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A Special Report from Blue Rock Holistics:

What Your Doctor Wont Tell You

About Digestive Pain

By Sherry Brescia
Natural Health Researcher, President, Holistic Blends Inc., Author of the bestselling
Great Taste No Pain, Editor of the digestive health newsletter Pain Free Living

I dont think theres anything that causes more
embarrassment and discomfort than digestive

Yet too many people just accept them as a fact of life;
something you just have to live with. They make us
miserable and miserable to be around, too. When
youre the one suffering from a cranky gut, the last
thing you want to hear from your doctor is that your
gastric problems minor and theyll say theres not
much you can do.

But Ignoring Digestive Problems
Could Threaten Your Life!

Your gastrointestinal tract is, without doubt, the
hardest-working soldier in your body. It absorbs the
nutrients that keep us healthy and energized. It
produces nearly two-thirds of our immune systems
total antibodies. It barricades harmful toxins and
pathogens away from the rest of our bodies. And it
contributes to our daily health, well-being, and
longevity in ways we cant even measure

But what mainstream medicine fails to realize is this:
when your digestive system isnt in top-notch form,
then your organs, blood cells, nerves, and muscles are
NOT receiving the nutrients they need to function
properly. Thats why poor digestion, left unchecked,
can leave you open to some serious, even life-
threatening health problems. Research shows that
Digestive Distress is the #1 Health
Problem in the USA!
Take a look at these shocking

95 million Americans suffer from
some type of digestive problem
Over 10 million people are
hospitalized every year, due to a
gastrointestinal problem
Digestive diseases are the cause of
over 200,000 deaths every year
Direct medical cause of digestive
disease run upwards of $20 billion
Constipation is, by far, the most
common chronic digestive problem
Digestive diseases rank second
among all causes of disability due to
illness. They result in an estimated
200,000 absences from work each
Diarrhea is the third leading cause of
death by disease worldwide, claiming
the lives of the most vulnerable:
children and the elderly.
75% of people taking conventional
treatments for digestive problems
continue to experience symptoms as
many as three or more times a week.
65% of people with heartburn may
have symptoms day and night.
hepatitis, joint aches, gall bladder problems, kidney stones, allergies, even colo-rectal cancer
have all been linked to digestive problems.

Mainstream Medicine = Few Solutions

When it comes to curing gas, bloating, intestinal cramps, acid reflux, and other forms of
digestive distress, mainstream medicine has few real solutions. For decades, they have treated
digestive problems with a patchwork of symptom-by-symptom remedies that ignore the root
causes altogether. Antacids for heartburn. Laxatives for constipation. The pink stuff for
diarrhea. Simethicone for gas.

And you know what? They dont work very well. Theres a good reason why they call these
remedies temporary relief.

In fact, one out of every five Americans still suffers digestive woes no matter how many pills
they gobble down and how carefully they eat. And digestive problems are the number one
reason people see their doctor especially as they age.

Why do digestive problems rear their ugly head as you age? For one thing, your organs simply
dont work the way they did when you were 20. Your vision and hearing is less acute. Your
skin is less elastic. And you certainly dont have the energy levels at 50 that you did at 25.

Why should your stomach be any different? After 40, 50+ years of digesting everything you
put in your stomachs -- not just food, but alcohol, medicines, grease, chemical flavorings,
pesticides -- doesnt it make sense that your stomach becomes weaker, too?

Of course it does. Its only natural that your digestive system slows down, just like the rest of
your body. So it makes less acid, less pepsin, fewer enzymes. Things digest less efficiently.

And while most people notice digestive problems as they get older, they can affect people of
any age even young children. Many people start to notice gastritis, colitis or Irritable Bowel
symptoms as early as their late teens or 20s. Whats more, most of the digestive problems
people suffer from today were virtually unheard of 75 or 100 years ago. Todays high-stress,
fast-paced lifestyle and on-the-go processed meals are the main culprit.

Another Hidden Cause of Stomach Pain: Could You Be a Victim?

The medical profession often blames your digestive pain on an overproduction of acid in the
stomach. But this isnt necessarily so! In fact, nearly half of all people over 50 with heartburn
or indigestion actually suffer from a condition called hypochlorhydria, or low stomach acid. Its
difficult to diagnose, since the symptoms are very similar to acid overrun: gas, bloating,
indigestion, and belching.
If you suffer from low stomach acid, your body cant absorb nutrients well and your supply of
important digestive enzymes is low. You also open the door to such health problems as
irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, joint problems, even diabetes.

