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[23:30] -=D&C=-AremyS: i request tc!

[23:30] Underrated|Miike.: bytw kurafte

[23:30] Underrated|Miike.: btw
[23:30] Kurafte_Safte: ?
[23:30] Underrated|Miike.: when the game starts
[23:30] Underrated|Miike.: type !latency 20
[23:30] Underrated|Miike.: so theres no delay
[23:30] pande_monium: k
[23:30] Kurafte_Safte: You mean IF the game starts....Panda lags... -.-
[23:30] Underrated|Miike.: and no AremyS go away
[23:30] -=D&C=-AremyS: why
[23:30] Ace|Smed: We don't like teal coloured people here
[23:30] Underrated|Miike.: because your a filthy teal person
[23:30] Ace|Smed: Racism and stuff
[23:31] Underrated|Miike.: we dont like your colour here
[23:31] -=D&C=-AremyS: i can change that to some sexy cinnamon if that pleases u
[23:31] -=D&C=-AremyS: tahts colouracism
[23:31] [33131] . has started.
[23:31] -=D&C=-AremyS: im gna report u
[23:31] Underrated|Miike.: dont worry your request is filed under shit i dont give a damn about
[23:31] Underrated|Miike.: ill get round to it soon
[23:31] Underrated|Miike.: please hold
[23:31] -=D&C=-AremyS: dont worry
[23:31] -=D&C=-AremyS: i dont need you
[23:31] -=D&C=-AremyS: to get tc here
[23:31] Underrated|Miike.: what is your
[23:32] Underrated|Miike.: master plan
[23:32] Underrated|Miike.: to get tc here then
[23:32] -=D&C=-AremyS: sec
[23:32] Ace|Smed: He's goingto sleep with Sides
[23:32] Underrated|Miike.: thats more than a second
[23:32] Underrated|Miike.: disappointing
[23:32] Underrated|Miike.: its not even impressive if you get tc now
[23:32] -=D&C=-AremyS: it will be
[23:32] -=D&C=-AremyS: ninjastyle
[23:33] Underrated|Miike.: i dont think sucking a globals dick is going to get you anywhere
[23:33] [33131] . has ended.
[23:33] Underrated|applecheese: who are you AremyS
[23:33] Underrated|Miike.: since this room is privately managed by rogers
[23:33] -=D&C=-AremyS: privately y
[23:33] Underrated|applecheese: Miike. who is AremyS
[23:33] Underrated|applecheese: can i flame him?
[23:33] Kurafte_Safte: Who's Rogers? xD
[23:33] Underrated|Miike.: go suck rogers dick and come back and get your team captain
[23:33] Underrated|applecheese: I WANT TO FLAME OMG
[23:33] DoaelieasZ0r: lol
[23:33] Ace|Smed: Only if it's about his colour
[23:33] Underrated|Miike.: owner of rgc
[23:33] Kurafte_Safte: Eeehhh... xD
[23:33] Underrated|applecheese: rogers isnt like that tho
[23:33] Underrated|Miike.: apple i am the overlord here, did i give you permission to speak!?
aremys is now vouched in this channel.
[23:34] -=D&C=-AremyS: whops
[23:34] -=D&C=-AremyS: out of
[23:34] Underrated|applecheese: he isnt as retarded and corrupt like these other
[23:34] -=D&C=-AremyS: nowhere
[23:34] Underrated|applecheese: nerfs
[23:34] Underrated|applecheese: nerds*
Your friend Armordine is now offline.
[23:34] Underrated|Miike.: AremyS could you vouch me plz
[23:34] Underrated|Miike.: in this channel
[23:34] -=D&C=-AremyS: since ure vouched
[23:34] Underrated|applecheese: xD Miike.
[23:34] -=D&C=-AremyS: we shud rather talk abt unv!
[23:34] Underrated|applecheese: why r u even admin
[23:34] Underrated|applecheese: im gonna report u
[23:34] Underrated|applecheese: for
[23:34] Underrated|applecheese: inappropriate name
[23:34] Underrated|Miike.: me? what about you
[23:34] Ace|Smed: Aremys, demote Miike to lowly vouched member and make me head admin of
this room
[23:34] .Yepaaa.uilty: xD
[23:34] Ace|Smed: I'll give you TC
[23:34] Underrated|Miike.: putting apple and cheese together
[23:34] Underrated|Miike.: thats fucking
[23:34] Underrated|Miike.: disgusting
[23:34] Underrated|Miike.: your name disgusts me
[23:35] Kurafte_Safte: I'm gonna cry.
[23:35] Underrated|Miike.: !unvouch AremyS lol no
aremys has been unvouched.
[23:35] -=D&C=-AremyS: lol yes
aremys is now vouched in this channel.
[23:35] Ace|HornyTheReaper: I just realized my voucher position was taken away in us warlock
[23:36] Underrated|applecheese: rofl mike
[23:36] Ace|HornyTheReaper: slightly amused
[23:36] Underrated|applecheese: ur such a racist
[23:36] Underrated|applecheese: like srsly
[23:36] Underrated|Miike.: ill just wait until you go offline and then ill unvouch you
[23:36] Underrated|applecheese: :D
[23:36] Underrated|applecheese: reported for intentionally feeding
[23:36] -=D&C=-AremyS: ill wait till u go offline
[23:36] -=D&C=-AremyS: and demote u
[23:36] Underrated|applecheese: even international feeding!
[23:36] Underrated|Miike.: sides can just repromote me
[23:36] Underrated|Miike.: so i dont really care
[23:36] Underrated|applecheese: yea horny
[23:36] Underrated|Miike.: also youd probably get banned for that
[23:36] Underrated|applecheese: whiskey demoted everybody at least a bit
[23:36] Underrated|applecheese: in US Warlock
[23:36] Underrated|applecheese: xd
[23:36] Underrated|Miike.: connections to rogers and all that shit
[23:37] -=D&C=-AremyS: you think what ure doing here is right?:D
[23:37] Ace|HornyTheReaper: at least i wont get pinged by randoms all the time
[23:37] Underrated|Miike.: eh
[23:37] Underrated|Miike.: not like im flaming anyone
[23:37] Underrated|Miike.: im just denying your request for tc
[23:37] Ace|Smed: Nothing is wrong about colouracism
[23:37] Underrated|Miike.: as is the room policy
[23:37] Underrated|Miike.: RULES 1) Do not vouch or TC hunt.
[23:37] Underrated|Miike.: Breaking rules subjects you to bans of -any- length by our staff.
[23:37] Kurafte_Safte: Is anyone,ANYONE,available for play? xD
[23:37] Underrated|Miike.: technically i could ban you
[23:38] -=D&C=-AremyS: i dont hunt son
[23:38] Ace|Etterna: ,-,
[23:38] Ace|Smed: He gets hunted
[23:38] -=D&C=-AremyS: hi Etterna
>>>> [23:38] Underrated|Miike.: didnt you unvouch Smed in apples channel
[23:38] Kurafte_Safte: (Crying)
[23:38] -=D&C=-AremyS: they shud put u back in charge
[23:38] -=D&C=-AremyS: the admins here are twats
[23:38] <<<<Lafar<<<<: Kurafte i can play
[23:38] Kurafte_Safte: FINALLY :D
[23:38] Underrated|Miike.: when was Etterna ever in charge here
[23:38] Kurafte_Safte: Ok host
[23:38] -=D&C=-AremyS: colourracistic twats
[23:38] Underrated|Miike.: rofl
[23:38] -=D&C=-AremyS: when u still shat ur pants son
[23:38] Underrated|Miike.: i lied btw AremyS
[23:38] Underrated|Miike.: teal is a cool colour
[23:38] <<<<Lafar<<<<: !host game
[23:38] [33132] game has been hosted.
[23:38] Ace|Smed: Colouracism is a proud tradition here
[23:39] Underrated|Miike.: not as good as purpoe though
[23:39] Underrated|Miike.: purple*
[23:39] -=D&C=-AremyS: my colour is undoubtly eyecandy
[23:39] Ace|Etterna: I was back then, before the creation of the universe.
[23:39] -=D&C=-AremyS: unlike those overbright shits
[23:39] Ace|HornyTheReaper: he was god
[23:39] Ace|HornyTheReaper: then he retired
[23:39] DoaelieasZ0r: Etterna
[23:39] [33132] game has started.
[23:39] DoaelieasZ0r: yea i remember
[23:39] -=D&C=-AremyS: tbh
[23:39] -=D&C=-AremyS: who needs a tc
[23:39] Ace|Etterna: We should sign a petition against Miike.
