told Othello that Cassio laughed at
the fact that he and Desdemona slept together, and the fact that he had her handkerchief, all of
which was a lie. This enrages Othello even more now he has the thirst to kill them both for
betraying him. The fact that Othello assumed Iago was telling him the truth and would not
trust anyone else and what they said led Othello to murder innocent Desdemona, hence, causing
the tragedy in the play.
Othellos insecurity caused him to go into a jealous rage and kill his one true love,
Desdemona, created the tragedy in Othello. He let his insecurities control his emotions and his
mind set, and let jealousy take control of him, and he would not clarify miscommunications.
Having these three things mixed together in the same situation is going to cause a inevitably
horrible situation. If he would have had more self confidence, more trust in Desdemona, and less
trust in Iago, Desdemonas life would have been saved. There could have been a happy ending
instead of a tragedy. Othello was punished for disrupting the balance.

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