Needless to say, taking conventional acid-lowering remedies when you suffer from low
stomach acid can wreak more havoc on your digestive system. So with all the progress in
mainstream medicine

Why cant they find a cure for your digestive problems once and for all?

The answer is simple: profits. The pharmaceutical giants have built entire fortunes on
medications that soothe the GI tract. Theyre so commonly prescribed, that digestive remedies
rank in sales second only to cholesterol lowering drugs.

If mainstream medicine was able to solve the real cause of your digestive distress, the drug
giants would be out of business!

Annual sales of both prescription and over-the-counter digestive products are well over $15
billion a year and the numbers are growing:


As you know, over-the-counter remedies can relieve painful symptoms but do nothing to treat
the underlying problem. And heres something else you should know

In the long run, these medicines do more harm than good!
Regular antacid use can cause your stomach to produce even more acid, a condition called acid
rebound. It can make the pH in the intestines friendlier to bad bacteria. It can also open the
door for the Helicobacter pylori bacterium that causes ulcers, and even play a role in leaky gut

Likewise, regular laxative use can decrease your colons ability to contract and worsen
constipation. It can damage your intestinal tissues in the long run and cause dehydration.
Laxatives $900 million
Anti-hemorrhoidals $250 million
Anti-diarrheals $100 million
Antacids $ 2 billion
Proton-pump Inhibitors
(Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid)
$13.6 billion

They can make you susceptible to Gastrointestinal infections, too. In June, 2006, the Journal
of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published an article in linking popular acid
blockers and Clostridium dificile an infection of the GI tract that causes watery stools,
swelling and irritation of the large intestine. Back in 1994, only one person in 100,000 got
what was then a rare infection. By 2004, the occurrence rate had jumped to 22 times higher
than what it had been.

Scientists concluded that people taking proton-pump
inhibitor acid-blocking drugs, such as Nexium, are three
times more likely to get infected by Clostridium dificile
than people not taking these drugs.

And believe it or not, the news gets even worse. Your
risk of other serious health problems skyrocket, too. For


Researchers in the Netherlands did an antacid study of
500,000 patients. They found that people who had taken
acid-suppressive drugs were 4.5 times more likely to get
pneumonia than those who hadnt taken the drugs.

Without acid in the stomach, bacteria from the intestine
may be moving upstream to reach the throat and then
the lungs to cause infection. These drugs may also
increase the risk of other milder types of lung infection.


A study published JAMA says that proton-pump inhibitors almost triple the risk of hip
fracture. People taking high doses of proton-pump inhibitors for longer than a year were 2.6
times as likely to break a hip as were people not taking an acid blocker. Those taking even
modest doses of PPIs regularly for one to four years were 1.2 to 1.6 times as likely to break a
hip. Fracture risk rose with duration of use. (Ever wonder why osteoporosis drugs are the biggest
thing to hit the airwaves lately?)

One of the most common side effects of bone-building medications such as Boniva or
Fosamax is reflux. Patients may be prescribed Nexium so they can tolerate the side effects of
the osteoporosis drug. But in the end, the benefits of these medications may cancel each
other out.
CNN: Top Ten Most GUT-
Wrenching Cities

CNN released the G.U.T. list for for
Gastrointestinal Upset Tracker the
top 10 cities where people seem to
suffer the highest rates of digestive
problems. The rankings are based on
a years worth of spending per person
for stomach-soothing medications.

1. Los Angeles, CA
2. New York, NY
3. Houston, TX
4. Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
5. San Francisco, CA
6. Chicago, IL
7. Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
8. Phoenix, AZ
9. Washington, DC
10. San Diego, CA

Some researchers also suggest the acid blocking
medications prevent the osteoclasts---those are
the bone-building cells--from generating the acid
they need to dissolve old, weak bones. This
would slow or stop natural bone turnover,
making your bones more prone to fracture.

Memory problems

For chronic digestive problems, doctors often
prescribe antacids for long-term use. However,
many popular, over-the-counter antacids contain
aluminum hydroxidea toxic chemical thats
been linked to memory problems! In one five-
year study of people 65 and older, those who took
a kind of antacid called histamine2 receptor
antagonist (such as Axid, Pepcid, and Tagamet)
were 2-1/2 times more likely to have cognitive
problems than those who did not use antacids.

Think Yogurt is a Healthy Way to Eliminate
Digestive Ailments? Think Again.

Youve no doubt seen the wave of advertising for
yogurts that claim eating their product for 2
weeks can help with constipation and bloating. And since these brands contain probiotics
or friendly bacteria that support a healthy digestive tract, the claims do have some merit.

