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Unit 69 Task 4: Character, Weapon

and Environment designs (Escape

from New York and The Thing)
By Aaron Barber
Client Brief
You have been given a job by Art of War (a
games developers company) to create designs
for a game you have to decided a film to
create in to a game, you can choose two films
to merge and create a game that is a mixture
of the two films, this should be done to
professional standards, the final designs must
be of 2 Environments, 2 Character designs and
2 weapons designs all your designs must be
presented once finished.
What is my idea?
My idea is of a game that is a mix between Escape from New York and The
Ting I have chosen to do these to film to merge together and create a game
because they both have a interesting story, in this game I will be keeping the
concept of trying to escaping New York as it makes a good challenge for the
main character and it will keep the game interesting as the government will
be trying to contain you in New York, I will also be keeping the idea of the
alien creates that are trying to kill and takeover peoples body's so that they
can infect the whole human race, these creates manage to get on to earth by
landing in a meteor storm that can resist the attack of missiles trying to
destroy them before they get into the earths atmosphere, however the
meteors enter the atmosphere and it becomes to late to stop the meteors
from landing on earth, the meteor end up landing in New York creating havoc
around the whole city and the authorities and the government try to contain
this alien out brake by sealing off the city and in this game you have to try and
escape the city boarders undetected and fight of vicious alien mutated
creates and you must also ensure that the creatures do not escape with you
or the world will be in grave danger, on you mission you meet various people
and friends and you can help tem o leave them the choice is yours.
Mood board
Mood board annotation
From this image that I gathered for my mood board I have gathered valid
information and styles of detail as well as the types of environments that would
need to be looked at for the game top be successful and from this image I have
gained that information and now it can be applied in to my designs affectively and
correctly, and by doing this my designs should be actuate and effective in ways of
how they can be applied to that creation of the game.
From this image I can see what the creatures look like and how I can design them for the
game and also I can gain ideas of what the creatures can become such as: grow more limes
or teeth, and using this information I can create better designs for my work so that the
game will be more effective in terms of gameplay as the creatures may look more realistic
or have more realism placed in to their design and choice of textures.
From this image that I chose to use in my mood board I can get a general look of
what I can create my design around as this image of a street is a really good
example as it shows all the key aspects to a street, so using this image I can gather a
better and wider perspective on how the street should be structured and what type
of colours can and should be used to make the design be affective and look good.
From this image I have discovered how I should create the look of my city environment
and what New York looks like from the outside of the city, so using this image I can create
an affective environment that would look good if I was to make any additions to it my self
so basically the environment will most likely look like this image however it should be
closer to the city, the time of day will be at sun set and meteorites will be entering the
earths atmosphere and will be falling from the sky creating havoc all over the city.
Intended Purpose
This is my first designs for a character this is only in its first stage but
It took some doing to create it as many mistakes happened and
issues came up but they soon became irrelevant and not an issue but
this first design became the first milestone for many different ideas
and designs, this design is the basic structure of normal male human
being unfortunately there are no female designs at the moment but
they will be placed in to consideration in the future.
This image is the first look at the first design of a environment
and this environment was influenced from New York street
images that I used in my mood board this is because the
images that I used in my mood board are very good examples
to is decided to look at them and base my design around them
but I also ensure that my designs remained original as I
changed a few visual themes so that the image is no longer the
same or similar and that would give my idea originality.
These designs are quite basic as they look like ideas that have already been created
and they relatively are, however these designs are the building block for future designs
I created these designs because I wanted to grasp the basic look of a weapon like a
sword or a gun so that I can use that basic design in my other weapon designs so that I
can improve their original structure to fit my own ideas so using these basic designs I
discovered that I can create others designs for more affectively and creatively so using
this benefited both my skills as being a concept artist in this particular task and my
ability to draw.
Intended Purpose
This is my second design of a weapon, as you can see this seems like a brutal styled weapon and it is as this
particular design of sword is banned in many country's but the designs of it and the use of it in games and
films is not only a real version of this design of weapon would be banned, but this designs developed from
the first basic designs of weapons because it uses sword blades and it is also a gun, the gap in between both
of the blades is a barrel in a matter of speaking as in the centre the bullet/pellet would fire out of a hole that
is places in between the two blades tis has been done because I thought of I as an original idea as in most
games there is either a gun or a melee weapon and this is both I created this because I thought that it would
create originality for the game and its design and that thought has proven to be correct as it makes the
designs different for all others and make these game stand out more when compared to if the design did not
exist and that originality could result in more popularity in the community on gamers.
This is the second designs of a characters structure and this has originated, once again, from the mood board
