A Trip of A Lifetime!: The Holy Land Experience

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Beai Fiienus,
It is oui pleasuie to invite you to join us foi a tiip to the Lanu of the Bible. 0ui tiip will focus on
incieasing oui unueistanuing of uou's Woiu by visiting the lanu wheie }esus anu the piophets actually
liveu anu walkeu, anu on piaising anu woishiping the Loiu in the heait of the Piomiseu Lanu. Whethei
singing in a fishing boat on the Sea of ualilee oi celebiating the iesuiiection fiom the uaiuen Tomb, we
will be builuing oui faith while enjoying a fellowship-filleu jouiney. uethsemane, the Nount of 0lives anu
Bethlehem aie calling, so we hope you'll allow us to shaie this expeiience with you. - B*?@&0 C0#D E*(&


!%H; 3GM 7 JH))-N O !-) KMLM
Bepait fiom Washington Bulles on oui flight to !#' K414. Neals anu oveinight on boaiu. Aftei uinnei
ielax anu enjoy the on-boaiu enteitainment.

Aiiive at !#' K414R? S#+ CT01&+ K10/&0t anu meet oui guiue who will welcome us to the Lanu of the
Bible anu escoit us thioughout oui stay in Isiael. Isiaeli guiues aie legenuaiy foi theii knowleuge anu
ueuication. 0uis will instiuct us on the many sites we will visit anu theii ielationship to the ieligion,
histoiy, aichaeology, cultuie, anu mouein life in Isiael. Binnei anu oveinight at oui hotel on the coast.

Refiesheu fiom a goou night's sleep you may wish to stioll the beach befoie a full Isiaeli Buffet Bieakfast.
We uiive thiough the }ezieel valley anu visit E@W V*05#' anu the place wheie Eijah slew the piophets of
Baal. Touay we pass thiough the fast giowing towns anu faims of the Plain of Shaion enioute to
V*#?*0#*, site of majoi events in the lives of B#@#0 *+, B*T'. It's on to E#D1,,&, inspiiation foi }ames
Nichenei's "The Souice", anu piophesieu ?1@# &X K05*D#,,&+. Aichaeological uigs ieveal 2u layeis of
civilization, incluuing foitifications of King Solomon anu the watei tunnel of King Ahab. E#D1,,&
pioviues a magnificent view of the feitile Y#Z0##' M*''#(, at the ciossioaus of the ancient via Naiis. visit
3*Z*0#@" M1''*D#, a ie-cieation of a woiking faim anu ualilean village as it may have been 2uuu yeais
ago. It is tiuly a winuow into the life of }esus, Nazaieth's most famous citizen. As we go east we tiavel
thiough V*+*; the site of Chiist's fiist miiacle when he maue the watei into wine. We visit E@W K06#'
befoie enuing the uay in Tibeiias. Binnei anu oveinight in Tibeiias.

NH3; 3GM [ N-K GP CK)L)--
This uay alone is woith the tiip! \# *0# +&] '1@#0*''( ]*'^1+D 1+ @"# X&&@?@#/? &X Y#?T?W We will take a
most memoiable 6&*@ 01,# &+ @"# N#* &X C*'1'##, in a ieplica of the ancient woouen boat useu in }esus'
uay. We will visit *+ *+21#+@ 6&*@ 6#'1#4#, @& 6# X0&5 Y#?T?R @15# X&T+, 1+ @"# N#* &X C*'1'## 1+ 9[U7.
We walk into &', V*/#0+*T5 with the *+21#+@ ?(+*D&DT#; on to the ?1@# &X @"# ET'@1/'12*@1&+ &X @"#
)&*4#? *+, P1?"#? _!*6D"*`, @"# N#05&+ &+ @"# E&T+@ *+, @"# E&T+@ &X S#*@1@T,#?W You will have
an oppoitunity foi a lunch of St. Petei's fish. visit V"&0*Z15, although appaiently a piominent city uuiing
}esus' human lifetime, it became uninhabiteu by the thiiu centuiy AB. This evening we will visit the
Y&0,*+ I14#0 anu have the oppoitunity foi a baptismal seivice. Binnei anu oveinight at oui hotel in

EG3; 3GM 9= 3GI!%-I3 CK)L)-- O CG)K3 %-LC%!N
Touay we will jouiney noith to V*#?*0#* B"1''1/1 _S*+1*? N/01+D` ]"#0# B#@#0 2&+X#??#,; aF&T *0#
@"# V"01?@; @"# N&+ &X @"# )141+D C&,b _E*@@"#] 97A97W` visit Tel Ban anu the heauwateis of the }oiuan
Rivei. 0n to %*Z&0 oiiginally conqueieu by }oshua in the 1Sth C.B.C. King Solomon began ieconstiuction
heie anu King Ahab eiecteu a magnificent palace heie as well. We ietuin via the uolan Beights anu the
Bamascus ioau anu you will see why the uolan is so impoitant to Isiael. Binnei anu oveinight in Tibeiias.

