The First Conditional

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Write these sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the

present simple or the future simple.
1.- If the train (be) late, we (walk).
2.- She (call) you if she (have) tie.
!.-If it (cost) too uch, I (buy) a saller one.
".- If the #octor can$t see e, I (go) soewhere else.
%.- If the class (be) full, we (fin#) another one.
&.- What (we #o) if the ta'i (not coe)(
).- (you phone) e if there (be) any probles(
*.- I (ask) +eter if I (see) hi toorrow.
,.- I (go) ne't week, if I (can) get a train ticket.
1-.- If I (have) to, I (coplain) to the anager.
11.- If he (see) e here, he (be) really angry.
12.- .ary (be) worrie# if you #on$t coe to the airport.
1!.- We (go) to her office unless she (coe) soon.
1".- If it (snow) this winter, we (go) skiing.
1%.- I (len#) the soe oney if they (ask) e.
1&.- If you (visit) /'for#, you (see) soe interesting buil#ings.
1).- 0arbara usually (walk) to work unless soeone (give) her a lift.
1*.- If you (#rink) leon tea, your sore throat (feel) better.
1,.- If he (not stu#y) har#, he (not pass) the e'a.
2-.- I (not go) out if it (not stop) snowing.
21.- If 1obert (not arrive) soon, I$ll leave without hi.
22.- 2nless we (fin#) a baby-sitter, we (have) to stay at hoe.
2!.- If I (len#) you y caera, (you 3 be) very careful with it(
2".- What (4nna 3 #o) if 1obert (ask) her to go out with hi(
2%.- 2nless you (return) y 56, I (never 3 len#) you anything.
2&.- If you (be) lucky, you (see) whales.
2).- We (sen#) a postcar# if we (fin#) a post bo'.
2*.- If you (not have) uch oney, you (not be able) to coe.
2,.- I (go) to the 4ntartica if I (get) rich one #ay.
!-.- If we (book) on the Internet, it (be) cheaper.
!1.- If we (win) the atch, we (play) the chapionships.
!2.- If she (practice), she (succee#).
!!.- 7hey (fail) their e'as if they (not revise).
!".-If the weather (be) goo# this weeken#, we (go) caping.
!%.- If there (not be) any buses, we (get, a ta'i.
!&.- .ary (help) hi with his aths hoework if he (ask) her.

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