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What does Thoreau want--from the individual? From the community?

From legislators? From the state/government?

Thoreau requires personal dictation from the individual; the aility to spea!
one"s opinions without fear of negative consequence# $overnments show
thus how successfully men can e imposed on% even impose on themselves%
for their own advantage# &eople are easily swayed certain directions if the
minority is powerful enough to decide people"s eliefs or actions# 'e wants
people to live up to their full potential and not restrict themselves ecause
the government tries to# Thoreau wants the community to (udge the
government% to reali)e it is neither perfect nor fair to all# * as! for% not at
once no government% ut at once a etter government# +et every man ma!e
!nown what government would command his respect,# Thoreau elieves
that the government should fully accept the ma(ority"s ideas and rule
according to them# +aws should e agreed upon y everyody% and not (ust
y the minority who are enefitting# +egislators should not create laws to aid
them% ut rather aid everyone else# Thoreau requires oth men and the
government to reali)e that if the ma(ority does not agree with the law% that
they have the right to revolt against it# For e-ample% 'enry Thoreau refused
to pay his ta-es in The .ight Thoreau /pent in 0ail% in order to protest
against the 1e-ican-2merican war#

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