Drama Play

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ELEANOR MORTON Main Character, classic goody girl, 14

IONNA MEACH Best friend of Eleanor, first scene: popular and nice, second scene:
leader of the group,14

CHELSEY HOLDEN Other best friend of Eleanor, first scene: smart and kind,
second scene: follower who is trying to impress Ionna,14

KATRIANA FRITZPATRICK The unsocial classmate, 14

TIME: 3:05 pm, 5 minutes after the bell

PLACE: Roland Academy, London

SETTING: A modern Grade 9 math classroom on the third floor of the school building. There
are multiple algebra solutions on the white board. Some chairs are stacked on top of each other.
Math textbooks scattered on the desks. U.L. is the door to the elevator that leads to the main hall.

NARRATOR: (say setting, time, and place in a paragraph)

ELEANOR: Okay gals, so I am hosting this party on Saturday night at my house. You
wanna come hang?

IONNA: Yeah sure, why not?

CHELSEY: It will be fun if its your party.

ELEANOR: Its a deal then! UmKatriana? Would you like to come too?

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