images and he first designs as I discovered that I had the standing part o a humans anatomy down I decided to
move on to more complex positions and also decided to do a design of a face so that can get the structure and
look of a human face correct, from these designs I can create better and more detailed concept designs and doing
this will create better affectedness in how the game and its designs can be presented, most likely the positioned
body design will be used to create other designs of characters n the future this is because I believe that this design
would be good to use for designs and it can be seen as a different way of creating the character because I may
have already created a front, side and back view of the character and this could be a good design of a body to use
for putting the character into the environment,.
These designs on this designs sheet are all the third designs for both characters and
weapons, however, the environments are the second designs. So for the weapons, these
weapon designs are quite interesting as they are different to the other design but these
all show originality because none of he designs are copied or based off a reference these
are all legit designs that I created, as you can see these designs originated from taking the
ordinary weapons such as a sword and changing it into something like what lays before
you and they have all been developed from a basic stage into what they are now, the
environment designs are based around an image from my mood board and the design
will most likely be created and developed into a final design because I do really like the
look and feel of the designs and I thought it would be interesting to finish and create as a
final design, the character design ideas came from looking at both films and the
characters in them all designs will be considered to be developed but not all of them will
be but there shall be a final design of at least one of them.
Intended Purpose
These designs are of my characters and these are my final
designs all designs I like and am proud of, however if I was to
change any part of these designs I would create them wit
more detail as I fell as though they have lacked in that key
part of there design and creation.
The parts of the designs tat I enjoy is the chosen look and
body structure as it seems that the designs do not lack
correct body structure therefor they seem to be realistic and
correct in aspect of realism.
These are my final weapon designs and all of these I am proud of as they
seem creative and original designs so the are legit and not copied or
stolen and these designs do not seem to be lacking detail, therefore
there's nothings that I would change about these designs, however, to
one of the designs would ad colour as it is lacking colour and thus
loosing detail so that would need to be dealt with if I was to change
anything about these designs.
These two environment designs are the final designs and these
are my most proudest achievement as these designs show
originality and are both different and not similar to each others
thus showing difference between their design and by them
being different it makes it so there's is not a choice to choose
between them, one environment is a before and during the
attack on New York.
Target audience
The target audience of this game is adults so
the age rating would be 18+ this is because of
the content that would be in the game such as
possible sexual references, scenes, images and
horrific nature of the games story and also
the horrific nature of the design of the game
would place it as an 18+ game, it could be
possible to reduce the age rating but that
could change the user experience and that
cold ruin the game.
Legal and Ethical considerations
The legal and ethical issues would be:
Morality Issues The game will contain violent scenes with gory results which certain members of society may object too so
this has to be looked at and legalities for moral & ethical content needs to be adhered too.
Copyright due to the content involved and the fact that this game will be based around the films; The Thing and Escape From
New York permission would have to be sought to avoid copyright breaches, I would have to contact the owners of the rights to the
films, the originator for this permission.
Contracts I would need to set up contracts with the owners to the rights to the films and agreed distributors, this may involve
Lawyers on both sides, these contracts would need to be set up so that the products that are created do not get filed as copy right and
the creation of the products can continue without clam of copyright and also some funding may come into play if the contract is set up
correctly and that may result in products becoming better quality when compared to the none funded version of the products.
Fairness, Contributors and Consent - agreement will have to be sought with anyone who aided me in the development of
the new product
Trademarks I would need to set up a trademark and obtain a patent to cover both the physical products and intellectual ideas.
Confidentiality There would need to be a None Disclosure Agreement (NDA) between the people that own the rights to the
films & myself at least until the release date, this is so the ideas and data can not be stolen by information being released before the
game is announced or released, if ideas are stole then it could result in loss of the product or all rights to the product as well as a loss in
Representation of Race, Gender,
Religion and Sexuality
In my designs I have represented Race,
Gender, Religion and Sexuality poorly as in my
designs there is no representation of any of
these unfortunately so this could course issues
in the future such as after the games release if
I was to stick to the designs I have but there
will be more designs so that the poor
representation of gender, race, sexuality and
religion become no longer an issue.
Overall I think that the designs are pretty good and
that I am proud of them, however, there are still
changes that could have been done for them such as
some designs needed colour and some needed looking
over so that more detail could be added and that could
have been key to the designs but over all I think I have
done pretty well with them and that they are ok the
way they are, I wish I could have hade more time to
create more designs but unfortunately I didn't so at
least I have met the client brief and I also think that I
have met the target audience because the designs are
for people that are 18+ by the how I have created all
the weapons, characters and environments.

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