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Alex Paramo
Megan Fry
Composition II
May 7, 2014
Redefining ho e !ie ed"#ation
$It does a fool no good to spend money on ed"#ation, %e#a"se he has no #ommon sense&
'Pro!er% 17(1)*+ ,he Ameri#an ed"#ation system spends more money on their st"dents than any
other #o"ntry+ $-in#e 1.71, the amo"nt /+-+ spends on st"dents has gron from 04,100 to more
than 0.,000 per st"dent ea#h year& '2aiting for -"perman*+ It #o"ld %e a pro"d a##omplishment
ex#ept that other #o"ntries spend less and ha!e s3y ro#3eting res"lts that are lea!ing the
Ameri#an st"dents %ehind in the d"st+ In international testing 4ar!ard /ni!ersity dis#o!ered that
/+-+ st"dents are not 3eeping "p ith foreign peers '5d"#ation 6lympi#s*+ 2hen it #omes to the
6lympi#s Ameri#a has on more gold medals than any other #o"ntry, %"t hen it #omes to
testing they only on a gold medal in one topi# '5d"#ation 6lympi#s*+
6"t of all the international testing that as done, Ameri#an st"dents pla#ed n"m%er one
in one s"%7e#t( #onfiden#e '2aiting for -"perman*+ ,hey li!e in a so#iety that adores
indi!id"ality and self8esteem %"t they fail a#ademi#ally( "naare+ ,his is not 7"st a%o"t 3ids
from poor neigh%orhoods trying to 3eep "p+ 9on:t 7"dge a %oo3 %y its #o!er; e #an %e
%lindsided %y the pretty s#hools ith the ni#e fa#ilities in the s"%"r%s+
,here is a #risis, and it has %een right in front of "s, possi%ly in o"r !ery on
#omm"nities+ A ma7ority of o"r #hildren from 3indergarten to high s#hool are re#ei!ing a lo
<"ality ed"#ation %e#a"se of the %ro3en system e ha!e+ 6n#e the orld "sed to loo3 at o"r
ed"#ation system as the %est %e#a"se it did not matter here yo" #ame from, e!eryone had the
opport"nity to go to s#hool+ 6"r system as great %a#3 then aro"nd the late 1.)0:s, %"t o"r
orld is #hanging, o"r so#iety is #hanging, and so are o"r #hildren+ 6"r system on the other hand
is not #hanging+ 2e need to redefine ho e !ie ed"#ation; if e do not attempt to fix it no it
ill #ost "s more money 'than it already has*, and it threatens o"r f"t"re, and o!erall o"r ell8
%eing+ 2hen one Ameri#an la#3s a good ed"#ation it h"rts all of "s+
International testing, s"#h as the Program for International -t"dent Assessment 'PI-A*
are gi!en to fifteen year olds a#ross the glo%e+ ,he assessment is to re#ogni=e here o"r st"dents
stand and if they ha!e made impro!ements or fail"res '-tra"ss*+ It gi!es "s the a%ility to see
differen#es ith other #o"ntries+ /nfort"nately, hile other #o"ntries are progressing, s"#h as
Chile and >ra=il, hi#h are ma3ing a#ademi# gains three times faster, Ameri#an st"dents are
falling %ehind '5d"#ation 6lympi#s*+ A##ording to 4ar!ard /ni!ersity:s Program on 5d"#ation
Poli#y and ?o!ernan#e fo"nd that in 200., Ameri#an st"dents ran3ed 2@
in math, 11
reading, and 20
in s#ien#e+ Compared to 2012, here they pla#ed 11
in math, 21
in reading,
and 24
in s#ien#e '5d"#ation 6lympi#s*+
6nly a fe n"m%er of Ameri#an st"dents ')A* ere a%le to #ompete on the ad!an#ed
le!el '5d"#ation 6lympi#s*+ Res"lts s"#h as these ha!e %een a a3e"p #all for some ed"#ational
reformers+ 9"e to this $a3e"p& #all, some reformers, in early 2001, de#ided to implement ne
r"les and a#ts+ ,he Bo Child Ceft >ehind A#t 'BCC>* and the Common Core are intended to
help p"%li# s#hools rea#h higher standards and to ma3e s"re e!ery #hild is on the same le!el
