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Amber Blackmon

608 23
Ave. E
Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
&b'ec$%ve( To Establish A Job Involving Law And Legal Studies So That I May
Excel In That Field And Offer My nowledge And Assistance As !uch
As "ossible#
Educa$%on( "aul $# %ryant &igh School
'ourse of study( Acade!ics
)i*lo!a( May +,-.
)k%lls and
Ab%l%$%es( good co!!unication s/ills0 wor/s well with others0 Tech Savvy
*ork +%s$or,(
Child Care
2013-Present Provides Child Care For Several Families On Weekends And During
School Vacations.
Care Giver
Provides Care For Several Elderlys On Weekends And During School Vacations.
+onors and
-ar$%c%.a$%on( -aul *. Br,an$ +%/0 )c0ool
5ational Technical &onors Society1+,-23"resent4
1e2erences( Available u*on re6uest

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