[23:39] Ace|Smed: Yea
[23:40] Underrated|Miike.: id totally sign it
[23:40] Ace|Smed: Down with the dictator
[23:40] Ace|HornyTheReaper: who are you
[23:40] Underrated|Miike.: im a terrible admin
[23:40] Ace|Smed: In with Etterna!
[23:40] #1-AppleFan>SunrYze: !host Miike. is a fag
[23:40] [33133] miike. is a fag has been hosted.
[23:40] #1-AppleFan>SunrYze: no tc
[23:40] #1-AppleFan>SunrYze: magic
[23:40] Underrated|Miike.: thats great
[23:40] #1-AppleFan>SunrYze: ikr
[23:40] #1-AppleFan>SunrYze: PLUS
[23:40] #1-AppleFan>SunrYze: i have the
[23:40] Underrated|Miike.: you are now ble to do what 99% of people in this channel can do
[23:40] #1-AppleFan>SunrYze: nice purple
[23:40] #1-AppleFan>SunrYze: colour
[23:40] Underrated|Miike.: congratufuckinglations
[23:40] #1-AppleFan>SunrYze: i can
[23:40] #1-AppleFan>SunrYze: do that in all channels
[23:40] Underrated|Miike.: ye its a pity its wasted on such a bad name
[23:41] Underrated|Miike.: better than nothing though
[23:41] Ace|Smed: Rofl
[23:41] #1-AppleFan>SunrYze: Miike. was a wittier choice indeed
[23:41] [33133] miike. is a fag has ended.
[23:41] Underrated|Miike.: my name has history
[23:41] Ace|Smed: Miike went from denying TC to now just being a douche
[23:41] Underrated|Miike.: thats the only reason i use it
[23:41] Ace|Smed: I like it
[23:41] Underrated|Miike.: i changed names and people called me miike anyway
[23:41] Ace|Smed: To be fair, Plague was a horrible name
[23:41] Underrated|Miike.: eh id hope he knows im just messing
[23:41] Underrated|Miike.: not being serious
[23:41] -=D&C=-AremyS: im just douching back
[23:41] Underrated|Miike.: although hes not getting tc
[23:41] Underrated|Miike.: :P
[23:41] Ace|Smed: :p
[23:41] -=D&C=-AremyS: u think :p
[23:42] Underrated|Miike.: tc is for dem warlock players only
[23:42] Ace|HornyTheReaper: trudat
[23:42] Ace|HornyTheReaper: real talk
[23:42] Ace|HornyTheReaper: real nigga talk
[23:42] -=D&C=-AremyS: in fact
[23:42] -=D&C=-AremyS: i play wl
[23:42] Underrated|Miike.: the devil is black?
[23:42] -=D&C=-AremyS: dno
[23:42] -=D&C=-AremyS: is he?
[23:42] Underrated|Miike.: im asking the devil, not you
[23:42] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: give him a tc pls
[23:42] A|SavaS|D: devil is brown
[23:42] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he wants to play
[23:42] Ace|KoliS: tc pls
[23:43] Ace|KoliS: me too
[23:43] Ace|Smed: AremyS played 2 Warlock games in 2013
[23:43] Ace|KoliS: i wanna play
[23:43] Ace|Smed: Give him TC
[23:43] -=D&C=-AremyS: cause i dont have tc
[23:43] A|SavaS|D: Miike.
[23:43] Ace|HornyTheReaper: i want admin
[23:43] Underrated|Miike.: yo
[23:43] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he wont abuse
[23:43] Ace|HornyTheReaper: give me admin
[23:43] A|SavaS|D: !vouchinfo hell
[14/03/2014] Vouched into 'Hell' by savas :: devil
[23:43] Ace|KoliS: Miike. shit admin
[23:43] A|SavaS|D: he is devil
[23:43] Ace|Smed: Miike.
[23:43] A|SavaS|D: and he got founder
[23:43] -=D&C=-AremyS: /p devil
[23:43] A|SavaS|D: so the devil
[23:43] Ace|KoliS: admin pls
[23:43] Underrated|Miike.: ^^
[23:43] A|SavaS|D: is brown
[23:43] A|SavaS|D: actually
[23:43] A|SavaS|D: XD
[23:43] Underrated|Miike.: HornyTheReaper is the real deal
[23:43] Underrated|Miike.: horns and everything
[23:44] Underrated|Miike.: he just has to ask if he wants a game hosted btw, apple
GameID: [33132]
[23:44] Underrated|Miike.: but he came into the channel asking for tc
[23:44] Underrated|Miike.: not to play
[23:44] Underrated|Miike.: (and ive seen him ask before)
[23:44] -=D&C=-AremyS: y tc rank here
[23:44] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: AremyS
[23:44] -=D&C=-AremyS: such precious thing
[23:44] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: did u take ur tc?
[23:45] -=D&C=-AremyS: i had it
[23:45] -=D&C=-AremyS: y
[23:45] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: good
[23:45] -=D&C=-AremyS: once
[23:45] -=D&C=-AremyS: it was my
[23:45] -=D&C=-AremyS: first vouch on rgc
[23:45] Ace|KoliS: christ so many gay colours
[23:45] A|SavaS|D: KoliS
[23:45] Underrated|Miike.: get a decent skin
[23:45] A|SavaS|D: my is not gay
[23:45] Underrated|Miike.: :d
[23:45] Ace|Smed: Who is SavaS ::
[23:45] Ace|Etterna: random guy
[23:45] Ace|KoliS: i dont want to be a nigger sorry
[23:45] -=D&C=-AremyS: [24/06/2013] Vouched into '(EU) Warlock' by sides :: .
[23:46] Ace|Smed: He was the one who vouched you before, Ninja style?
[23:46] Underrated|Miike.: big bad global admin
[23:46] Underrated|Miike.: so scary
[23:46] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: [14/05/2014] Unvouched at '(EU) Warlock' by Miike. :: lol no
[23:46] Ace|KoliS: big bad fat admin
[23:46] Ace|HornyTheReaper: haha
[23:46] Ace|KoliS: miike is getting demoted soon
[23:46] DoaelieasZ0r: LOL ALL THIS FOR TC
[23:46] Ace|KoliS: pls do it
[23:46] Ace|KoliS: DE MO TION
[23:46] Ace|KoliS: DE
[23:46] Ace|KoliS: MO
[23:46] Ace|KoliS: TION
[23:47] Ace|Smed: [04/03/2014] Unvouched at '(EU) Warlock' by sides :: req
[23:47] Underrated|Miike.: ye my reign of tyranny is almost over
[23:47] Underrated|Miike.: AremyS must get his tc
[23:47] -=D&C=-AremyS: i decided to come back
[23:47] Underrated|Miike.: the warlock gods demand it
[23:47] Ace|KoliS: demote him
[23:47] Ace|KoliS: gogogog
[23:47] Ace|KoliS: we dont need more powerwhores
[23:47] Ace|KoliS: sides is enouff
[23:47] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: URGH
[23:47] Ace|KoliS: make myll admin
[23:47] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: STOP FUCKING ARGUING
[23:47] -=D&C=-AremyS: he doesnt even have power
[23:47] Ace|KoliS: NO YOU
[23:48] -=D&C=-AremyS: hes just a whore
[23:48] A|SavaS|D: can i have tc?
[23:48] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: mike can u be nice and give him his god damn tc?
[23:48] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: SavaS pls
[23:48] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: srsly
[23:48] Underrated|Miike.: calm down apple
[23:48] Ace|KoliS: Miike. pls tc me
[23:48] A|SavaS|D: hello sir
[23:48] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: im calm
[23:48] Underrated|Miike.: your the only one taking this seriously x
[23:48] Ace|KoliS: i want tc
[23:48] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: this is silly as fuck
[23:48] Ace|KoliS: aphro pls tell him to give me tc ;(I
[23:48] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: lols
[23:48] Ace|Smed: I thought it was clear
[23:48] Underrated|Miike.: aphro, tell me to give KoliS tc
[23:48] Ace|Smed: All he has to do is change his colour
[23:48] Ace|Smed: Then he'll get TC
[23:49] Ace|KoliS: tc pls
[23:49] Underrated|Miike.: btw apple this is what we call in good ol' britain 'friendly banter'
[23:49] Ace|KoliS: you in good ol' britain write "your" instead of "you're"
[23:50] Ace|KoliS: good ol' britain
[23:50] Ace|HornyTheReaper: is it true you hold your forks with your right hand
[23:50] Underrated|Miike.: meh your from poland
[23:50] Underrated|Miike.: your basically english at this point
[23:50] Ace|KoliS: having the best language in the world and corrupting it
[23:50] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: Miike.
[23:50] Ace|KoliS: miike pls tc
[23:50] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: can i know whats the issue if you dont mind?