'Introd"#tion( Bo Child Ceft >ehind*+ Programs li3e these are set on national standards that ill
g"arantee that #hildren are ready for #ollege or or3for#e and in ret"rn it ill a##elerate
ed"#ations standards in Ameri#a '>"r3e, Marshall*+
,he only ay to ma3e s"re no #hild as left %ehind as to meas"re e!ery #hild+ In 2002,
President ?eorge 2+ >"sh de#ided to do exa#tly that; eight years later st"dents a#ross the
#o"ntry are s"pposed to %e 100A profi#ient in math and in reading '2aiting for -"perman*+
5ight years later e ere not <"ite there+ In 2010, Ala%ama:s eighth graders had 1DA
profi#ien#y in math and in Mississippi it had only 14A profi#ien#y in math '2aiting for
-"perman*+ 2hen st"dents a#ross the #o"ntry got tested for reading most of them s#ored 20A to
1@A of grade le!el+ $,he orst s#ore for reading as in 2ashington 9C o"r nation:s #apital,&
hi#h as 12A '2aiting for -"perman*+
Programs that ere intended to help o"r st"dents are ma3ing them orse+ ,he 7o% sho"ld
%e simple; an instr"#tor tea#hes his or her material to their st"dents and sends them off to the
next grade le!el+ >"t there are a !ariety of reasons hy o"r st"dents are not ma3ing progress+
Federal las s"#h as the BCC> ha!e #ertain standards, %"t offer money to s#hool distri#ts that
are doing o"tstanding s"#h as, Ra#e to the ,op ?rant+ -tates also ha!e their standards and their
on indi!id"al f"nding for their s#hools+ ,hese standards start #onfli#ting ea#h other and
%e#a"se $there are more than 14,000 a"tonomo"s s#hool %oards,& it #an %e#ome a real disaster of
#onfli#ting reg"lations, r"les, and las '2aiting for -"perman*+
9epartments that ere #reated to help g"ide o"r ed"#ation system are the s#hool %oard,
-tate 9epartment of 5d"#ation, Federal 9epartment of 5d"#ation, and last %"t not least, distri#t
s"perintendents and their staff are all part of setting different #riteria+ ,hey are often 3non as
the $%lo%& %e#a"se there is a monstrosity of them; instead of helping o"r s#hools they are
%ringing them don+ Eonathon Alter from NewsWeek says, $,his #olle#tion of people has %een an
impediment to reform no indi!id"al is ne#essary to %lame, %"t #olle#ti!ely they are the goliath of
the s#hool system& '2aiting for -"perman*+
,here may %e a mis#on#eption as to hy e need national standards+ People %elie!e it
ill ma3e st"dents more glo%ally #ompetiti!e, espe#ially d"e to the res"lts of the PI-A test+
-ome #o"ntries that performed %etter than Ameri#an st"dents ha!e national standards, %"t so did
#o"ntries that did not ha!e national standards li3e Canada performed higher+ $,he Bo Child Ceft
>ehind doesn:t impro!e learning, it seems li3e its sole p"rpose is to raise the s#ores on m"ltiple8
#hoi#e exams& 'Fohn*+ -t"dents are ha!ing endless amo"nt of pra#ti#e test ta3ing drills and
filling in #ir#les and less time on #riti#al thin3ing+
$It seems e are rearding medio#rity& '-tra"ss*+ A st"dent that #an pass a profi#ien#y
test in Illinois may fail a profi#ien#y test in Ioa+ ,hat is %e#a"se e!en tho"ght all states are
folloing national standards d"e to BCC>, they are setting their on indi!id"als standards to
pass their st"dents+ -tates ho ere hesitant to a##ept national standards o"ld %e a"tomati#ally
denied for the Ra#e to the ,op ?rant+ If their st"dents pass they re#ei!e more money, so hy not
set easier standards that almost e!ery #hild #an pass and ma3e moneyG ,he federal go!ernment