However, Dr. Stephen Wangen, chief Medical Officer at the IBS Treatment Center in Seattle
states that many of his patients with flare ups of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other
digestive problems frequently report having tried regular yogurt or one of the new high
bacteria products such as Activia. Unfortunately, many of these patients reported these
products did not help them; in many cases, it made them feel worse.

According to Dr. Wangen, many patients who experience IBS are actually suffering from a
dairy allergy but don't realize it. Yogurt is still a dairy product and can be a potent trigger
of their digestive problems. Thats why he tells his patients to stay away from all yogurt
even brands with high probiotic bacteria content.

What about taking antacids
as calcium supplements?

Its true that calcium helps neutralize
stomach acid and protect your delicate
stomach lining. And its role in bone health
is common knowledge.

Thats why many mainstream doctors and
big drug makers promote antacids like
TUMS as calcium supplements. But they
dont tell you these popular antacid tablets
deliver calcium in the form of Calcium
Carbonate. Calcium Carbonate is only good
for making chalk and concrete. Its the
lowest-quality, least-absorbable form, more
suitable for lawn care than healthcare!

In fact, about 40% of post-menopausal
women, the age group most susceptible to
osteoporosis, are severely deficient in
stomach acid and can absorb a mere 4% of
the calcium in this form. Calcium carbonate
also greatly increases the risk of kidney
What You Can Do Right Now to Solve Digestive Distress Naturally

If you are suffering from gas, bloating, constipation, or other digestive pain, there are several
herbal and homeopathic remedies that can soothe your cranky gut and relieve your discomfort

Betaine Hydrochloride: This beet-based source of hydrochloric acid increases stomach acid
and is one of the most effective supplements for indigestion caused by hypochlorhydria (low
stomach acid). Most common in those over the age of 50, low stomach acid causes poor
nutrient digestion and absorption and leads to fatigue.

Carbo vegetabilis: this popular homeopathic remedy relieves bloating, flatulence and
indigestion and helps soothe a cranky digestive system.

Chamomile: Used as a tea, chamomile is an excellent home remedy for heartburn, indigestion,
colic, nausea and general stress. It also has mild relaxant and sedative properties.

Dandelion: The dried roots and fresh greens are both used traditionally as an overall digestive
and liver tonic. This remedy works best in a simple tea.

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL): This herbal extract soothes the digestive tract by increasing
the mucosal lining. The best form to use is a chewable tablet that can provide quick relief.

Fennel: this culinary herb is also known as a carminative, which means it helps expel gas from
the intestinal tract. It helps relieve abdominal cramps, gas, and bloating. Fennel seeds can be
used in cooking or made into a tasty licorice tea.

Ginger: This wonderful digestive aid alleviates nausea, strengthens the lining of the upper
gastrointestinal tract, and protects against ulcers and parasites.

Nux Vomica: This homeopathic remedy is often given to people who suffer stress-related
digestive problems. It helps relieve indigestion, heartburn, abdominal cramps, nausea and

Peppermint (and spearmint): Like fennel, peppermint is also a carminative that helps ease gas,
bloating , IBS and nausea according to some studies. Its an overall digestive aid thats
soothing, refreshing, and quick acting. You can steep peppermint leaves for tea. Peppermint
oil is also available in capsule form.

3 ways to cure long-term digestive problems
at the source so youll never suffer again

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes help break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins so your body can
absorb glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids. When you dont have enough enzymes, you can
suffer nutritional deficiencies, food cravings, and poor immunity. Indigestion, heartburn,
irregularity, gas, bloating, and constipation are often the result.

A shortage of enzymes also deprives your cells of much-needed energyenergy you need to
stay healthy and vibrant. Enzymes are divided into three categories: protein, carbohydrates,
and fats:

Protease enzymes digest proteins. This includes bromelain, papain, pancreatin, and

Amylase enzymes digest carbohydrates. This includes lactase (specific to digesting dairy
products), invertase (for digesting sugar), and cellulose (for digesting fiber)

Lipase enzymes digest fats. This category primarily includes lipase and pancreatin.

Mainstream medicine tends to scoff atthe idea of digestive enzymes, just like they do
regarding vitamin supplements and herbal remedies. But there is a lot of scientific evidence
that shows if you have problems digesting steak, dairy, or rich foods, enzymes can help.

Choosing the most appropriate digestive enzymes depends largely on the types of foods that
trigger digestive difficulties. For people with lactose-intolerance, supplementing with lactase
tablets is a safe and easy way to enjoy dairy without the nausea, bloating and discomfort.