[23:50] Ace|Smed: Miike.
[23:50] Underrated|Miike.: theres an issue?
[23:50] Underrated|Miike.: lol
[23:50] Ace|KoliS: the issue is he doesnt want to give me tc
[23:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: KoliS
[23:51] Underrated|Miike.: there is no issue
[23:51] Underrated|Miike.: KoliS is trolling
[23:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: give AremyS his tc
[23:51] Underrated|Miike.: AremyS asked for tc and i said no
[23:51] Ace|KoliS: I asked for tc too
[23:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and im asking u nicely
[23:51] Ace|KoliS: and u said no too
[23:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: to give AremyS his tc
[23:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: =)
[23:51] Ace|Smed: The issue is that Miike. is a power hungry british person with no personal life,
no friends and all alone, so he takes it all out on innocent people online, where he got this measly
amount of power he can abuse
[23:51] Ace|KoliS: I play warlock for 5 years
[23:51] Ace|KoliS: wheres my tc
[23:51] Underrated|Miike.: KoliS youve got to give tc to recieve tc
[23:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: look mike
[23:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i spent over 1k rgdz on this channel
[23:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i sponsored every tour
>>>> [23:51] Underrated|Miike.: dont make me cry Smed
[23:52] Underrated|Miike.: dont you have unlimited rgds
[23:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: so
[23:52] Ace|Etterna:
[23:52] Ace|Etterna: Rwarr
[23:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: out of respect
[23:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: give my frnd his tc
[23:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: before i force you to do it
[23:52] Ace|KoliS: cant u just like demote him so next time you'll talk to me
[23:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: sorry i had to use this way with you
[23:52] Ace|KoliS: and i'll vouch even your grandfather
[23:52] Ace|Smed: Don't worry, Miike, I'll be there to pad your back as you cry
[23:52] Underrated|Miike.: could you do something more? :)
[23:52] Ace|KoliS: "moom they took, away my admin"
[23:52] Ace|KoliS: "and tc!"
[23:52] Ace|Smed: Pad something else?
[23:52] Underrated|Miike.: for starters
[23:52] Ace|KoliS: he meant his dick
[23:53] Underrated|Miike.: very subtle KoliS
[23:53] Ace|Smed: How vulgar you are, KoliS
[23:53] Ace|KoliS: I meant he's
[23:53] Ace|KoliS: sorry Im not english
[23:53] Ace|Smed: I actually meant his ass
[23:53] Ace|Smed: Like spanking and stuff
[23:53] Underrated|Miike.: O_O
[23:53] Ace|Smed: But who cares
[23:53] Ace|Smed: How do you pad a dick and make it feel nice
[23:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: SavaS
>>>> [23:53] Underrated|Miike.: that would be diabolical Smed
[23:53] Ace|KoliS: miike getting demoted miike getting demote
[23:53] Underrated|Miike.: diabolical.
[23:53] Ace|KoliS: tralalalala
[23:53] Underrated|Miike.: shit
[23:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: SavaS
[23:53] Ace|Smed: :p
[23:53] Underrated|Miike.: not the green man
[23:53] Underrated|Miike.: im fucked
[23:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: kenan is sleeping
[23:53] A|SavaS|D: sup
[23:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: do me a favor sweetie
[23:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: setaccess kay 18
[23:53] Underrated|Miike.: this is some conspiracy right here
[23:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and if he gets demoted
[23:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: demote whoever does it
[23:54] A|SavaS|D: i cant
[23:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: no powers?
[23:54] -=D&C=-AremyS: grace can do it
[23:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: let me login achilles
[23:54] A|SavaS|D: !setaccess AremyS 18
[23:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: brb
[23:54] Ace|KoliS: miike demote this guy right after he gets promoted pls
[23:54] -=D&C=-AremyS: nice song btw Etterna
[23:54] Ace|HornyTheReaper: lol
[23:54] Underrated|Miike.: not sure if this shit is actually serious or not
[23:54] Ace|Etterna: M'hh
[23:54] Underrated|Miike.: either way its not going to work im afraid
[23:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: Etterna
[23:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: I GOT A SONG
[23:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: FOR YOU
[23:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: LEMME TC OF THIUS
[23:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: WAIT
[23:54] -=D&C=-AremyS: Etterna
[23:54] -=D&C=-AremyS:
[23:55] Ace|Etterna: ^^
[23:55] Ace|KoliS: live in marakesh ok
Your friend KoliS is now offline.
Your friend KoliS is now online.
[23:56] Ace|KoliS: miike still admin?
[23:57] Ace|KoliS: wtf apple
[23:57] Ace|Smed: Yea sadly
[23:57] Ace|KoliS: u r too kind
[23:57] Underrated|Miike.: anti climax
[23:57] Underrated|Miike.: demote me already
[23:57] Ace|Smed: It seems like green guy doesn't have the power
[23:57] Ace|Smed: He can apparently only vouch
[23:57] Ace|KoliS: call rogers
[23:58] Ace|KoliS: he's a warlocker
[23:58] Underrated|Miike.: that rly is a shame, now AremyS cant add to his tc trophy case
[23:58] Underrated|Miike.: :(
[23:58] -=D&C=-AremyS: hes busy with our moms i guess
[23:58] Ace|KoliS: actually rogers is better than half of the wl community according tothe stats
[23:58] Underrated|Miike.: eh
[23:58] Ace|Smed: "Our" mom?
[23:58] Underrated|Miike.: he only upgraded boomerang
[23:58] Underrated|Miike.: in that tournament i played with him
[23:58] -=D&C=-AremyS: momS
[23:58] Ace|Smed: Why would he be busy with your mom
[23:58] Ace|Smed: I meant
[23:58] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i forgot pass to agares account
[23:58] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: xD
[23:58] -=D&C=-AremyS: thats what he does when u ask him
[23:58] -=D&C=-AremyS: -.-
[23:58] -=D&C=-AremyS: ask
[23:58] -=D&C=-AremyS: grace
[23:59] Underrated|Miike.: your diabolical plan really isnt working
[23:59] Ace|Smed: You whore out your mom to get TC? Is that what you are saying?
[23:59] Ace|Smed: Because that's pretty sad
[23:59] -=D&C=-AremyS: no i say
[23:59] -=D&C=-AremyS: we dont have a choice
[23:59] DoaelieasZ0r: loooooooooooooooool
[23:59] Ace|Smed: You said he only did it when you asked
[23:59] Ace|Smed: And you asked
[23:59] Ace|Smed: So you did it on purpose
[23:59] Ace|KoliS: DE
[23:59] Ace|KoliS: MO
[23:59] Ace|KoliS: TION
[23:59] -=D&C=-AremyS: thats assumptions
[23:59] Ace|Smed: Well, you did say he did it when you asked
[23:59] Underrated|Miike.: thats, just, like, your opinion man
[00:00] Ace|Smed: Whether he does it other times as well, doesn't matter
[00:00] Ace|Etterna: So
[00:00] -=D&C=-AremyS: he even said it when iwas just observing other ppl asking
[00:00] Ace|Smed: If he always did it, then saying that wouldn't make sense
[00:00] [33132] game has ended.
[00:00] -=D&C=-AremyS: which leads to the assumtion that hes busy with em all
>>>> [00:00] Underrated|Miike.: +1 point for smeds debate team
[00:00] Underrated|Miike.: -1 for AremyS for being teal
[00:00] -=D&C=-AremyS: pls
[00:00] Underrated|Miike.: also he cant spell
[00:00] Ace|KoliS: its not teal
[00:00] -=D&C=-AremyS: there we go
[00:00] Ace|KoliS: are brits fucking colorblind
[00:00] Agares: !setaccess AremyS 18
AremyS is now Team Captain in this channel.
[00:01] Ace|KoliS: demote Miike. too
[00:01] Underrated|Miike.: oh gosh whatever will i do
[00:01] Underrated|Miike.: :(
[00:01] -=D&C=-AremyS: thanks
[00:01] Ace|KoliS: miike demote him
[00:01] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: if AremyS gets demoted
[00:01] Ace|KoliS: be a man
[00:01] -=D&C=-AremyS: !host wl
[00:01] [33134] wl has been hosted.
[00:01] Ace|KoliS: BE A MAN
[00:01] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u kan kiss fucking rgds goodbye
[00:01] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: lets see who's gnna sponsor you
[00:01] Ace|KoliS: oh shit
[00:01] Ace|KoliS: dont
[00:01] Underrated|Miike.: rofl
[00:01] Ace|KoliS: I'll host tours then
[00:01] Ace|KoliS: and ban miike
[00:01] Ace|KoliS: if u promote me
[00:01] Ace|KoliS: deal apple?