imposed these 3ind of #onditions ith no idea ho it o"ld affe#t s#hools+ ,hey are %eing
applied to all the #hildren a#ross the nation+ $It:s almost as if the Federal 9r"g Administration
appro!e the "se of dr"gs ith no trials& '-tra"ss*+
,here ere states s"#h as Massa#h"setts that had great standards, %"t they de#ided to "se
the national standards 3non as the Common Core '-tra"ss*+ ,he Common Core is an o"tline
from hi#h a st"dent sho"ld 3no #ertain material %y the end of e!ery year in 5nglish and Math
'Common Core -tate -tandards Initiati!e*+ As the res"lt of the Common Core, Massa#h"setts
st"dents ho ere %ehind ere str"ggling e!en more to 3eep "p+ ,he prin#iple des#ri%ed it as,
$5xams loo3 li3e AP exams and ere %eyond the rea#h of many st"dents& '-tra"ss*+
6n the other hand, Chester 5+ Finn Er+ agrees that e sho"ld ha!e national standards+
-#hools are no longer doing their 7o%+ Finn Er+ said, $,he only thing e #an #o"nt on is to ens"re
st"dents ha!e #lear standards hat s#hools sho"ld tea#h and stret#h these standards a#ross
Ameri#a& '-ho"ld All /+-+ -t"dents Meet a -ingle -et of Bational Profi#ien#y -tandards). Finn
Er+ also arg"es that it does not ma3e sense that states #an set their on standards+ Finn or3s for
,homas >+ Instit"te, here they ere doing resear#h and dis#o!ered that only 12 states a#t"ally
earned A:s and >:s; more than ti#e that many had grades that a#t"ally ere 9:s or F:s not A:s or
>:s '-ho"ld All /+-+ -t"dents Meet a -ingle -et of Bational Profi#ien#y -tandards*+ A st"dent
ho starts fo"rth grade in Portland, Maine and then start fifth grade in Portland, 6regon may
find diffi#"lty in ad7"sting+ 4e strongly %elie!es that e #annot lea!e it "p to states to set their
on #riteria %e#a"se they ill implement lo a#hie!ement+ 2ith national standards, $the
go!ernment #an lay don the hand and straighten them o"t ith assistan#e& '-ho"ld All /+-+
-t"dents Meet a -ingle -et of Bational Profi#ien#y -tandards*.
As a final opinion, Finn Er+ dis#"ssed that st"dents need s3ills and mo%ility; they sho"ld
%e a%le to handle any 7o% anyhere+ Finn might %e on to something( Mi#helle 6%ama mentioned
that %y the year 2020 #omes aro"nd; a%o"t to8thirds of all 7o%s in this #o"ntry are going to
re<"ire some higher training than high s#hool 'Ceonhart*+ ,his may %e diffi#"lt+ As of 2011, o"t
of an a!erage 4 million ho enter high s#hool e!ery day, a%o"t 1+1 million ill drop o"t, 7,000
e!ery single s#hool day, one drop o"t e!ery 2) se#onds '/+-+ ed"#ation spending tops glo%al list,
st"dy:s shos*+ A%o"t thirty years ago the /+-+ had the n"m%er one spot for leading the orld in
high s#hool grad"ation+ A##ording to C>- Bes, e are no n"m%er 1D
'/+-+ 5d"#ation
spending tops glo%al, st"dy:s shos*+
9r+ Ro%ert >all, from Eohn 4op3ins /ni!ersity, as doing resear#h on high s#hool
dropo"ts+ 4e dis#o!ered that there are more than 2,000 $dropo"t fa#tories& in Ameri#a, hi#h
are s#hools here at least 40A of their st"dents do not grad"ate '2aiting for -"perman*+
-tatisti#s li3e this, threaten o"r f"t"re and o"r o!erall ell8%eing+ An example of ho this
#an affe#t "s is Alain Ceroy Co#3e high s#hool in Cos Angeles, California+ Co#3e 4igh -#hool is
des#ri%ed as one of the orst s#hools+ Co#3e 4igh -#hool starts off ith an a!erage of 1,200
freshmen; a%o"t 100 to 400 ill dropo"t hi#h ill lea!e them an a!erage of D00 sophomores
