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Case 1

Juli, 26 years old, is unable to conceive after 4 years of marriage. Her husband
Roman, 32 years old, aears to be in good health. Juli and Roman consulted their
family hysician !ho referred them to an infertility clinic.
1. ho! common is infertility in coules !ho !ant to have a baby$
2. !hat doyou thin% is the li%ely roblem in thes coule$
3. !hat investigation&s' !ould you recommend first
4. !hat is fertili(ation, and ho! is the rocess and the result$
Case 2
) 2* year+old !oman !ith a history of regular menstrual cycles !as * days overdue
on menses. ,!ing to her mental distress related to the abnormal bleeding and the
undesirability of a ossible regnancy, the doctor decide to do a menstrual e-traction
or uterine evacuation. .he tissue removed !as e-amined for evidence of a regnancy.
1. !hat findings !ould indicate an early regnancy$
2. ho! old the roducts of concetion be$
3. !hat structures might be recogni(able$
Case 3
) 2/+year+old !oman, !ho has been a cigarette smo%er since her teens, !as informed
that she !as in the second month of regnancy.
1. !hat !ould the doctor li%ely tell the atient about her smo%ing habit and the
use of other drugs &e.g., alcohol'$
2. !hy may information about the starting date of a regnancy rovided by a
atient be unreliable$
3. discuss germ layer formation and organogenesis,
Case 4
) hysician told a regnant !oman that she had olyhydramnions.
1. if you as%ed to e-lain the meaning of this clinical condition, !hat !ou%d b!
your ans!er$
2. !hat condition are often associated !ith olyhydramnions$
3. e-lain !hy olyhydramnions occurs
4. !hat is the function of amnioticfluid$
*. if the concetion !as t!ins, ho! !ould you determine !ether they !ere 01
or 21$

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