[00:01] Underrated|Miike.: because rgd prizes are the only reason we play tours
[00:01] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i spent over 1k rgdz here
Your friend HornyTheReaper is now in wl (Lobby)
[00:01] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and i have 0 respect
[00:01] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u are rude
[00:01] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and arrogant
[00:02] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: warlockers
[00:02] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: shit
[00:02] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: no lifer cunts
[00:02] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u deserve shit
[00:02] Ace|KoliS: shit I think I should go or I get demoted too
[00:02] Ace|KoliS: ;(
[00:02] Underrated|Miike.: lol
>>>> [00:02] Ace|KoliS: apple but me and Smed love you
[00:02] Ace|KoliS: remember this
[00:02] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: :D
[00:02] Ace|Smed: <4
[00:02] Ace|Smed: <3
[00:02] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: Etterna lemme link you
[00:02] Ace|Smed: Always found the TC rules weird here anyways
[00:02] Ace|Etterna: No, I won't let you link me.
[00:02] Ace|KoliS: if you're going to bring apocalypse pls let us build ark
[00:03] Ace|HornyTheReaper: rgc is laggy anyway
[00:03] .Yepaaa.uilty: why so serious
[00:03] Ace|Smed: We need 2 arks. 1 for every man and chield and 2 of each animal and 1 other for
my fat ass
>>>> [00:03] Ace|KoliS: it will be just me and Smed
[00:03] Ace|KoliS: and you
[00:03] Underrated|Miike.: by the way if you just wanted to play you couldve asked me to host
like 30 minutes ago
[00:03] Underrated|Miike.: its not hard
[00:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: bcuz they make having tc here look so precious
[00:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: please its a public channel
[00:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: calm down
[00:03] Underrated|Miike.: its not
[00:03] Underrated|Miike.: its a private corner
[00:03] Underrated|Miike.: we keep to ourselves
[00:04] Ace|Smed: And masturbate
[00:04] Underrated|Miike.: we dont give a fuck about tc ranks
[00:04] -=D&C=-AremyS: do we play or wat?
[00:04] Underrated|Miike.: but we arent going to give it for free
[00:04] Underrated|Miike.: to cunts that do
[00:04] Underrated|Miike.: if he wants to play, idc he can have tc
[00:04] Underrated|Miike.: but he came here asking for tc
[00:04] Underrated|Miike.: not to play
[00:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he isnt collecting team cap ranks he got enough ranks
[00:04] -=D&C=-AremyS: [Do, 00:03:04] Ace|Etterna: No, I won't let you link me.
[00:04] -=D&C=-AremyS: :D
[00:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u had to make a big issue out of it
[00:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: hahahahahhaa
[00:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: why not Etterna
[00:04] Underrated|Miike.: your the only one that made a big issue out of it
[00:05] Underrated|Miike.: which i find quite amusing
[00:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u didnt want to give his tc
[00:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u wanted to make him beg
[00:05] Ace|Etterna: I was joking.
[00:05] Underrated|Miike.: no
[00:05] Ace|Smed: We do love beggers
[00:05] Underrated|Miike.: i wanted him to stop asking
[00:05] Underrated|Miike.: i dont get off on power
[00:05] Underrated|Miike.: i just do my job
[00:05] Ace|Etterna:
[00:05] Underrated|Miike.: (you seem to get off on power though)
Your friend Etterna is now in wl (Lobby)
[00:06] -=D&C=-AremyS: good one
[00:07] .Yepaaa.uilty: 0,o
[00:07] Ace|Etterna:
Your friend Miike. is now in wl (Lobby)
Your friend Etterna is now away from keyboard.
[00:12] Underrated|Miike.: yeah uh
[00:12] Underrated|Miike.: are we going to start or what
[00:12] Ace|Etterna: no
Your friend HornyTheReaper is now in wl [00:00]
Your friend Miike. is now in wl [00:00]
[00:12] [33134] wl has started.
[00:13] Ace|KoliS: miike still admin
[00:13] Ace|KoliS: wtf
Your friend KoliS is now offline.
[00:13] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: kolis relax
[00:13] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: stop harassing
[00:14] Charbel: apple
[00:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ahh
[00:14] Charbel: wha happened?
[00:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: men jabak leh
[00:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: 3shan a2olak
[00:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: men elke alak
[00:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ele*
[00:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: AremyS eja talab tc 3shan y3ml game
[00:14] Charbel: no1 im monitoring commands and chat logs
[00:14] Charbel: and?
[00:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: msh ana ele dakhalit
[00:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: 3la agares
[00:15] Ace|Etterna: Charbel
[00:15] Charbel: i checked that as well
[00:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: good
[00:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i doint need troubles l2no
[00:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: kenan hating on me
[00:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: mn gher wasta
[00:15] Charbel: ye etterna?
[00:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: anyway
Your friend The_Tree is now online.
[00:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: mike didnt wanna give tc
[00:15] Charbel: miike
[00:15] Charbel: is the channel manager?
[00:15] Ace|Etterna: Are you a genius of the lamp?
Your friend The_Tree is now away from keyboard.
[00:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: Head admin
[00:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: hayo mawjod
[00:15] Charbel: how many games
[00:15] Charbel: does areymis have here?
[00:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: mafi rule that says eno lazem yklun fe 3adad mo3ayan games
[00:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ana talabit meno nicely
[00:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: o ma rede
[00:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: though
[00:16] Charbel: fi ma ya3te
[00:16] Charbel: if he has no games
[00:16] Charbel: fi ma ya3ti tc
[00:16] BraiNy]^Hakka: 2 games
[00:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ah bas ma bada hal2ad y3ne
[00:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he wants to play
[00:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: eza shafo inactive
[00:16] B-i-o-s: Charbel
[00:16] B-i-o-s: Hi ^^
[00:16] BraiNy]^Hakka: he has 2 games here.
[00:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: by2dro y3mlo demote
[00:16] Ace|Etterna: It's not about how many games you play anyway.
[00:17] Charbel: mmm
[00:17] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: Charbel
[00:17] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: kol shaher
[00:17] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: msh ana i get rgdz
[00:17] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: 3shan jordan
[00:17] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: fe menhom
[00:17] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: 250 bas la warlock tours
[00:17] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: kol shaher
[00:18] Charbel: eh apple
[00:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ele saneh 3la hal 7al
[00:18] Charbel: but still doesnt make it legit
[00:18] Ace|Etterna: Dat Hakka
[00:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i asked for simple tc
[00:18] Ace|Etterna: Always so Hakka
[00:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: mbala
[00:18] Charbel: that because he didnt find any1 to host for him
[00:18] Charbel: we dont give tft
[00:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ma eja alha b elet adab talab
[00:18] Charbel: for each one that wants to change the map
[00:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: b adab
[00:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: o ma had a3tah
[00:18] Charbel: and didnt find some1 to change it for him
[00:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ma khas
[00:19] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ana kol had bytlob mene dodgewars tc ba3teh eza bashofo
inactive b3d kam yom demote
[00:19] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: its fkin rpg
[00:19] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: they cant sign for games
[00:19] Charbel: apple
[00:19] Charbel: they manage eu warlocks their own way
[00:19] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: o la 3elmak
[00:19] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: msh ana ele 7kit agares
[00:20] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ana ma ba7ki m3 elie
[00:20] Charbel: and their way works
[00:20] Charbel: ill have to text agares and see if AremyS told him roger asked him to do it
[00:20] Charbel: like he did in denmark with girdeux :)
[00:20] Charbel: its getting too common
[00:20] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ana ma khasne
[00:20] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: kont bdi a7ki la kenan
[00:20] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: aslan
[00:20] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ma 3nde commands
[00:20] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: thanks god
[00:20] Charbel: Hakka
[00:20] Charbel: Miike.
[00:20] BraiNy]^Hakka: yeah.
[00:20] Ace|Etterna: Miike.
[00:20] Ace|Etterna: Miike.
[00:20] Charbel: are you against or with this tc ?
[00:21] Charbel: I expect a yes or no as an answer
[00:21] Ace|Etterna: No
[00:21] BraiNy]^Hakka: no
[00:21] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: its a yes or no question anyway
[00:21] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: lols
[00:21] Charbel: !unvouch AremyS .
AremyS has been unvouched.
[00:21] Ace|Etterna: It's a very deep question.
[00:21] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: how deep?
[00:21] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: 1-10 scale?
