Official Spring Wolverine Key

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April 2014-2015
Springing Into a Year of Service
A note from the Editor
Dear fellow Key Clubbers,
My name is Mariah Kemeter and I am your 2014-2015 District
Bulletin Editor. I would like to thank you for reading my first
publication of the Wolverine Key. I have spent hours of hard
work and dedication to this piece and I hope you enjoy it. I
would like to give a special thanks to the clubs who sent me
articles and pictures of the service they have done. I would
also like to thank the other board members who helped me
finish this publication. If your club didnt get the chance to
make it into this publication please send articles to so that way they can be published in the
next addition of the Wolverine Key. I am looking forward to this
upcoming year of service with all of you leaders throughout the
state of Michigan.
Yours in Service,
Mariah Kemeter

Clubs Springing Into Action
over the State of Michigan
Fordson Key Club
Favorite Service Project
Fordson Key Club has myriad service projects that are done
throughout the year. One notable service project that usually
stands out among the rest is, Relay for Life walk and fundraiser.
The warm welcome of spring weather emphasizes the need to
do something outdoors. Fordson Key Club always seems to love
doing both meaningful and fun service projects such as Relay for
Life. There is nothing more fun than being outdoors while at the
same time helping both a cause and your school. Furthermore; the need for the support of breast
cancer (and other types) is in high demand. Fordson Key Club loves to help out in the walk for
cancer by walking, encouraging the walkers, and fundraising during the event. Over the years,
Fordson Key Club has placed in the top youth Relay fundraising; in which all money raised is used to
find a cure for cancer. The Relay for Life walk touches our hearts and is always a meaningful way to
give back to the community. The wide spectrum of helping out during the event is limitless! The
smiles on the locals and non- locals faces is an accomplishment Fordson Key Club cherishes. Relay
for Life is an event that brings everyone of different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds together,
where everyone stands as one. This is part of the Key Club Mission and Motto of Caring our way of
life. As a result, Relay for Life is a service project that best defines that mission. In conclusion, Fordson
Key Club considers Relay for Life as our favorite service project due to the fun and meaningful
experience for both ourselves and others!
Manchester Key Club
Connecting the K-Family
For the first time in Manchester members of Key Club, Builders Club, and Kiwanis Club worked
together to host Kids Against Hunger Games. This was a service projects that had groups of games
and raffels that middle school students could play if they paid the price of 75 cents per ticket. All of
the money raised at this event went toward hosting a Kids Against Hunger event for later this year.
This was a great time for members of the Kiwanis family to bond over service. Besides bonding with
the Kiwanis family, my favorite part was working with the Middle School kids. At the end of the day
we raised over $1,000 for Kids Against Hunger and we had a great time!
-Kelsey McGovern LT. Governor Division 9

The District Board held their first board
meeting on April 4
-6th at Jackson
Storter Camps. At this years District
Board Trainer the new members of the
District Board got off to a great start.
The meetings were filled with laughter
and fun but also included some great
planning for the upcoming year. To the
right is a group shot of the 2014-2015
District Board and other photos taken
during the weekend.
After a great weekend the District
Board is ready to serve you. The
newsletters your club receives from
district level will be filled with
information that keeps you updated
and they also contain helpful tips for
your club.

At this years District Convention, Key Clubbers
from around the state gathered together to
celebrate a year of service. The weekend was
filled with workshops, service and the election of
the new District Board. According to Courtney
Campbell of Manchester Key Club, Workshops
were a lot of fun and I was able to take some
great ideas back to my club. One service project
that Key Clubbers were able to participate in was
Kids Against Hunger. Hanna Bullis from Alpena Key
Club stated, It was a blast! I met new people that
were very nice. I had so much fun. At the end of
the first and second day Michigan Key Clubbers
were able to participate in two boisterous dances.
Each dance was filled with some great dance
moves and lots of laughter. On the final day tears
were shed as Key Clubbers said good bye to the
old District Board and their new friends that they
met at District Convention. However the crowd
applauded the new District Board and a great
year of service.
Hello Mighty Michigan District,

My name is Addison Clipfell and I'm your 2014-2015 District Governor.
I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with all of you this year and
cant wait for another year full of fun, friends, and service. The District Board
will be working hard to make this the best year yet.
Though the summer is approaching quickly, I encourage you to finish
the year strong, and Key Club doesn't stop in the summer! There are many
opportunities to serve. Check out the service directory for more ideas. An
upcoming event is ICON! This event is in Anaheim, California and registration is due May 16. This
is a great opportunity and I encourage you to attend. Also make sure to attend your LTG'S
ZOTC. They work really hard planning this event it you will learn crucial information pertaining to
your job.
After our April Board Meeting, the District Board has started the year with a bang! We will
continue to role models of enthusiasm and k-love throughout the year. If you ever have any
questions or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me anytime!

