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Rev 11-10-13

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate:
Title of Lesson:
Grade Level(s):
Subject Area:
Location of the lesson (specify if in general or special education class):
Grouping (highlight: 1:1, small group, large group)

Preparing for the Lesson

1. Lesson Topic: What are the big ideas? How does this relate to what students are
currently learning in general education?

Student will be able to make a concrete connection to multiplication facts using based 10

2. What are your learning targets for the lesson (i.e., what are your primary and
supporting objective of instruction)? What do you want the student(s) to learn and
be able to do at the end of the lesson? How will you assess the learning target?
Please attach pre and post test data.

1. Mastery of basic multiplication facts (9s).

3. What Content Standards(s) and/or EEOs will this lesson address? How does this
lesson relate to the 21
Century skills?

Colorado State Academic Standards

Content Area: Mathematics
Standard: 1. Number Sense, Properties, and Operations
Prepared Graduates:
Are fluent with basic numerical and symbolic facts and algorithms, and are able to
select and use appropriate (mental math, paper and pencil, and technology) methods
based on an understanding of their efficiency, precision, and transparency

Grade Level Expectation: Sixth Grade
Concepts and skills students master:
2. Formulate, represent, and use algorithms with positive rational numbers with
flexibility, accuracy, and efficiency
a. Fluently divide multi-digit numbers using standard algorithms. (CCSS: 6.NS.2)
Rev 11-10-13
b. Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using standard
algorithms for each operation. (CCSS: 6.NS.3)

4. List specific IEP goals that will be addressed during lesson:

By September 2014 Michael will increase his score from 3 correct responses to 10 correct
responses when given grade level math numbers and operations curriculum based
measurement (or similar instrument) by special education teacher.

5. Describe Specific Strategies to be taught/modeled during the lesson. How will you
incorporate the strategies, which have been taught/modeled into the students
content courses (math, literacy, behavior).
Students will learn about multiplication relationships in Math. Students will be able to see
connections and relationships of content that is being taught. The student will also
understand the commutative properties of multiplication.

6. What background (prior) knowledgedo the students need to have to be successful? If
the students do not have this knowledge how will they get it?

Students will need to be able to add sets of numbers, if students dont have these skills, I
will have blocks so they can count the whole.

7. How will you address classroom and behavior management/grouping issues during
the lesson?

Prompting, redirection, speak and spin, proximity, hurdle help, priming, planned ignoring

8. Materials and Resources (What do you need? How/where will you get it??)
Base ten blocks, copies of worksheets, dice, white board, dry erase markers

Teaching the Lesson

1. Anticipatory Set
I will show the students a picture of an optical illusion and ask them to write
down everything they see. They picture will have 20-30 faces in it. Students will
already be familiar with the pictures, I will lead them to notice how each part or
detail of the picture contributes to one another. (Example: How the eyebrow of
the man is also the horses tail)

2. Teaching: Is this an informal presentation or direct instruction? Please
I will start off by giving the students base ten block and giving then
several factor of nine. I will then ask the students what they see. Next I
will then ask them how many ways they could come up with the number
Rev 11-10-13
36, and 81. Once they come up with some solutions to get 36 and 81, I
would ask them what they notice in all of the answers. Once the students
have made this connection, I would show them the 9s multiplication trick
with fingers. Then I would ask them what did they notice with the finger
trick? I would then lead them to discover the correlation between the two.

3. What, if any, scaffolding and/or additional accommodations/modifications are needed for
specific student(s)?

For students that are not discovering what they are intended to discover, I will ask the
questions that lead them to structured discovery. (Example: are any of these two
numbers have similar factors? Why do you think that is?)

4. Checking for Understanding- How will you check for understanding? Using
Blooms Taxonomy, what questions might you ask your students?

What are the different ways to come up with 81? Knowledge
What are some of the multiples of 36? Analysis
Can you design a strategy to come up with 36? Synthesis
Is there a better solution, then adding up numbers that equal 81? Evaluation

5. Re-teaching: What will you do differently if the student(s) do not understand the
concepts in the lesson?

If the student didnt get the lesson, I will show the student exactly what Im looking for
by giving a couple of example. Next I will than ask the students if they could come up
with any more examples.

6. How/where will students integrate(generalize) this learning into future
lessons/activities? This is your PURPOSE (how will this relate to real life?).

Students will be able to make connections to the content that they are learning and be to
internalize their perspective and how they learn with all subjects.

7. Closure:
I will give the students a group of numbers and ask them what they see. Students
will give me one pattern, sequence, or correlation to exit the class.

8. I ndependent Practice: What will this look like? Is there homework? Completion of a
product? Practice a skill learned in class?

I will have the students choose another number and come up with multiples by circling
groups on the doted paper. I will also give the students graph paper and have them come
up with the area of their number. Next I will ask them how they would represent the
Rev 11-10-13
number they chose. Finally I will ask them is this the biggest perimeter with the number
they chose.

9. Evaluation: How will you evaluate/assess student learning (this must be more than
completing classroom work)?

I will give the post test and see if there is any growth. I will also have the students give
me a thumbs up, to the side, or down so I can assess their understanding.

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