[00:21] Ace|Etterna: Deepppppp
[00:21] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ana msh fahmeh Charbel
[00:21] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: leh btekraho
[00:21] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: hal2ad
[00:21] Charbel: hes a liar
[00:21] Charbel: :)
[00:21] -=D&C=-AremyS: now thats what i call integrity
[00:22] Charbel: he told girdeux to give him staff
[00:22] Charbel: in demnark
[00:22] Charbel: and told him roger authorized it
[00:22] Charbel: then i asked roger
[00:22] -=D&C=-AremyS: no
[00:22] Charbel: roger told me he never had time
[00:22] Charbel: to reply him
[00:22] -=D&C=-AremyS: i didnt tell girdeux
[00:22] Charbel: ye
[00:22] -=D&C=-AremyS: he didnt even know i would do it
[00:22] Charbel: same way you said
[00:22] Charbel: you never said
[00:22] BraiNy]^Hakka: he played here long time ago.
[00:22] Charbel: you asked roger
[00:22] BraiNy]^Hakka: actually
[00:22] Charbel: and i pulled out a screen shot
[00:22] -=D&C=-AremyS: i was on my own discretion
[00:22] Charbel: of you saying that
[00:22] -=D&C=-AremyS: =)
[00:22] Charbel: then you gave me that "good for you you won "
[00:22] -=D&C=-AremyS: u gna compban me now?
[00:22] Charbel: no
[00:22] Charbel: i might soon enough tho
[00:22] -=D&C=-AremyS: but youd love to
[00:22] Charbel: na
[00:23] Charbel: i wouldve done it
[00:23] Charbel: if it pleases me that much
[00:23] Ace|Etterna: So deep
[00:23] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: Etterna pls
[00:23] Charbel: something hard for you
[00:23] Ace|Etterna: Un point o on ne peut plus revenir en arrire.
[00:23] Charbel: to live with
[00:24] Charbel: if i see you telling me your shittown
[00:24] Charbel: or abuse town
[00:24] Charbel: ur getting bannedfor destroying a channel reputation
[00:24] Charbel: live with that as well
[00:24] Charbel: mr i asked roger and he said yes
[00:24] Ace|Etterna: Point of no return
[00:24] Charbel: ye Etterna i can read french
[00:25] Ace|Etterna: Can you give me admin now?
[00:25] Charbel: who removed you?
[00:25] Ace|Etterna: RiQ
[00:25] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: hahahahaha
[00:25] BraiNy]^Hakka: ..
[00:25] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: dont believe him
[00:25] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ahahhahahaha

Second act:
[00:44] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: its not a war
[00:44] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: mike is simply rude
[00:44] Underrated|Miike.: lol
[00:44] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he is becoming like sides day after day
[00:44] Ace|Smed: Every day in the Warlock community is war
[00:44] Underrated|Miike.: you know
[00:44] Ace|HornyTheReaper: he is like todd margaret
[00:44] GC*RiQ*Gods: Etterna
[00:44] Ace|Smed: We've had many casualties
[00:44] GC*RiQ*Gods: what is it
[00:44] Underrated|Miike.: sides said to me once that you and agares were the only two people on
rgc worth talking to
[00:45] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: what if i tell you
[00:45] Underrated|Miike.: im starting to believe him less and less
[00:45] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: me and agares are the same person
[00:45] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: HAAAH
[00:45] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: MINDFUCK
[00:45] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: oh please mike i have nthn to prove
[00:45] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: been supporting this community
[00:45] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and giving rgdz for tours
[00:45] Underrated|Miike.: im not going to lose any sleep if you stop giving rgds
[00:46] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i wont argue you
[00:46] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i dont have the nervs
[00:46] Underrated|Miike.: i didnt ask for an argument
[00:46] Underrated|Miike.: just upholding the rules, which you dont respect
[00:46] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: all my arguments end with compabanning the person who bothers
[00:46] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: who are u to tell me about respecting rules
[00:46] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: been here for over 2 years
[00:46] Underrated|Miike.: i mean
[00:46] Underrated|Miike.: so have i
[00:47] Ace|Etterna: Aphrodite is the law
[00:47] Ace|Smed: We do have some specific rules in this channel though
[00:47] Ace|Smed: Not saying Miike is correct
[00:47] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: what do u know other than setaccess and timeban?
[00:47] BraiNy]^Hakka: well not actually.
[00:47] Ace|Smed: But if we don't follow them, then why have rules at all
[00:47] Underrated|Miike.: not to go to any other part of rgc
[00:47] Underrated|Miike.: because its a pile of crap
[00:47] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i didn't break any rule
[00:47] Underrated|Miike.: you did
[00:47] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u were rude to a player who only needed tc
[00:47] Ace|Smed: No rules would be anarchy! Everyone would be able to host! The horror!
[00:47] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: to host games
[00:47] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i did?
[00:47] Underrated|Miike.: you used you rpower to get your friend a rank
[00:47] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: report me
[00:48] BraiNy]^Hakka: eu warlock consists of loyal warlockers not rankhunters trully ,
[00:48] Underrated|Miike.: ye
[00:48] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he didn't rank hunt
[00:48] BraiNy]^Hakka: however.
[00:48] Underrated|Miike.: we are here to play warlock
[00:48] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he wanted a tc he got enough ranks
[00:48] BraiNy]^Hakka: he is not an warlock player.
[00:48] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he wanted to start being a warlock player
[00:48] 99000999: gotta love the english
[00:48] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: lols
[00:48] Underrated|Miike.: i personally hate the english
[00:48] Ace|Smed: This is like an episode on Law and Order
[00:48] Underrated|Miike.: including myself
[00:48] 99000999: you know admins there's something out there called life
[00:48] Ace|HornyTheReaper: one does not simply start being a warlock player
[00:49] 99000999: try it instead of butthurting guys for a rank
[00:49] Kurafte_Safte: Really Horny? xD
[00:49] 99000999: that will cost you a word to type
[00:49] 99000999: okay maybe 3 words
[00:49] 99000999: but still
[00:49] Underrated|Miike.: thats an interesting name youve got there
[00:49] Kurafte_Safte: Numbers. XD
[00:49] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: its okay
[00:49] Ace|HornyTheReaper: 9 do you know 0000202301?
[00:49] Ace|HornyTheReaper: he is my friend
[00:50] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: let them be
[00:50] Underrated|Miike.: oh man
[00:50] Underrated|Miike.: that guy is awesome
[00:50] BraiNy]^Hakka: [01:47] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: what do u know other than setaccess and
[00:50] BraiNy]^Hakka: ask me
[00:50] 99000999: i can pretend to be sad if that was offensive
[00:50] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: look
[00:50] 99000999: np
Your friend KennyWay is now offline.
[00:50] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i can be a mean cunt and rly abuse u in every way possible
[00:50] Underrated|Miike.: ye Hakka is pretty much the only player here who plays elsewhere in
rgc, other than a couple of lodders
[00:50] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: till u leave this client
[00:50] BraiNy]^Hakka: i have been here like 3.2 years.
[00:50] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: but am being nice
[00:51] Underrated|Miike.: man apple, you dont have a free ticket to this channel
[00:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and telling u
[00:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: what u did
[00:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: was wrong
[00:51] Underrated|Miike.: me and sides can just talk to rogers
[00:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u talking to me?
[00:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: are u?
[00:51] Underrated|Miike.: yes
[00:51] Underrated|Miike.: thats why i addressed you
[00:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: first of all dont offend me and call me man
[00:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: 2nd u can't do shit to me
[00:51] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: thats what am trying to tell you
[00:52] 99000999: he can
[00:52] Underrated|Miike.: i dont want to do anything to you
[00:52] 99000999: call u names
[00:52] Underrated|Miike.: but if you do something to me
[00:52] 99000999: might hurt
[00:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: oh
[00:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he is scared
[00:52] Ace|Smed: He can make you feel like a proper woman
[00:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: :D
[00:52] Underrated|Miike.: then i will do something about it
[00:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he is scared of a girl
[00:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: haha
[00:52] 99000999: i think
[00:52] 99000999: he's a virgin
[00:52] Ace|Smed: To be fair, Apple, you scare me a bit as well
[00:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: duh
[00:52] Underrated|Miike.: you think being a girl gets you somwhere? lol
[00:52] 99000999: it's oke
[00:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: it makes u a pussy tbh
[00:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u arescared
[00:52] Ace|Smed: Those stories about you punchking guys in the balls and stuff
[00:52] Underrated|Miike.: i just default to saying he, man, etc
[00:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: first thing u gnhna do
[00:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: is report to sides
[00:52] Underrated|Miike.: not trying to offend you
[00:52] Kurafte_Safte: . . .
