The Flame, Jackson Pollock: The Auto-Da-Fe

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The Flame, Jackson Pollock

Originalit du texte : Il est en forme de flamme.
Voici la version classique qui sera plus facile dchiffrer :
The auto-da-fe
It was eight oclock in the evening. The painter left his home and went to the central square of the
town. Most of the citizens were already there: nobody wanted to miss the show. Suddenly, a
threatening voice shouted: Its time! . A group of soldiers arrived. Each of them was carrying a pile
of books. They gathered in the middle of the square and let the books fall on the ground. Then, their
chief, the man who had talked earlier, lighted a match and threw it on the books, which immediately
began to burn. A shiver ran through the crowd, but nobody moved. The fear was too strong and the
despair too deep in front of this apocalyptical scene. Orwell, Voltaire, Steinbeck ... The work, the
thoughts of all these writers, these men who had tried to improve the world, to help the future
generations, was disappearing. Even if most of the people liked the new system, or at least accepted
it, at this moment everyone knew that what was going on was a crime. Suddenly, when everything
seemed to be lost, the fire began to change of colours: black, red, white, brown, yellow, orange... The
flame shined of all the colours! The painter understood what was happening. The books souls were
not dead. There was still hope. In his mind, he swore: When well be free, Ill paint this flame. It will
be my legacy to the future generations. I want it to be the symbol of freedom, to make them
understand how fragile and precious those gifts are.

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