'2aiting for -"perman*+ Most of these 3ids ere p"shed thro"gh the system+ Pre!io"s middle
s#hools did not ant to hold them %a#3, %e#a"se then they are not meeting the national standards
nor do they ant the go!ernment to 3no+ -o, they ill loer their standards to gi!e st"dents the
a%ility to pass+ -t"dents going into Co#3e 4igh -#hool ha!e a 1
and 1
grade reading le!el+
$,his s#hool is 40 years old, a%o"t )0,000 people ha!e gone to it in 4 years, a%o"t 40,000 did not
grad"ate& '2aiting for -"perman*+
,hese dropo"ts are #reating a pro%lem( yo"ng ad"lts are al3ing aro"nd ith no
diplomas, no s3ills, and andering the streets+ -ome people say that s#hools are %ad as a res"lt of
%ad neigh%orhoods+ 2hat if the lo <"ality s#hools are the ones #reating a %ad neigh%orhoodG In
Pennsyl!ania, )DA of prison inmates are high s#hool dropo"ts '2aiting for -"perman*+
Pennsyl!ania spends an a!erage of 011,000 a year on ea#h prisoner+ ,he a!erage pri!ate s#hool
#osts 0D,100 for one year+ In 4 years a prisoner #osts "s 0112,000; $For the same amo"nt e
#o"ld send a prison inmate to a pri!ate s#hool from 3indergarten to 12
grade and it o"ld #ost
"s 0107,.00 ith a remaining 024,100& '2aiting for -"perman*+
2e spend more money on st"dents itho"t seeing any res"lts and e spend more money
on o"r prisoners than o"r #hildren+ ,he final res"lt is more money+ In general, dropo"ts ha!e a
@.A #han#e of %eing in#ar#erated and those ho do not might rely on other forms of help '/+-+
ed"#ation spending tops glo%al list, st"dy sho*+ -t"dents ho drop o"t are more li3ely to rely
on p"%li# assistan#e programs for li!ing; hi#h #osts "s 0D %illion ann"ally '/+-+ ed"#ation
spending tops glo%al list, st"dy shos*+
F"rthermore, money is not the only iss"e at hand+ Many st"dents are not aare that their
a#ademi# f"t"re is dependent on a s#hool offi#ial+ -#hool offi#ials pla#e st"dents on tra#3s 'paths
or roads* that are %ased on a !ariety of reasons+ ,hey are p"t on different tra#3s %ased on test
res"lts, %"t they are also pla#ed on tra#3s %ased on neatness, politeness, and o%edien#e '2aiting
for -"perman*+ -t"dents pla#ed on higher tra#3s, "s"ally %e#a"se of high test s#ores, are "s"ally
pla#ed or offered spe#ial programs+ -t"dents ho are pla#ed on loer tra#3s ha!e loer
expe#tations and are often gi!en the short end of the sti#3+ -t"dents ho are pla#ed on the loer
tra#3s find it harder to #at#h "p+ ,ra#3ing as in!ented a%o"t @0 years ago %e#a"se only 20A of
high s#hool grad"ates ere expe#ted to go to #ollege+ ,he folloing 20A ere going to go
straight into the or3for#e s"#h as, a##o"ntants or managers+ ,he other @0A ere to %e#ome
farmers, fa#tory or3ers et#H ,ra#3ing or3ed for e!eryone, in o"r so#iety, and in o"r
e#onomy '2aiting for -"perman*+
,he pro%lem ith tra#3ing is simply that it fit the demands years ago %"t today that is not
the #ase+ -#hools sho"ld not %e tra#3ing their st"dents anymore+ 6"r so#iety is #hanging %"t o"r
s#hool systems are not+ Instit"tions that are tra#3ing are 7"st doing their 7o%+ For instan#e,
2oodside 4igh -#hool in California, hi#h is a pop"lar s#hool, attra#ts high performing
st"dents+ As matter of fa#t, test res"lts of high performing st"dents are ex#essi!ely high+ It
a!erages o"t the rest of the test res"lts of the %ottom 7@A of st"dents '2aiting for -"perman*+
If e #ompare s#hools that tra#3 and those ho don:t there is a differen#e+ 2oodside
4igh -#hool, o"t of 100 .