[00:52] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: *pls sides protect me*
[00:53] Underrated|Miike.: but dont think being a girl gives you anything
[00:53] Underrated|Miike.: rofl
[00:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: *apple is scary*
[00:53] Ace|Myll.: We don't make non-warlockers TC. there's nothing hard to understand about
[00:53] BraiNy]^Hakka: [01:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: *pls sides protect me*
[00:53] BraiNy]^Hakka: @@
[00:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: thasts not even the issue anymore
[00:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u have no right mr mike to talk to me like this
[00:53] Underrated|Miike.: like what
[00:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u simply cant
[00:53] Underrated|Miike.: this wasnt even about you
[00:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: scroll
[00:53] BraiNy]^Hakka: m not that categorised guy.
[00:53] Underrated|Miike.: i was talking to aremys
[00:53] Underrated|Miike.: and you came in
[00:53] Underrated|Miike.: like a fucking knight
[00:53] Underrated|Miike.: for your princess
[00:53] Kurafte_Safte: xD
[00:53] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ye and?
[00:53] Ace|HornyTheReaper: and they say chivalry is dead
[00:53] Ace|Smed: This wouldn't have happened while I was admin, I tell you that
[00:54] Ace|Smed: Back in the good old days
[00:54] Ace|Smed: Where we all acted proper
[00:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i asked u nicely twice
[00:54] Ace|Smed: 12450303,6
[00:54] Ace|Smed: +012,
[00:54] Kurafte_Safte: What brought me here? O.o
[00:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u didnt respond
[00:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u were acting macho
[00:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: for having
[00:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: a head admin rank
[00:54] Underrated|Miike.: lol
[00:54] Underrated|Miike.: it was nothing to do with the rank
[00:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: acting all cool and powerfull
[00:54] Underrated|Miike.: i would never abuse my rank
[00:54] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u chould've given him the tc then if he isnt active just demote
[00:54] Underrated|Miike.: look, i was joking around, he joked around back
[00:54] Underrated|Miike.: i didnt realise anyone was taking that seriously
[00:55] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: no
[00:55] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: dont lie
[00:55] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: pls
[00:55] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: thats horrible
[00:55] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u were srs
[00:55] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u didnt want to give him the rank
[00:56] Ace|Smed: He wouldn't give him the rank, as it is against the current rules to just give out
ranks to anyone who asks
[00:56] Ace|Smed: Miike obviously thought the banter was for fun
[00:56] Underrated|Miike.: ye
[00:56] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he was vouched here ages ago
[00:56] Ace|Smed: And now it's all escalated
[00:56] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: by sides
[00:56] Underrated|Miike.: exactly
[00:56] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: which means he played before
[00:56] Ace|Smed: He played2 games in 2013
[00:56] Ace|Smed: And then chose to leave
[00:56] Underrated|Miike.: yeah, in a different year
[00:56] Underrated|Miike.: lol
[00:57] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: doesnt allow u to treat ppl like this
[00:57] Underrated|Miike.: look, if i offended anyone im sorry, but im still going to uphold the
[00:57] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: its a team cap rank
[00:57] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: on a gaming client
[00:57] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: thats fkin nothing
[00:57] Underrated|Miike.: yes and you seem pretty upset about it
[00:57] Underrated|Miike.: for fkin nothing
[00:57] Ace|Smed: Yes, Miike did word his dying poorly
[00:57] Ace|Smed: Denying
[00:57] 99000999: she was upset because you were being an ass
[00:57] 99000999: that's all
[00:57] Ace|Smed: ^
[00:57] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he was being an ass
[00:57] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: they mocked him
[00:58] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and started fooling around
[00:58] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he came to play a warlockshit game and leave
[00:58] Agares: i know i was here
[00:58] Agares: :D
[00:58] Ace|Smed: To be fair, if that is all he wanted, he could just ask for a game
[00:58] Agares: still am
[00:58] Underrated|Miike.: ban ter: Good-humored, playful conversation.
[00:58] Ace|Smed: Miike, it's not banter if only one side thinks it is ~
[00:58] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u werent joking
[00:59] Underrated|Miike.: yes i was
[00:59] Underrated|Miike.: lol
[00:59] Underrated|Miike.: if you mean
[00:59] Underrated|Miike.: about not giving the team captain
[00:59] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: well wait let me get this straight
[00:59] Underrated|Miike.: of course im serious about that
[00:59] Agares: so now you were joking
[00:59] Agares: ?
[00:59] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u would joke aofr a guy who is here for the first time
[00:59] Underrated|Miike.: its the rule of this channel
[00:59] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: but u wont give tc
[00:59] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: logic agares?
[00:59] Agares: trying
[00:59] Underrated|Miike.: saying things like 'its because your teal' is a joke
[00:59] Agares: gime a minute
[00:59] BraiNy]^Hakka: ,,
[00:59] Agares: got nothing
[00:59] Agares: :D
[00:59] Ace|Smed: :p
[00:59] Underrated|Miike.: umm
[00:59] .Yepaaa.uilty: dat drama
[00:59] Agares: ikr
[01:00] BraiNy]^Hakka: hold on Agares
[01:00] Agares: it's
[01:00] Agares: funny
[01:00] Underrated|Miike.: look
[01:00] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: mike was rude he wouldnt admit
[01:00] Underrated|Miike.: the first thing he said
[01:00] Underrated|Miike.: when he came here
[01:00] Ace|Smed: No one wants this to be so dramatic
[01:00] Underrated|Miike.: was 'give me tc'
[01:00] Agares: it's ok
[01:00] Underrated|Miike.: he didnt ask to play
[01:00] Underrated|Miike.: he just asked for tc
[01:00] Underrated|Miike.: if a new player comes to this channel, and asks to play warlock
[01:00] Agares: can't belive you're fighting over a tc :
[01:00] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: nono
[01:00] Underrated|Miike.: i ALWAYS help them out, and they end up getting the tc rank anyway
[01:01] Agares: ok let's say
[01:01] Agares: the way he asked for it
[01:01] Agares: was a bit
[01:01] Agares: um
[01:01] Agares: unclear
[01:01] Ace|HornyTheReaper: [17:31] -=D&C=-AremyS: i dont need you to get tc here
[01:01] Agares: yes ofc he's macho
[01:01] Ace|Smed: He just said
[01:01] Ace|Smed: [23:30] -=D&C=-AremyS: i request tc!
[01:01] Agares: we;re all macho men online
[01:01] Agares: we're*
[01:01] B-i-o-s: Agares
[01:01] B-i-o-s: hi
[01:01] Agares: sup bios
[01:01] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: am not
[01:01] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: :DD
[01:01] Underrated|Miike.: by the way
[01:01] Underrated|Miike.: it was comments like this
[01:01] Underrated|Miike.: [22:31] -=D&C=-AremyS: i can change that to some sexy cinnamon if
that pleases u [22:31] -=D&C=-AremyS: tahts colouracism
[01:01] Ace|Smed: Apple, you are the most macho here
[01:02] Underrated|Miike.: that made me think he was joking along with me
>>>> [01:02] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: thanks Smed
[01:02] BraiNy]^Hakka:
[01:02] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: flattered
[01:02] BraiNy]^Hakka:
[01:02] BraiNy]^Hakka:
[01:02] BraiNy]^Hakka:
[01:02] Agares: did you really
[01:02] Agares: just
[01:02] Agares: ss the convo?
[01:02] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: uh man
[01:02] Agares: i was here on my number acc
[01:02] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ahahaha
[01:02] BraiNy]^Hakka: a bit ago
[01:02] Agares: 99000999 this one
[01:02] Agares: :D
[01:02] Ace|Smed: I think he can see the whole convo
[01:03] Agares: hahahha
[01:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: look Agares
[01:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: focus little with me
[01:03] Agares: im looking
[01:03] Agares: can't
[01:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: how do i look since u re looking
[01:03] B-i-o-s: lel
[01:03] Agares: gf pissed at me
[01:03] Agares: cz
[01:03] Agares: made her sad a bit
[01:03] Agares: was an asshole
[01:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: FOCUS
[01:03] Agares: D:
[01:03] Ace|Smed: You denied her TC?
[01:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: DAMN IT
[01:03] Agares: CAN'T
[01:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ok look
[01:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: what they did
[01:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: was
[01:03] Agares: looking
[01:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: make him suffer to get his tc
[01:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: exactly what lodders do
[01:03] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: when new fag shows up
[01:04] Agares: well yea
[01:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: nobody stands that
[01:04] Agares: he's a new fish
[01:04] Agares: they wanna play a bit
[01:04] Agares: cz bored
[01:04] Agares: :D
[01:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: exactly
[01:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: we do that smtimes
[01:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: thing is
[01:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he thinks he can like
[01:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: say
[01:04] Ace|Smed: We actually host games for new people so that they can play their TC games
[01:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: *we're kidding*
[01:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and voila
[01:04] Ace|Smed: But not if they just come in and demand TC
[01:04] Underrated|Miike.: i was not making him work for tc
[01:04] Agares: !kick Etterna where's my hello pute
Etterna has been kicked by Agares.