Addison Clipfell
2014-2015 Michigan District Governor

Governors Note
Youth Opportunities Fund
The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the
Kiwanis International Foundation.

This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing
grants for service opportunities. The fund also provides academic scholarships for higher education. The
Youth Opportunities Fund is established through a portion of your Key Club International dues and
through the purchase of G. Harold Martin Fellowships.

YOF grants can help you take action. Look around and identify the things that need to get done in
your school, community or world.
Information found on

Come Join us at this years Key Club International Convention held in Anaheim California! The
Michigan district leaves Monday June 30
and will spend time in California until July 7
. During
convention this year there will be an adventurous trip to Disneyland, fun workshops, election of the
new International Board, Kids Against Hunger Packaging, and so much more! You can find
registration papers on our district website,, under the ICON tab. However you need to
register TODAY! Registration ends May, 16. After this date you must pay a fee in order to attend. I
hope to see you there!
Featuring answers from Executive Board and our International Trustee Kelsie Hoppes
Q. Why should Michigan Key Clubbers attend ICON 2014?
A. At International convention, you have a unique chance to meet thousands of like-minded
teenagers from all over the world. This comes with many opportunities to learn even more about
service, gain new perspectives for yourself and provide your own perspective to others, and bring it
all back to your club and community. You get to acquire even more tools to serve. Also, beyond
that, you get to voice your opinion and vote on amendments and elections regarding topics that
will directly affect you and your club in the coming years. Its a great weekend.-Kelsie Hoppes
International Trustee
Q. What was your favorite part about ICON 2013?
A. My favorite part about ICON 2013 was meeting Key Clubbers from all over the world. Natalie
Taylor District Secretary
Q. What are you most looking forward to about ICON 2014?
A. Well this is going to take a while. What comes to most peoples minds first when they figure out
that ICON is in California is that they will be able to walk along the beach with their friends and take
in the beautiful sunshine. Some people might just want to go for Disneyland. Others might just want
to go to participate in the excellent workshops. Im looking forward to doing that and a lot more, but
the one thing I will enjoy the most is meeting new Key Clubbers throughout the country and talking
about our experiences in our specific regions of the world. Yeah Im excited that its in Cali-who
isnt? But the fact that I have a week to unite with other people across the world who share the
same desire as I do to help our homes, schools, and communities is awesome. Stephen Kenkel
District Treasurer

Committee Updates
Membership Development
My name is Minhyo Kang and I hail from the H.H. Dow
High Key Club in Midland, MI of the third division So
there are four other members in my committee:
Stephen Kenkel, Jayy Krakker, Sahana Harikrishnan,
and Mohammad Abdulghani. The basic function and
purpose of the Member Development Committee is to
make clubs recruitment and membership
development experience much easier and much more
efficient. We offer tips and tricks to help the recruitment
process and to increase overall membership as much
as we can! Some goals that we established are:
Create both a fall/winter and spring/summer
recruitment packet
Help customize the Membership Development
packet to struggling clubs
Increase the district membership by 5%
If you have any questions for me or just want to chat
me up, contact me by phone or email, both given on
my page at the Michigan District website!
New Club Building
Greeting fellow Michigan Key Clubbers! My name
is Alex Prosi and I am the New Club Building Chair.
My position entitles is to create and start as many
new clubs as possible, mainly Key Clubs and
Builders Clubs (Middle School Key Clubs). My
committee is made up of a few, extremely snazzy
people: Ryan Comrie, Jasmine Ball, Austin Ader,
Michael Roehmer. We want to spread the word
about Key Club and make service opportunities
open to as many students around Michigan as
possible! The goal of the New Club Building
Committee is to establish around 10 new Key Clubs
in the state at the least and get several Builders
Clubs going along as well. The Builders Clubs will
provide a strong base to high school Key Clubs
and all together these new clubs will provide
service opportunities to a plethora of kids.
I am very excited to work with all of you this year
and I am looking forward to the 3014-2015 Key
Club year of service
Greeting fellow Michigan Key Clubbers! My name is
Deepasri Prasad and I am the new Projects Committee
chair. Other members of the committee consist of:
Kelsey McGovern, Emma Gilliam, Celeste Lareau, and
Mariah Kemeter. Some of the things we have been up
to are:
Planned, executed, and promoted a district-
wide service project (Miracle Minute) for the
Michigan Key Clubs to participate in during
Eliminate Week
Came up with basic additions/changes to be
made to the Service Directory (i.e. new pages
like K-Fam and Small Club, making the Directory
separate, adding a list of materials/timeline for
bigger projects)
New ideas on how to use social media to
promote the Projects Committee (i.e. Twitter and
Facebook monthly service projects, each
committee member specifically in charge of a
social media outlet)
I am looking forward to a year of service with all of you!

