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Human Resource Department faces challenges in respect of hiring the

wrong personfor the job. They also face challenges when they requite
person for a specific position.

It faces challenges regarding experience high turnover.

It faces problems when employees not doing their best.

It is highly concerned about wasting time with useless interviews.

It faces challenges regarding discriminatory actions of employees which
led thecompany to court.

It faces problems when employees started to think that their salaries are
unfair relativeto others in the organization.

It faces problem when employees commit any unfair labor practices.

It faces problem as par motivating sub-ordinates non-financially.

It faces problem according to improving employees out-side Dhaka.

It faces challenges in case of recruiting fresher.

It faces challenges regarding conflicts among the sub-ordinates in the

It faces challenges in case of quality management of the employees in

Common problems in HRM or Human Resources Management include the wide range of topics that
are supposed to be taken care of. The HRM is required to recruit, train, and make sure employees
are held accountable for policies. In turn, other roles are sometimes put on the HRM. This include
benefits, recreation, pensions, and employee rights. The HRM is a catch all for roles that do not
have a set department. This causes more work for the HRM department and this can overwork the

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