[01:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: why not miike?
[01:04] Ace|Smed: Rofl
[01:04] Underrated|Miike.: there is no game qualification for tc
[01:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u just said ppl have to work for it
[01:04] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: no?
[01:04] Underrated|Miike.: you cant play 1 game and get tc
Your friend Enviable is now online.
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: what u do for a tc?
[01:05] Agares: bbj
[01:05] Agares: bj
[01:05] Ace|Smed: Just need to be a warlock player
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: wht do u do to get a tc?
[01:05] Agares: works
[01:05] Agares: for me
[01:05] Enviable: sup
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: Agares
[01:05] Underrated|Miike.: i give it to whoever is here because they want to play warlock
[01:05] Agares: just being honest
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: lets play some warlock
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i need my tc
[01:05] Agares: oke
[01:05] Underrated|Miike.: not because they want to play warlock to get a team captain rank
[01:05] Agares: map first
[01:05] Agares: !getmap
The room's current map is: Warlock1.01 test17x.w3x
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: link top
[01:05] .Yepaaa.uilty: oh
[01:05] Ace|Smed: Link is at top of channel
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: scroll
[01:05] BraiNy]^Hakka: ..
[01:05] .Yepaaa.uilty: let's play
[01:05] .Yepaaa.uilty: :D
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: how many games
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: for tc?
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: 10
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: 15?
[01:05] Kurafte_Safte: Can anyone join? xD
[01:05] Underrated|Miike.: read what i already said
[01:05] .Yepaaa.uilty: 1 game per day
[01:05] .Yepaaa.uilty: :D
[01:05] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: 20?
[01:06] Ace|Smed: 12.4
[01:06] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i'll play 20
[01:06] BraiNy]^Hakka: here are no requirements nor events.
[01:06] Ace|Smed: The 0.4 is very important
[01:06] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: then transfer my tc
[01:06] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: to aremys account
[01:06] Kurafte_Safte: Good. xD
[01:06] Agares: Miike. let's say
[01:06] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ;)
[01:06] Agares: you want to follow the rules and what not
[01:06] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: macho staff
[01:06] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: :D
[01:06] Agares: Aphrodite is sponsoring
[01:06] Agares: the room
[01:06] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: for a year now
[01:06] Agares: been doing this for about
[01:06] Agares: yea
[01:06] Agares: she asked for a tc
[01:06] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: they have 0 respect for me
[01:06] Underrated|Miike.: so blackmail is ok?
[01:06] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: like rly 0
[01:06] Agares: she gives ur prizes
[01:06] Ace|Smed: We don't give out TC to whoever plays an amount of games. We give out TC if
we see that people stay here and play Warlock and actually plays it isntead of wanting the rank
>>>> [01:07] Agares: Smed for president
[01:07] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i'll play games
[01:07] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: am here daily
[01:07] Ace|Smed: But it would be fake
[01:07] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i'll get my tc and transfer to my account
[01:07] Underrated|Miike.: im not compromising the rules of the channel because apple is
[01:07] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: other acc
[01:07] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: called aremys
[01:07] Ace|Smed: You are clearly only doing it to make a point
[01:07] Agares: why not
[01:07] Ace|Smed: Not because you enjoy Warlock
[01:07] Underrated|Miike.: dont go into politics Agares
[01:07] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i hate warlock
[01:07] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and ppl who play it tbh
[01:07] Agares: i like politics
[01:07] Ace|Smed: Precisely
[01:07] .Yepaaa.uilty: ;/
[01:07] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: they're so fucked up
[01:07] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and rude
[01:07] Agares: + i like to argue
[01:07] Agares: a lot
[01:07] Agares: d:
[01:07] Underrated|Miike.: its like paying your way to changing laws
[01:07] Ace|Smed: :p
[01:07] Agares: D:*
>>>> [01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: NOT Smed
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: NOT Etterna
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: nor kolis
[01:08] Ace|Smed: <3
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: uh damn
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i only hate mike
[01:08] Ace|Smed: Yea, Kolis is the sweetest person ever
[01:08] .Yepaaa.uilty: we all hate him
[01:08] Ace|Smed: Yea, down with Miike
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: np dear frnds
[01:08] Ace|Smed: The Phoenix user!
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i shall rape him for you
[01:08] Ace|Smed: Rofl
[01:08] .Yepaaa.uilty: he use penix in game
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: the bad rape
[01:08] .Yepaaa.uilty: to win
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: mike
[01:08] Underrated|Miike.: i have no opinion about you apple
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: the bad rape..
[01:08] Underrated|Miike.: sorry
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: Agares
[01:08] Ace|Smed: Miike is one of those people who would enjoy getting raped, since then he
would at least get some sex
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: did u see that top
[01:08] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: lemme show u
[01:08] Ace|Etterna: Wallo Robobo
[01:09] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: [02:07] Underrated|Miike.: im not compromising the rules of the
channel because apple is sponsoring
[01:09] Agares: Etterna comment allez vous
[01:09] Agares: cava ? :D
[01:09] Agares: then
[01:09] Underrated|Miike.: by the way sides would say the exact same thing if he was here
[01:09] Agares: stop sponsoring
[01:09] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: isnt that rude?
[01:09] Agares: their lost
[01:09] Agares: not yours
[01:09] Agares: i don't get it
[01:09] Ace|Etterna: Je vais mal.
[01:09] Kurafte_Safte: So people who play warlock are f***ed up and rude... -.-
[01:09] Agares: why do you take shit from em
[01:10] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i mean am i overreacting?
[01:10] Agares: prquoi?
[01:10] Underrated|Miike.: im sorry about this kurafte
[01:10] Underrated|Miike.: this doesnt happen often
[01:10] Underrated|Miike.: these two arent warlock players
[01:10] Kurafte_Safte: I know xD
[01:10] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: they are yes
[01:10] Ace|Etterna: Je suis en train de perdre la tte.
[01:10] Agares: t'a vu ta bite est petite?
[01:10] Agares: D:
[01:10] yo Etterna
[01:10] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: im not a warlcok player
[01:10] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and am staying here for good
[01:10] Ace|Smed: Yea, we never have drama or arguments here
[01:10] Ace|Smed: We always agree with everything
[01:10] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u cant do shit to me smartass
[01:10] Ace|Smed: And get along
[01:10] rofl
[01:10] Underrated|Miike.: ive already said
[01:10] i agree
[01:10] ^^
[01:10] Underrated|Miike.: i dont want to do anything to you
[01:10] Agares: !clientkick 5togo fine no brahfist
5togo has been kicked by Agares.
[01:10] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: bcuz u fucking cant
[01:10] Underrated|Miike.: but if you do something to me, i will do something back
[01:10] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: if u had 1% chance u would
[01:11] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: hmmm wait lemme check
[01:11] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: nop
[01:11] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: not scared
[01:11] tf is goin on
[01:11] Ace|HornyTheReaper: she wants the D
[01:11] Underrated|Miike.: look, i dont care if your scared or not
[01:11] yo horn
[01:11] Ace|HornyTheReaper: yo
[01:11] Ace|Smed: *Can you feel the love tonight*
[01:11] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u are rude
[01:11] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and an ass
[01:11] Ace|Smed: And British
[01:12] Ace|Smed: And uses Phoenix
[01:12] .Yepaaa.uilty: much love so wow
[01:12] Ace|HornyTheReaper: whats with these homies dissing my girl
[01:12] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: if u do that with all new players u're fucked
[01:12] Underrated|Miike.: ok
[01:12] Ace|HornyTheReaper: why do they gotta front?
[01:12] BraiNy]^Hakka: !unvouch Hakka ,!unvouch Hakka ,
hakka has been unvouched.
[01:12] Ace|Smed: What
[01:12] Ace|HornyTheReaper: what did we ever do to these guys
[01:12] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: miike have some pride
[01:12] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: folow him
[01:12] Underrated|Miike.: what the fuck are you doing Hakka
[01:12] Underrated|Miike.: oO
[01:12] Ace|Myll.: Hakka???
Your friend HornyTheReaper is now offline.
[01:12] oO
[01:12] Ace|Smed: Hakka :(
[01:12] BraiNy]^Hakka: sorry i am a true gamer and i can`t bear these things.
