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In thifi yean of almost

constantly trarelliag
N E W N O R C I AH O T E L arounil the worW, I haue
seldom met a place so
The New Norcia Hotel has been welcoming guests sinct it was opened as a Hostel by Benedictine clarilying and calm as
lVeu JVorria. It males you
monks in 1927. Nesttedbeneath gum trces on a rise overlooking Australia'son\ monastic town, the
- - think again about uhat
cfassicaffystyfed mfumnl pressedmetal eilingS ternzzo tilel and Latin word Salue Welcome on matters; it retuns You to
the thieshold, tell you this is no ordinary muntry pub. Still owned by the monk, the Hotel is a practical a sense olFsfillaess aad
(,,mmunity that's hanl to
expressionof their tradition of hospitality.
fnd in the modm world;
Enjoy a coffee or lunch on the \reranda,Abbey Wne tastings at the bar' a glass of our very own Abbey if re3&€shesthe sout bettet
Ale, dinner in the grand dining room or a spccial function on the balcony. Book a room for the night than aty holillay. The onlY
and unwind as the late aftemoon light henlds flock of parrots and galahl and the darknessrcvealsthe hatilship of aming here
is kaving.
Milky Way dazzling overhead.
Pia Wn
why not bring your team up here for your next meeting, conferenct, or just for time away togethel? Tmwl W'itaror nile
Moguine & The Nw Yorl€r
The BenedictineCommunity welcome visitoa and ovemight guests to enjoy a slice of Spain in the
Australian bush. And while you are herc why not discoverwhat else New Norcia has to offer, including
town touri our Museum and Art Gallery.

Room Rates Breakfast7.30-9.30am

{includesContinentalBrtakfast) Lunch l2-2pm (2.:OpmWeekendsft PublicHolidals)
Single:$75lnight Dinner6-8pm
Extra person: $22/night
CuRnt at Nowmber 2OO8.Rat6 subject to change.

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