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Wednesday May 14- T!rsday May 1"
Wednesday# May $

7:00 a.m. Leave the high school parking lot
7:50 a.m. Pick up Ear Falls students at the Trillium
11:00 a.m. &oys 's TA
1:00 pm. G(r)s 's TA
3:00 p.m. Teams arrive at the S!*er + ,+-$. 4/+-+-1/. 13 rooms ooked including driver!
Teams "ill eat together under the supervision o# a coach
10:30 p.m. $ur#e"%Pla&ers must e in their rooms at this time
'o leaving their rooms #or drinks or #ood. This must e organi(ed ahead o# time.
T!rsday# May +

):*5 a.m. +ake up calls , -ot reak#ast availale at the hotel
.:15 a.m. /us leaves 0uper .
.:30 a.m. Teams arrive at T1 Field
01-- a232 RL 4oys 's SL 4oys
111-- a232 RL 5(r)s 's SL 5(r)s
11-- a232 RL 4oys 's TA 4oys
61-- *232 RL 5(r)s 's TA 5(r)s
):00 p.m. 2et #ood #rom the store #or the ride home
):30 p.m. Leave 3enora
.:30 p.m. 4rop o## Ear Falls students at the Trillium
5:30 p.m. 1rrive at the -igh 0chool
$ost o# trip: 1ccommodation 635.00 7ased on #our students!
Food E8pense650.00
Total 6.5.00
Phone $ontact person7s! #or trip: 9ark +ilkins 77:7%3):*!

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