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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum

Small Group Activity Form

Name of Activity:
Curriculum Area:
Length of Activity:
15-20 min.
Learning Objectives (specify at least three):
The child will be able to recite in Spanish/English 1 to 10. !2
The child will be able to match numbers with the ob"ects gi#en. !$
The child will be able to put same colors together.
Material/!uipment Nee"e":
M' (irst Spanish Number %oard %oo& b' )* +ublishing
#reparation ($hat "o you nee" to "o beforehan"%):
, will ha#e bloc&s o- same colors a#ailable -or the children. %loc&s with numbers will also be a#ailable -or
when children arri#e.
#roce"ures (step by step) & 'e (pecific
)'eginning (*o+ +ill , intro"uce activity%)
The acti#it' will be introduced b' ha#ing e#er'thing set up -or the children and letting them &now what we will
be doing with the items. Some bloc&s will all be in one color so children can match the bloc&s together. .ther
bloc&s will be numbered so children can se/uence the numbers and also we will begin counting in both English
and Spanish.
)Mi""le: (*o+ +ill , support/enhance/scaffol"%) & -he person rea"ing your lesson plan shoul" be able to
i"entify +hat you are saying or "oing to support your state" learning objectives. -*,( ,( /01
, will support the acti#it' b' allowing children to e0plore the ob"ects gi#en to them and then stepping in
to e0plain the acti#it' to them.
The child wor& on their counting and identi-'ing the numbers in Spanish.
The child will be able to wor& with di--erent color bloc&s and match them up with each others.
The child will also arrange numbers in the order the' belong with.
The children will be wor&ing together tr'ing to -igure out which color goes with which.
, will as& children i- the' are able to recogni1e the numbers. ,- the' can count with me. , will as& the
children i- the' would li&e to teach who to count in Spanish.
2e will practice counting in Spanish 1 to 10.
, will continue to e0pand their e0perience b' reading to them M' (irst Spanish Number %oard %oo& b'
)* +ublishing and allowing them to hear it both in English and Spanish.
)n": (*o+ +ill , bring this activity to a conclusion an" transition to the ne2t activity% 'e very specific
in ho+ you +ill transition the chil"ren.)
The acti#it' will end b' me gi#ing a 5 minute warning and singing the tid' up song 3"ingle bell tune4 while
children wash their hand to begin the ne0t acti#it'. 5s e#er' minute passes the children will be reminded that
the acti#it' is o#er and we will be mo#ing on.
-hroughout the "ay/+ee34 +hat opportunities +ill the chil"ren have to reflect bac3 on this activity%
The children will be able to re-lect bac& as we will be learning about Spanish throughout the 6inco de Ma'o
theme. 5s a teacher , will continue to count -or children in di--erent acti#ities to &eep them learning and being
able to remember acti#ities the' did.

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