!H-; 3GM 99 YGIJK3 MK))-F O Y-IHNK)-E O S-!%)-%-E
This moining we will visit the Y&0,*+ I14#0. Biive along the Y&0,*+ M*''#( to S#1@ N"#R*+ to see the
expansive excavations taking place at this ancient I&5*+ J#2*/&'1? 21@(. Stop at C1,#&+R? N/01+D wheie
C1,#&+ selecteu his soluieis to uo battle against the Niuianites. It's now time to "go up" to Y#0T?*'#5. We
will entei the city as pilgiims uiu since ancient times to fulfill the woius of the piophet "I was glau when
they saiu unto me: '0ui feet shall stanu within thy uates, 0 }eiusalem' " (Psalms 122:1-2.) We will visit
S#@"'#"#5 anu view N"#/"#0,?R P1#',? anu the P1#',? &X S&*Z *+, IT@". Shop at the 0live Woou stoie
in Bethlehem. Binnei anu oveinight in Y#0T?*'#5.

\-J; 3GM 9< Y-IHNK)-E
Stait the uay with a magnificent view of the G', V1@( fiom the top of the E@W &X G'14#?. Take the "Palm
Sunuay Walk" to the C*0,#+ &X C#@"?#5*+# wheie we will obseive the Loiu's Suppei, the V"T02" &X K''
3*@1&+? anu uiive acioss the c1,0&+ M*''#(. Entei the 0lu City thiough N@W N@#/"#+R? C*@# _)1&+?R C*@#`
to the ET?'15 dT*0@#0, visit the beautiful V"T02" &X N@W K++# anu the B&&' &X S#@"#?,*, B1'*@#R?
YT,D5#+@ %*'', anu the -22# %&5& K02". Walk along the M1* J&'&0&?*, into the V"01?@1*+ dT*0@#0, anu
see the N@*@1&+? &X @"# V0&??. Biive to E@W e1&+ to see the %&T?# &X V*1*/"*? . Binnei anu oveinight in

Bepait to E*?*,*, oveilooking the J#*, N#*, the lowest spot on Eaith, wheie we ascenu by cable cai to
visit the iemnants of %#0&,R? B*'*2# anu wheie in 7S A.B. the Zealots maue theii last stanu against the
might of Rome. visit -1+ C#,1, fableu N/01+D &X J*41,, anu pioceeu to dT50*+ wheie the J#*, N#*
N20&''? weie founu in 1947. Time peimitting; we will go foi a swim, iathei a "float", in the salteu wateis
of the Beau Sea. Retuin to Y#0T?*'#5 foi uinnei anu oveinight.

We will begin the uay with a visit to the ieconstiucteu Y#]1?" dT*0@#0, walk thiough the V*0,&, the
oiiginal Roman stieet anu see the amazing iemains of the 5*??14# ]*'' 6T1'@ 6( c1+D %#Z#^1*". See the
impoitant excavations taking place at the \#?@#0+ \*'' anu the N&T@"#0+ !#5/'# N@*102*?#. 0n to the
!#5/'# E&T+@, wheie Abiaham was to saciifice Isaac. See the J&5# &X @"# I&2^ anu *'gKh?* E&?hT#
that now stanu theie. Enu the afteinoon at C&'D&@"* (uoiuon's Calvaiy) anu the #5/@( C*0,#+ !&56.
N/#21*' @15# 1? /'*++#, X&0 5#,1@*@1&+ *+, 1+?/10*@1&+W !"1? #4#+1+D ]# ]1'' ?"*0# 1+ * P*0#]#''
J1++#0 *+, @"# /0#?#+@*@1&+ &X * V#0@1X12*@# &X B1'D015*D# @& #*2" @&T0 /*0@121/*+@W Binnei anu
oveinight in Y#0T?*'#5.

