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Kendall Hagar

Goal #1
1. After graduation, enroll in and attend Front Range Community College to obtain his
associates degree rior to entering the olice academy.
!. "ritten e#ression
$. Reading, "riting, and Communicating % "riting and Comosition% &en Grade%
'se technology, including the (nternet, to roduce, ublish, and udate indi)idual
or shared *riting roducts, ta+ing ad)antage of technologys caacity to lin+ to other
information and to dislay information fle#ibly and dynamically. ,CC--% "../10.12
3. n4a
5. 6y 7arch of !015 Austin *ill successfully comlete and submit t*o online college
alications for Front Range Community College and another college of his choosing.
Goal #!
1. After graduation from high school, Austin *ill *or+ art time *ith a local la*
enforcement agency *hile attending Front Range Community College.
!. "ritten 8#ression
3. Reading, "riting and Communicating% "riting and Comosition% 10
'se recise language and domain/secific )ocabulary to manage the comle#ity of the
toic. ,CC--% "../10.!d2
3. 9a* enforcement ser)ices% :ar+ing enforcement *or+ers. &as+% "rite *arnings and
citations for illegally ar+ed )ehicles.
5. (n order to ha)e the s+ills necessary to *or+ as a :ar+ing 8nforcement "or+er, Austin
*ill ac;uire and reflect understanding of 30 domain secific )ocabulary *ords sufficient
for reading and *riting *ith .0< accuracy.
Goal #$
1. Austin *ill manage his o*n finances including establishing and maintaining a budget
and maintaining his ban+ accounts.
!. 7athematics as alied to ersonal finance
$. 7athematics% =umber sense, roerties and oerations% High -chool
>esign and use a budget, including income ,net ta+e home ay2 and e#enses ,mortgage,
car loans, and li)ing e#enses2 to demonstrate ho* li)ing *ithin your means is essential
for a secure financial future ,:F92
3. n4a
5. (n order to manage his o*n finances, by 7ay !015 Austin *ill be able to maintain a
monthly budget and ban+ account *ith ro)ided materials and income ,fa+e money2 *ith
.0< accuracy for 5 months in a ro*.

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