Hello fellow Michigan Key Clubbers! I'm Sarah
Bussineau, your 2014-2015 Kiwanis Family Relations
Chair! Key Club by itself is a powerful vehicle for
service, but when the whole Kiwanis Family comes
together we become unstoppable. I will be
working with Alexis Stillwell, Coleman Fresquez,
Thomas Doyle, and Natalie Taylor to unite the K-
Family. Our committee's job is to help keep the K-
Family informed, connected, and serving together.
For more K-Family Relations updates, check out our
committee page on There you will
find my latest newsletter, which will sometimes
contain a special Club Challenge for your club to
complete. Check it out! If you have any
comments, questions, concerns, or ideas, make
sure to email me at I am
looking forward to an awesome year working with
all of you!
All the Best,
Sarah Bussineau

Welcome New Events Committee!
Events Committee Update
Greeting Michigan District Key Clubbers! My name is Sruti Somani and I am the new Events committee. The
purpose of Events committee is to make district events extraordinary and interesting. Some other members
on the committee include Addison Clipfell, Meet Patel, and Jacob Renaud. A goal our committee has this
year is to attract attention to district events and increase participation. The events committee is very excited
to start off the 2014-2015 Key Club year and we are ready to make this years events the best they can.
Secretary Note
Hello Mighty Michigan Key Clubbers!
My name is Natalie Taylor and Im your 2014-
2015 District Secretary. Im so excited to have
the opportunity and honor of serving on your
district board for two consecutive years. I
hope I can live up to your expectations as
secretary, just like I know your clubs will live up
to your expectations this year.
Please, dont forget to help me help you.
Keep turning in your monthly reports and
meeting minutes. I read all of these and they
make me so proud of you guys! Im also
looking for quite a few Election Report Forms.
ERFs help me make an effective District Board
website. These can all be found on the
Michigan District of Key Club website.
I look forward to hearing from you guys soon!
Treasurer Note
Hello fellow Key Clubbers!
My name is Stephen Kenkel, and I am honored
to be your new District Treasurer. If you guys
want to know a little bit about me, check out
my page on where you can also
find the new Treasurer Report Form and my April
Newsletter. Instead of using up this space to
ramble on about how excited I am for the rest
of the year, I thought I would talk a little bit
about Project HOPE.
Project H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Eat) was
chosen by the District Board to be the District
Project for another year. This means that every
club in the District must contribute to defeating
world and state hunger through food
packaging and other service projects. My goal
throughout the year will be to give as much
time as I can to helping clubs put together
fundraisers to help this excellent cause. I will try
my best to make sure that the clubs in Michigan
are working together to fight not only the
hunger in Michigan, but in the world. Hunger is
the worlds NUMBER 1 health risk and it needs to
be addressed by the clubs in our District. Help
me and the rest of the District build a world
without hunger!
If youre wondering how you and your club can
help, here are some great starter ideas:
volunteer at a soup kitchen, put together a
canned food drive, or help sponsor a Kids
Against Hunger food packaging event.
Service Ideas for Your Club
-Brought to you from Projects Committee-

Relay for Life
Relay for Life is an awesome event that involves a 24-hour running relay in order
to raise money for cancer research and treatment. You can participate by going
to your friends and family collecting pledges or by holding several fundraisers to
collect donations toward the American Cancer Society. Go to the website below
for more information:
MNT Spelling Bee
This is your usual spelling bee with an MNT twist! Have participants
spell words that relate to Project ELIMINATE and explain how the
words relate when the participant is done spelling. When someone is
disqualified, you can charge a $2 penalty fee.
Help stop world hunger while exercising your brain by playing the games on! For every question you answer correctly, freerice donates the
equivalent 10 grains of rice to countries of need.
Volunteer at a Nursing Home
Living in a nursing home with the same happenings day after day can be boring.
Brighten the seniors day by paying them a visit. By playing games with them, putting on
musical performances, or even just stopping by to chat, you can put a smile on their
March of Dimes
Join the mission to make mothers and babies throughout the United States healthier
by participating in this walk fundraiser during April. Organize a march in your
community and ask for donations from friends and family. For more info, go to:
Plant Trees
Trees provide shade, oxygen, and a beautiful environment for us to live in.
Share your love of the environment by planting these wonderful plants within
your community.

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