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ELL Live Lesson Reflection

Shannon OGorman

1. What was your objective for the lesson? Do you feel like you achieved your
objective? How do you know?
The language objective for this lesson was that the student will be
able to accurately write an art critique using new vocabulary. The
content objective of this lesson was that the student will be able to
critique various elements of a piece of art through writing their own
critique. I felt like we achieved both of these goals. Taralyn wasnt just
able to use and describe the new vocabulary we presented her with,
she was also able to do so through her own writing. We used various
methods to solidify her understanding of each word and I believe she
acquired a good grasp of their meaning.
2. The goal here was to challenge the students vocabulary/language
development. Do you feel that you challenged them in this regard? How do
you know?
Although Taralyn was familiar with a few of the vocabulary words,
she did learn some new terminology. I believe that an ELL student
would have benefited from the way we presented the vocabulary and
language. We tried to touch on the senses of auditory, visual, and
kinesthetic learning. Taralyn was shown the word, a definition, and a
picture that correlated with each word. This along with a verbal
discussion of each word truly solidified the meanings.
3. Was there a part of the lesson that you realized was too difficult and/or too
easy? Was there a part of the lesson that you felt didnt work the way you
meant it too? What adjustments could you make if you were to do this lesson
Although Taralyn excelled throughout the entire lesson, I believe that
the initial reading might have been a challenge for an ELL student.
There was a hefty amount of knowledge and terminology that may
have been presented in a daunting way. I think that Taralyn may have
benefitted from a shorted version of this reading or simply just
eliminating the reading all together. The power point slides is what
truly solidified the knowledge she was presented with. I dont believe
that there was a section of this lesson that was too easy. Taralyn
seemed to be engaged and eager to learn throughout the entirety of
our lesson delivery. She mentioned that she has never learned about
how to look at art before so she was excited to do so. I believe that we
presented the information in a way that not only encouraged
linguistic and vocabulary knowledge, but also a way that encourages
students to be eager to learn.
4. I realize that communication was not an issue since they are both English
speakers. If you were to repeat this lesson with an ELL student of the same
age what changes would you have to make?
As I previously stated, the original reading may have been difficult for
an ELL student. I would have either modified this section with a
shortened version, added pictures, or just eliminated it all together. I
dont think that ELL student would feel confident when approached
with this hefty reading task.

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