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Name: David Chavez Period: 4 Points:


Story Structure Template

Working title: Curve it like beckham

Logline of your story: boy tries learning how to curve the ball

Act 1

Set-Up: School, WA

Opening Image: kid juggling ball

Theme/Mission: Curve the ball

Catalyst: he tries so hard but cant do it

Commitment: he told everyone that he will curve it like beckham in the game
Act 2

Plan A: he will train every 2 days for 2 hours

Midpoint: that training doesnt seem to help so he has to find another one

Plan B: he trains everyday until sun comes down

Climax: its finally gametime and his word to the people, will he bend it like beckham?

B-Story: he has a girlfriend & shes watching him push himself everyday
Act 3

Resolution: they are tied and in last 10 mins he has a opened shot. He curves it like beckham & its in the

Final Image: celebrating happily with his teammates

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