Pregnant women, too, may find themselves feeling nauseous after a meal or first thing in the
morning. Taking a mild digestive enzyme such as papain, a proteolytic enzyme extracted from
papaya, can sometimes help quell the nausea. Papain is helpful for motion sickness as well.

Most people find that a multiple enzyme formulation is most effective. These formulas contain
a wide spectrum of enzymatic ingredients, some of which support the action in the stomach
and others that boost the enzymatic action taking place further down the digestive tract.


Clinical studies now reveal that a major cause of digestive discomfort is usually an excess of
harmful bacteria in your colon and GI tract. The healthy colon should contain at least 85%
lactobacillus and 15% coliform bacteria. However, the typical colon bacteria balance is the
reverse, resulting in gas, bloating, pathogenic organisms, constipation, and malabsorption of

How do you restore this digestive imbalance? With probiotics. Probiotics are health-enhancing
good bacteria that play an integral part in healthy digestion. These beneficial microorganisms
are essential for your overall good health. They break down the food we eat and help your
body absorb key vitamins and minerals. They crowd out harmful bacteria like e. coli and
salmonella so they cant proliferate and do harm. They keep the lid on fungus, mold, and other
pathogens so they, too, cant gain the upper hand and run wild.

In a very real sense, probiotics work around the clock to keep your digestive system in healthy
balance and to keep your essential life processes working smoothly. But as you age, your
levels of friendly bacteria decline and that triggers a wide array of digestive problems.

If you one of the tens of millions of people who are fed up with digestive woes and the toll
they take, then a high-quality probiotic can provide you with a real chance to live better and
feel better in just a matter of weeks or even days. However, when you purchase a probiotic,
be a label reader. For best results, a probiotic supplement should:

Contain multiple strains of several bacteria ideally a balance of both the Lactobacilli
and Bifidobacteria species.

It should contain at least 5 billion CFUs per dose. This is the minimum amount you
need to feel any benefits.

Have a pharmaceutical-grade enteric coating to protect the bacteria inside.

Probiotics should be stored in a refrigerator to guarantee maximum effectiveness.
Store-bought probiotics that have sat on a shelf for month will likely contain dead
bacteria, and wont be effective.

One of the best researched,probiotic formulas available meets all this criteria is Super Shield,
now available from Blue Rock Holistics. Super Shield multi-probiotic contains 13 powerful
Super Strains proven by science for their potency and effectiveness. Find out more about
Super Shield right here.

FOOD COMBINING: The Scientifically-Proven Secret
to Pain-Free Digestion for Live

Have you ever thought about the possibility that it's not so much what you're eating that could
be the problem but how you're eating?

Steak and potatoes, tuna-noodle casserole, scrambled eggs with toast... these classic American
meals are also classic examples of why the standard American diet is making us fatter and
more prone to disease.

And if, after eating one of those traditional meals, if you experience bloating or feel gassy,
dehydrated or tired, youre not alone. They violate all the principles of food combining.

Food combining was developed almost 100 years ago by Dr. William Howard Hay, a
prominent New York physician, in a successful effort to cure his own struggling health. He
then used it to cure a wide range of illnesses. The Hay Diet, as it was called, was enormously
successful and Dr. Hay went on to become a famous author and lecturer on the topic.

Unfortunately, the technique of food combining got swept away by the wave of
pharmaceutical drugs and surgery that came to dominate medicine by the mid-20th century.
Antibiotics and instant cures took preference over Dr. Hays common sense approach to
healthy eating.

However, its now finally gaining the attention it deserves. Authorities like Dr. Herbert
Shelton and Dr. Stanley Bass are tireless advocates for this safe, natural, and incredibly
effective method for solving digestive problems without drugs or surgery.

Eat What You Want Love What You Eat.

According to Dr. Hay, digestive problems begin when you eat mis-combined foods day in and
day out. This stresses your digestive system beyond its ability to function. Thats when serious
digestive conditions like diverticulitis, gastritis, colitis, IBS, Crohns, ulcers, and other chronic
problems emerge.

Different types of foods trigger the release of different types of digestive enzymes, some acidic
and others alkaline. Alone, each type of enzyme does a fabulous job breaking down foods as
nature intended. But when both types of digestive enzymes are released at the same time,
thats when trouble can develop.

Why? The alkaline and acid enzymes neutralize each other to the point where neither type of
enzyme can do its job. Digestion is greatly impaired and your meal does not get broken down,
getting stuck between the crevices located in the intestinal track, causing the toxic wastes to
ferment and putrefy. These toxic particles will then pass into the bloodstream where they can
cause allergic reactions in the form of various health related problems.
In addition, the undigested food particles become food for unhealthy bacteria to feed upon.
This opens the door to intestinal cramps, acid reflux, nausea, constipation, indigestion and a
host of other health problems.