NK!; 3GM 9: LNIK-) O JH))-N
Touay we tiansfei to the aiipoit. 0ui guiue will assist us with check-in pioceuuies. Bepait on oui flight
to Bulles. We aiiive home touay with wonueiful memoiies of a visit to the Lanu of the Bible!

Highlights of Your Tour
Scheduled International Flights Top Quality Four Star Hotels Israeli Buffet Breakfast & Dinner
Daily Top Guide with In-Depth Knowledge of the Old and New Testaments Private Air
Conditioned Motorcoach Visits to the Major Historical Sites Boat Ride on the Sea of Galilee
Certificate of Your Pilgrimage to ISRAELand much more!

BILV- B-I B-ING3 PIGE JH))-NA i<77[ _i<:7Q 1X /*1, 6( 2"#2^`
(Note: This is a custom toui anu the cost quoteu above is baseu on a minimum No. of 2S auult paiticipants. Shoulu
toui membeiship fall below this number, the tour operator reserves the right to re-cost the program.)

All airfares are subject to change.
Round trip jet economy class via Austrian Airlines. Four Star Hotels. Accommodations based on two
persons sharing a room Full Israeli Buffet-Breakfast and Dinner Daily Round trip transfers by private
motor coach including a qualified, licensed English-speaking guide Porterage for one standard size
suitcases per person All hotel taxes and service charges are included
NOT INCLUDED Suggested tips to guide, driver, and hotel staff of $90 per person Airport taxes &
Fuel Surcharge of $720 per person , subject to change The cost of obtaining a U.S. passport, meals or
beverages other than specified, insurance, items of a personal
nature such as laundry, telephone calls, etc.
The above amounts under not included are due at the time of final payment.
DOCUMENTS: U.S. passport is required. No visas are required for U.S. citizens. Passports must be
valid for 6 months from return. RESERVATIONS: A non-refundable deposit of $300 per person is
required to make a reservation. Balance due August 4, 2014. CANCELLATIONS: All cancellations
must be in writing. Special note for all passengers on Austrian Air: Any cancellations
received 91 days or earlier prior to departure will incur an additional $100 cancellation charge
over and above the charges stipulated under the normal cancellations for this tour. For individual
cancellations received up to:
91 days prior to departure an administrative fee of $200 will be charged; 90-60 days prior to departure
a $450 fee will be charged; 59-46 days prior to departure a $650 fee will be charged; 45-31 days before
departure are subject to a charge of 50% of the total tour cost; 30-0 days before departure are subject to
a charge of 100% of the total tour cost.
INSURANCE NOTE: We strongly recommend that passengers purchase comprehensive insurance
that includes coverage for Trip Cancellation or Interruption, Medical Expense and Baggage. An
optional travel insurance plan is available to Friendship Tour Participants. Information about this plan
is included with the reservation form.
DEVIATIONS: Deviations are not permitted since this is a special airfare for this tour. VALIDITY:
Prices are based on airfares, tariffs and rates of exchange effective 3/14/14. All airfares are subject to
change. RESPONSIBILITY: Friendship Tours, and their agents act only in the capacity of agents for
the passengers in all matters pertaining to
hotel accommodations, sightseeing, tours and transportation, whether by air, railroad, motor coach,
steamship, boat or other means and, as such, hold themselves free of responsibility for any damage(s)
from any cause(s) whatsoever. The tour operator will not be responsible for any damage, expense or
inconvenience caused by late air, rail or boat arrivals or departures or by any change of schedules or
other conditions; nor will they be responsible for the loss of, or damage to baggage or any article
belonging to the passenger. The right is also reserved to decline to accept or retain any person traveling
under our auspices. The carriers concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event
during the time passengers are not on board their plane or conveyance. The passenger contract used by
the carriers concerned, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the carriers and the
purchasers of this tour and/or the passengers. "This brochure is issued on the sole responsibility of the
Tour Operator. It is not issued on behalf and does not commit the airline mentioned therein or any
airline whose services are used in the course of the tour." The Tour Operator and their agents and
suppliers reserve the right to change the sequence of the itinerary to reroute, substitute or change
certain site visits according to local conditions at the time of our stay. CST #2069059-40 Printed
Contact Pastor Greg at: (540)324-0705 pastorgregcornerstone@gmail.com

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