graders )2 ill grad"ate and only 12 ill %e prepared for a 4 year
"ni!ersity+ -"mmit Prep, from California, is an example of a #harter s#hool that does not tra#3
any of their st"dents, %e#a"se they ha!e the same high expe#tations for e!eryone+ 6"t of 100 .

graders from -"mmit Prep, .) ill grad"ate and all of them ill %e ready for a 4 year "ni!ersity
'2aiting for -"perman*+ Most st"dents do not get the opport"nity to attend these 3ind of #harter
s#hools %e#a"se they are more expensi!e and spa#e is limited, espe#ially if yo" li!e o"t of
distri#t+ 6"t of 4@@ st"dents that ill %e applying for -"mmit Prep, there ill %e only 110 spa#es
a!aila%le '2aiting for -"perman*+
Children all a#ross this nation #an %e re#ei!ing an ed"#ation li3e -"mmit Prep+ ?eoffrey
Canada, a so#ial a#ti!ist and ed"#ator, had this idea+ $2hat if e ne!er let o"r 3ids get %ehindG
2hat if e follo ea#h #hild from e!ery stage of de!elopmentG& '2aiting for -"perman*+ Mr+
Canada de#ided to open his on a#ademy in one of the orst neigh%orhoods in 4o"ston, ,exas(
FIPP A#ademy+ 6!er .0A of his st"dents are going to 4 year "ni!ersities+ Canada in#reased
#lassroom ho"rs, held s#hool on -at"rdays, and d"ring s"mmertime+ ,heir main fo#"s as to
hold all st"dent to the same expe#tation, ith no ex#eptions, ith no tra#3ing, and promote the
a#hie!ement of #ollege '2aiting for -"perman*+
?eoffrey Canada pro!ed that st"dents #an learn no matter their so#ial stat"s or in#ome+
-t"dents from his FIPP A#ademy shattered the myth that poor #hildren do not do as ell as ri#h
3ids+ -ixteen years later he pla#ed D2 FIPP A#ademy:s in lo in#ome, "nderperforming
neigh%orhoods, a#ross the nation+ ,o this day they are still #onsidered great #harter s#hools
'2aiting for -"perman*+
6ther people des#ri%ed Canada and his #re as, $A fe #harismati# leaders on an idea
that #an ne!er %e repeated or %ro"ght to s#ale& '2aiting for -"perman*+ -ome #harter s#hools are
or3ing and it has %een #at#hing the eye of ed"#ator reformers+ Mi#helle Rhee, Chan#ellor of
9+C+ P"%li# -#hools, hene!er she tried to #hange p"%li# s#hools in 2ashington to ha!e more
f"ndamentals of a #harter one, she 3ept r"nning into a $system+& 6ne of the $systems& pro%lem
as her ina%ility to fire a %ad tea#her+ ,ea#hers are a"tomati#ally entitled to ten"re, hi#h is a
permanent post+ Rhee des#ri%ed the mentality of instr"#tors as follos, $Mentality of some is
that they ha!e the right to that 7o%& '2aiting for -"perman*+ ,ea#hers ho are la#3ing initiati!e
or 7"st plain la=y sho"ld not %e in the position to instr"#t+ Io" #an fire a %ad instr"#tor %"t yo"
might %e for#ed to hire them d"e to ten"re %e#a"se it g"arantees their 7o%s for life+ ,here is a
signifi#an#e differen#e %eteen a good tea#her and a %ad one+ ?reat tea#hers ad!an#e 1 times as
fast and #o!ers 1@0A of material in one year, hile a %ad one only #o!ers @0A '2aiting for
Rhee had a proposal( ?i!e s#hools the a%ility to get rid of the %ad instr"#tors in
2ashington 9+C+ In 200D, she offered a proposal to the tea#hers "nion; instead of ending ten"re
