Seven Million Dollars, A Life and Reputation Tarnished: The True Costs of Dumanis' Failed Pension Case

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/01203 Alex 8oLh

May 14, 2014 619-228-3233

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!ohn 1orres ls [usL one of Lhe vlcLlms of 8onnle uumanls' pollLlcally moLlvaLed declslon Lo flle
crlmlnal charges agalnsL slx members of Lhe ClLy of San ulego's reLlremenL board ln 2003. 8y
Lhe Llme Lhe courLs reallzed 1orres had done noLhlng wrong, he had losL hls marrlage, hls
savlngs and much of hls ablllLy Lo earn a llvlng. Pe was forced Lo declare bankrupLcy and now
llves ln a 16-fooL Lravel Lraller.

lor San ulego Laxpayers, Lhe cosL of Lhls falled prosecuLlon ls easy Lo quanLlfy: more Lhan $7
mllllon, whlch ls whaL Laxpayers musL relmburse Lhe lawyers for Lhe slx defendanLs, none of
whom was convlcLed of anyLhlng. 1haL's money LhaL could have been spenL on counLless oLher
Lhlngs, from flxlng sLreeLs Lo hlrlng more pollce offlcers and flreflghLers.

Parder Lo measure ls Lhe lmpacL on 1orres and Lhe flve oLher people whom uumanls charged
wlLh crlmes for Lhe sole purposes of geLLlng herself blg headllnes. ln flllng Lhe charges, uumanls
lgnored Lhe advlce of numerous lawyers who Lold her no crlmes had been commlLLed. nlne
years afLer 1orres was flrsL charged ln Lhe case - and four years afLer Lhe Callfornla Supreme
CourL concluded he'd done absoluLely noLhlng lmproper - 1orres ls sLlll llvlng wlLh Lhe
consequences of uumanls' pollLlcally moLlvaLed acLlons.

l Lry Lo block lL ouL every day," sald 1orres, a former crlme-lab Lechnlclan who served as a
volunLeer on Lhe clLy's employee reLlremenL board.

1o hear 1orres dlscuss some of Lhe ways uumanls has upended hls llfe, 2762C 0?69 76/C:

lL was as Lhough he had Lhe word crlmlnal" LaLLooed on hls forehead, 1orres sald. l felL llke
everybody ln San ulego was waklng up every mornlng Lo see lf Lhey could flnd my name ln Lhe

none of Lhls should have happened. 8uL uumanls wanLed splashy medla coverage Lo furLher
her pollLlcal career -- and dldn'L care whose llves she mlghL ruln ln Lhe process. 1oday !ohn
1orres ls sLlll paylng for uumanls' reckless behavlor - and so are San ulego Laxpayers.

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