Simply put, food combining is a way of eating foods so that they do not work against each
other and cause pain. Specific food groups, such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, each require
different digestion times and digestive enzymes, in order to be broken down and utilized by
the body efficiently.

So you should only consume foods that have approximately the same digestion times and use
the same or similar digestive agents to break them down.

For example, protein foods (meats) need a very acidic environment in order that they can be
digested appropriately. Carbohydrates (starches and sugars), on the other hand, require a
much more alkaline medium to digest, as do fats.

If you eat a meal that consists of meat, vegetables and a dessert, you have, in effect, neutralized
your digestive system. In doing so, you have slowed the digestive process down to almost a
complete stop.

But food combining is actually quite simple, because it categorizes all foods into three distinct
Type A foods are relatively neutral and pass through your stomach with little or no
digestive enzymes required to break them down.

Type B foods require alkaline digestive enzymes to break down, beginning in the
mouth with the enzyme ptyalin and continuing in the stomach and small intestine.

Type C foods require powerful acids to be broken down, namely hydrochloric acid
and pepsin in the stomach.

With proper food combining, you can still eat any type of food you wish either alone, or in
compatible combinations so you can enjoy what you are eating, without any pain for

Unlike restrictive diets, food combining allows you to eat even great volumes of luscious,
delicious food as long as you combine it according to a few simple guidelines. It truly requires
very little willpower. Plus, it works fast as little as 24 hours or less. And your digestive
system will truly run like clockwork.

Where to Learn More About Alkalizing & Food Combining

Great Taste, No Pain by Sherry Brescia is the most comprehensive, and simple, resource ever
written on food combining. Ms. Brescia is a medical researcher who has compiled a
tremendous amount of information into a food combining system that anyone can follow. In
fact, her scientifically proven method has already helped thousands of people worldwide
quickly reverse chronic digestive problems.

Sherry, a lifelong IBS suffer, endured constant pain that eventually landed her in the hospital.
But she turned her health around practically overnight once she learned the principle of food
combining. She never suffered from cramps, bloating, gas, constipation, or other digestive
problems ever again.

From that time on, Sherry devoted her career to researching the science of food combining.
Why it works. How it works. What foods work best together and what food combinations are
absolute nightmares for someone with digestive problems.

Sherry meshed a number of philosophies to come up with a program specially designed to
dramatically reduce the acid pH measure in a persons entire body not just in the stomach.
Her Great Taste No Pain system shows you, step by step, how to combine foods in a way that
radically decreases the amount of acid digestive juices in the stomach and small intestines
required to break down foods.

When you begin following Sherry Brescias Great Taste No Pain system, you'll be amazed at
the amount of energy you have, even late into the evening. You won't have any discomfort, no
bloating, no need to eat again within an hour and no need for caffeine after meals.

Theres no guesswork involved, either. Great Taste No Pain includes delicious recipes for
tasty breakfasts, lunches and dinner. You get a comprehensive list of every possible food you
can combine with meats without suffering. Most people will suddenly be able to eat beef,
chicken, fish, pork, turkey and any other type of meat they want. As long as you combine it
right... no pain at all! And broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers and other veggies that can create havoc
suddenly will not.

You will also learn why eating certain fruits can trigger problems, and how you can easily stop
that from happening (Yes, you CAN eat fruit again. It just depends on what you eat it with)

If you want more energy, better sleep, relief from food allergies if you want to put an end to
gastritis, acid reflux, constipation, and painful cramps the Great Taste No Pain system can
help end your misery in as little as 24 hours or less.

You can order the Great Taste No Pain system online at or by calling 1-315-295-1236


Digestive statistics:

Natural Remedies Products: Your Digestive Problems and Food Combinations Guide - Issues to

Naturopathy Digest: The Downside of Acid-Blocking Drugs

Dial S, Delaney JA, Barkun AN, Suissa S. Use of gastric acid-suppressive agents and the risk of
community-acquired Clostridium difficile-associated disease. JAMA, Dec. 21, 2005;294(23):2989-95.

Activia and Other Yogurt Touted as Digestive Cures May Make Digestive Problems Worse:

CNN: 'GUT list' ranks cities with stomach woes

Natural remedies for digestive problems: retrieved 4.20.09 from:

Natural digestive aids: Retrieved 4.20.09 from:

Food Combining:


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