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Role of the Counselor

1) Counselor functions as a consultant, teacher, adviser,

reinforcer, and facilitator.

2) Social learning counselor serves as a model,
while counselor with operant and respondent
learning approach acts like a teacher.

3) Observe changes of action and behavior of client rather
than using paper and pencil tests.


The following are main goals of behavioral approaches:

> To modify or eliminate the maladaptive behaviors

> To help them acquire healthy, constructive and positive
ways of acting

>To replace unproductive actions with productive ways of


Behaviorist proposes that in counseling they must
observe behavioral changes in oneself
The theory based on observation and test
administered on animals in controlled environment
Focus on relation of stimulant and reaction that lead
to behavior changes
Children behavior can be controlled, observed
and predicted
Process of learning involves new behavior that can
be observable
Aims and principles of behavior counseling
Krumholtz stated 3 principles of behavior counseling
1) Every client has different goal
2) The goal has to be in line with counselor norms and values
3) The success is observable
To overcome shortcoming in behavior
To reinforce preferred behavior
To eliminate ve behavior to handle worrying
To increase self-regulation
To increase ability to relax
To acquire social skills
To acquire assertive skills
To increase sexual function competency

1) Response :
known as unconditional behavior by Pavlov as a
reaction to the introduction of new stimuli.
learning take place only when there are stimulus
New stimuli has to be in series with previous stimuli
New stimuli has to be administered several times
until the needed behavior changes become
They are considered as passive learning
Skinners Operant Conditioning Theory
2) Operant
non automatic, predictable and nothing to do with
known stimuli
Its emitted from oneself; without the introduction of
certain stimulant; self-taught/explained.
Self-repeated and or replicate
They are known as active learning; initiative learning

Positive & Negative Reinforcement
If a behavioral change is considered as
satisfactory, chances of repeating the same
response is large.
If put in the good stimuli, the repeated behavior
expected increase : + ve reinforcement
It is known as operant behavior
If take out the disturbing stimuli, the repeated
behavior expected increase : ve
The end result will be towards preferred behavior
Types of reinforcer: Attention and praise,
token economy (people can exchange tokens for
rewards), food items, money

Banduras Modeling Theory
Bandura and Walters prove that children are able to imitate model they
Most children prefer to imitate aggressive behavior
Counseling through observation become basic formation of human
There are four elements involved in counseling process through
observation (modeling)

1) Attention
Learning take place if there is focus & concentration
Factors that affect observation
> Characters of a model
> Usage and result
> Observation skills
2) Retention
Result of observation need to be permanent through
memorization (using language and imagination/visualize)

3) Reproduction
Observation should be able to reproduce identical behavior
To reproduce the observed behavior rely on the physical ability,
motor and retention skill to minute details

4) Reinforcement/motivation
Rewards, satisfaction and feeling good will result in repetition
The repetition might not take place if there are element of
Types of reinforcement
>Direct reinforcement: Praise
>Indirect reinforcement (vicarious): observing friend
receiving award
>Self-reinforcement: intrinsic motivation/self-regulation

Process of Behavior Counseling
Stage 1: Behavior Evaluation using SRC data
S = Antecedent(previous) stimuli situation
R= response variable
C= consequence variable
Other data: Medical data, Psychology therapy history, Self answered
questionnaire, Direct observation, Indirect observation

Stage 2:
To decide Problem statement of behavior
hypothesis formation
Definition of goals to be achieved
Selection of strategy and method

Stage 3: develop relation between client and counselor
Agreement of both parties in determining goal
Target needs to be determine by both parties; any alteration
agreed by both
good relationship might decrease client mortality
Good relationship might increase cooperation and desired goals
can be met

Stage 4: Practice and technique in behavior Counseling
Physical and mental Relaxation technique
Behavior rehearsal exercise
Assertive exercise

Behavior modification technique
Reinforcement (Positive and negative)
Punishment and reinforcement
Reverse Psychology
Shaping (Working with small, incremental changes)
Token Economy
Contact ( oral and written agreement)
Self-regulatory (own rule, keinginan sendiri)

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