[01:12] Oo
[01:12] Underrated|Miike.: seriously what
[01:12] Underrated|Miike.: ok look
[01:12] Underrated|Miike.: apple
[01:13] Ace|Smed: This is really getting out of hand
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: could you just
[01:13] Agares: one tc won't hurt
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: leave us alone please
[01:13] Agares: just sayin
[01:13] Ace|Smed: Miike is sorry if he offended you guys
[01:13] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: not really no
Your friend HornyTheReaper is now online.
[01:13] .Yepaaa.uilty: don't make them support him
[01:13] .Yepaaa.uilty: ;/
[01:13] Ace|Smed: He was just trying to follow the rules that Sides has made
[01:13] Agares: it's not about
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: i was sorry
[01:13] Agares: offending or not
[01:13] Ace|HornyTheReaper:
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: but now
[01:13] BraiNy]^Hakka: [02:13] Agares: one tc won't hurt
[01:13] Agares: it's just
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: this is getting ridiculous
[01:13] Kurafte_Safte: Aphrodite,if it's about tc,can't you just overlook it,for Miike? :)
[01:13] BraiNy]^Hakka: you are right agares.
[01:13] Ace|HornyTheReaper: I was quoting the song
[01:13] BraiNy]^Hakka: but something
[01:13] Ace|Myll.: god.. the day sides doesn't come online is the day a shitstorm occurs
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: by the way
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: apple
[01:13] BraiNy]^Hakka: feels like.
[01:13] o
[01:13] BraiNy]^Hakka: not okay.
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: asked me to give him tc
[01:13] lol myll
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: this was the first thing i said
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: [22:44] Underrated|Miike.: he just has to ask if he wants a game
hosted btw, apple [22:44] Underrated|Miike.: but he came into the channel asking for tc [22:44]
Underrated|Miike.: not to play [22:44] Underrated|Miike.: (and ive seen him ask before)
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: do you see anything rude about this
[01:13] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: he was an asshole
[01:13] Underrated|Miike.: this was the FIRST thing i said to apple
[01:13] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u chould've just given him the god damn tc
[01:13] BraiNy]^Hakka:
[01:14] BraiNy]^Hakka: check this
[01:14] BraiNy]^Hakka: ps
[01:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: dont act u follow rules perfectly
[01:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: whats the worst thing he can do with his tc
[01:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: not host games?
[01:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: host 2 games in a row?
[01:14] Ace|Smed: He can host games and enjoy playing Warlock!
[01:14] Ace|Smed: The horror!
[01:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: OMG OMG HE HOSTED 2 GAMES IN A ROW
[01:14] lol
[01:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u guys
[01:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: are the most
[01:14] Agares: i think
[01:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: or no nvm
[01:14] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: u are bad staff
[01:15] wat is happenin
[01:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: like rly horrible
[01:15] i still dont know what is goin on
>>>> [01:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: things were fine when Smed was here
[01:15] BraiNy]^Hakka: [00:38] -=D&C=-AremyS: they shud put u back in charge [00:38] -
=D&C=-AremyS: the admins here are twats
[01:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and scooby
[01:15] Ace|Smed: Miike's being a good diplomat
[01:15] Underrated|Miike.: lol
[01:15] Underrated|Miike.: !vouch Hakka wlc
Hakka is now vouched in this channel.
[01:15] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: twats indeed
[01:15] Ace|Etterna: wololo
>>>> [01:15] oo Smed
[01:15] Underrated|Miike.: !setaccess Hakka 18
Hakka is now Team Captain in this channel.
[01:15] Ace|Etterna: Wtf
[01:15] Ace|Smed: oo Light
[01:15] any1 wanna 1v1
[01:15] BraiNy]^Hakka: he was acting like an rgc owner.
[01:15] or we gna sit n do nuthin
[01:15] Underrated|Miike.: yup
[01:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: everyone wants to act like that
[01:16] Underrated|Miike.: and so was Aphrodite
[01:16] Ace|HornyTheReaper: ill 1v1
[01:16] Ace|HornyTheReaper: on us
[01:16] ok
[01:16] Underrated|Miike.: please
[01:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: excuse me?
[01:16] Underrated|Miike.: take your trash
[01:16] Underrated|Miike.: elsewhere
[01:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: whyare u being so butthurt mike
[01:16] Ace|Smed: Yea, a very good diplomat
[01:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: did he just say that
[01:16] Underrated|Miike.: because when it actually affects this channel, i get more than a little
pissed off
[01:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: Agares
[01:16] Ace|Smed: He was talking to the US guys
[01:16] Ace|Smed: Obviously
[01:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: b2dr atlob
[01:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: el rgdz
[01:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: tb3une
[01:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: bak?
[01:16] Ace|HornyTheReaper: we dont have manners
[01:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: la2 sa7?
[01:16] Ace|HornyTheReaper: in the states
[01:16] Agares: all of em?
[01:16] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: yes
[01:17] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: ele a3tethom
[01:17] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: lal tours
Your friend applecheese is now online.
Your friend HornyTheReaper is now in horny1v1 (Lobby)
[01:17] .Yepaaa.uilty: ;/
[01:17] lol
[01:17] Agares: i can confisticate
[01:17] Ace|Smed: Male Apple is here to save us
>>>> [01:17] Underrated|applecheese: Smed
[01:17] Underrated|applecheese: Enviable
[01:17] Ace|Smed: ?
[01:17] Underrated|applecheese: 2v2?
[01:17] Ace|Smed: Nah, not right now
[01:17] yo apple
>>>> [01:17] Underrated|applecheese: omq ur so smedish
[01:17] Ace|Smed: There's drama in the air
[01:17] Ace|Etterna: Instead of all this we could sing Kumbiya together at some boyscout bonfire.
[01:17] .Yepaaa.uilty: ye ye get the popcorn
[01:17] horn
[01:17] Underrated|applecheese: drama?
Your friend Myll. is now in horny1v1 (Lobby)
[01:17] u wanna 2v2
[01:17] themn
[01:17] Ace|Smed: Yea
[01:17] ?
[01:17] Underrated|applecheese: i dont think i care
[01:18] Underrated|applecheese: lets just play some warlock
[01:18] .Yepaaa.uilty: 3v3
[01:18] .Yepaaa.uilty: 4v4
[01:18] .Yepaaa.uilty: ?
[01:18] idc
Your friend Etterna is now in horny1v1 (Lobby)
[01:18] w.e works
[01:18] jus lerts play
[01:18] Underrated|Miike.: apple you pissed off hakka, and he is worth 1000000 of your rgds
[01:18] Underrated|applecheese: i only want 2v2
[01:18] Underrated|applecheese: no 1v1
[01:18] .Yepaaa.uilty: sh max then
[01:18] Underrated|applecheese: no 3v3
[01:18] Underrated|applecheese: only 2v2
[01:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: mike
Your friend Enviable is now offline.
[01:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: one more word
[01:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: one fucking more
[01:18] Underrated|Miike.: word
[01:18] Ace|Smed: ,-,
[01:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: kid
[01:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: grow up
[01:18] Underrated|applecheese: dont piss off hakka, he even plays warlock D:
[01:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: OH
[01:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: a UK tard
[01:18] Underrated|Miike.: just stop damaging my channel
[01:18] Underrated|applecheese: who is even Hakka
[01:18] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: explains the attitude
[01:19] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: i'll damage you soon enough
[01:19] Hakka is Hakka
[01:19] Underrated|applecheese: ah
[01:19] Ace|Smed: Sigh
[01:19] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: and its not a threat
[01:19] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: its a warning
Your friend Myll. is now away from keyboard.
[01:19] Underrated|Miike.: i can only take so much flame
[01:19] Agares: ouuuhhhh tension
[01:19] Underrated|Miike.: before i flame back
[01:19] Ace|Smed: All this over a TC rank
[01:19] Underrated|applecheese: vouch me pls
[01:19] Underrated|applecheese: sir
[01:19] Underrated|Miike.: so dont you dare accuse me of any flame when you started this shit
[01:19] Underrated|applecheese: sir please vouc me
[01:19] Underrated|applecheese: sir
[01:19] Ace|Smed: I always thought it would the Russian invasion that killed RGC
[01:19] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: all this over his attitude
[01:19] Underrated|Miike.: no
[01:19] Underrated|Miike.: all this over you
Your friend HornyTheReaper is now in horny1v1 [00:00]
Your friend Etterna is now in horny1v1 [00:00]
[01:20] BraiNy]^Hakka: everything has it`s limits.
[01:20] Underrated|Miike.: taking things into your own hands
[01:20] GC*Aphrodite*Gods: now its over me?
>>>> [01:20] Underrated|applecheese: Smed
[01:20] Underrated|Miike.: it was always over you

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