#ompletely she o"ld gi!e them options+ ,ea#hers #o"ld #hoose %eteen 3eeping ten"re and
re#ei!e a modest raise or gi!e "p ten"re #ompletely and ma3e do"%le the merit pay '2aiting for
-"perman*+ ,he "nion felt so threatened %y Rhee:s proposal that they ref"sed to e!en !ote on the
matter+ 2hat it #ame don to are ad"lts+ It is all a%o"t ad"lts and hat they ant and not the
need for the %etterment of the #hildren+ $,here is "n%elie!a%le illingness to t"rn a %lind eye to
the in7"sti#es that are happening to o"r 3ids e!ery single day; in the name of harmony amongst
ad"lts& '2aiting for -"perman*+
In #on#l"sion, ed"#ation is a #r"#ial %"ilding %lo#3 for in#l"si!e demo#rati# so#iety+ It
impro!es the <"ality of life for e!eryone, %e#a"se hen one Ameri#an la#3s an ed"#ation it h"rts
all of "s+ 2e spend a lot more money than e need to+ A ma7ority of o"r #hildren from
3indergarten to high s#hool are re#ei!ing a lo <"ality ed"#ation %e#a"se of a %ro3en system that
e ha!e+ It threatens o"r f"t"re %e#a"se of the la#3 of s3ills re<"ired for f"t"re #areers, and the
general ell8%eing+ 2e #an lay %a#3 and feel fine that all the #hildren in Ameri#a are going to
s#hool+ >"t there is more to one %ri#3 %"ilding ith tea#hers and prin#ipals that e ha!e to loo3
%eyond+ 2hat is going on inside is hat matters+
Are the #hildren learning the materials to thin3 #riti#ally, %esides filling in #ir#lesG Are
they learning to #hallenge ea#h otherG 2ill they %e ready for a 4 year /ni!ersityG Can they
#ompete nationide for #areers ith their foreign peersG ,hey ha!e the #onfiden#e, %"t do they
ha!e the f"ndamental %asi#s to feed of that #onfiden#e+
Ameri#a is a really #ompetiti!e nation in the 6lympi#s, %e#a"se e are so #onfident+ 2e
s"pport o"r athleti#s "n#onditionally hy not s"pport o"r #hildren ho ant to %e o"r f"t"re
do#tors, layers, a##o"ntantsHthe possi%ility is endless+ Any st"dent that as a drop o"t #o"ld
ha!e %een something %esides a f"t"re prisoner+ 4e or she #o"ld ha!e fo"nd the #"re for #an#er
and e o"ld ha!e ne!er 3non+ 2e need to redefine ho e !ie ed"#ation and "nderstand
that it offers more than a good 7o% to st"dents it offers the orld to them+ After all, $ed"#ation is
the most poerf"l eapon hi#h yo" #an "se to #hange the orld+&
2or3s Cited
>"r3e, Cindsay+ Marshall, Eennifer+ $2hy Bational -tandards 2on:t Fix Ameri#an 5d"#ation+&
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!ourna+ 22 E"ne 2012+
+ Med"im+ 2e%+ 22 April 2014+
-tra"ss, Naleria+ $2hy I oppose Common Core -tandards( Ra!it#h+& The Washington Post. 2)
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/nited -tates+ 9ept+ of 5d"#ation+ $Introd"#tion( Bo Child Ceft %ehind+& "#.go$+
http(JJ2+ed+go!Jn#l%Jo!er!ieJintroJindex+htmlGexpL@+ 2e%+ 22 April 2014+
$/+-+ ed"#ation spending tops glo%al list, st"dy shos+& C%S News+ 2@ E"ne 2011+
2e%+ 22 April 2014+
Waiting for Su&erman+ 9ir+ 9a!is ?"ggenheim+ 2alden Media, Parti#ipant Media+ 9is+
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