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Info Base Innovations.

Title of the Project Visa Processing System

Software Requirements
Operating System Server: Windows XP or
Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server-2005
lient: Microsoft Internet Explorer
Tools: Microsoft Visal Stdio !"et-200#
!ser "nterface: $sp!"et wit% $&ax
Code Behind: C#.Net
#ar$ware Requirements
Processor: Intel Penti' or More
Ram: 5(2 M) *a'
#ar$ Dis%: P+ wit% 20,)
-%e pro&ect .Visa Processin/ S0ste'1 is an ato'ated s0ste'! It descri2es t%e
process of appl0in/ for visa! -%ere are so 'an0 visa t0pes provided 20 t%e /overn'ent
li3e 4(-visa5 6ependent visa! ,ettin/ a Visa5 Visa issance is a ver0 o2&ective decision5
and is not s2&ective! Ever0 visa official %as a list of re7ire'ents applicant loo3s for in a
visa application! If t%e0 are 'et5 t%en applicant isses t%e visa! If not5 applicant doesn8t!
It is %ow t%ese re7ire'ents are 'et t%at 'a3es a visa decision see' s2&ective!
'imitations of ()isting System:
In Existin/ s0ste' t%e s0ste' %as deplo0ed a 'anal process for visa! $ppl0in/
9 S2'ission of visa application to Visa consltant officer etc all are done 'anall0! -%e
s0ste' is not transparent to t%e otside world! -%s5 t%e s0ste' needs to 2e
Info Base Innovations.
&$vantages of Propose$ System:
In Proposed s0ste'5 t%e s0ste' %as feasi2ilit0 for t%e applicant to appl0 and
s2'it t%e visa application t%ro/% online! It is an ato'ated s0ste': t%e applicant can
appl0 for t%e visa at an0 ti'e fro' an0 place! It provides 'ore flexi2ilit0 to t%e applicant
co'pared wit% t%e existin/ s0ste'!
-%is 'odle 'aintains all t%e list of applicant details and t0pe of visa applied!
Interact wit% applicant via e'ail5 'ana/e all t%e details of applicant sc% as view5 add5
delete etc5 and view all t%e re7ired doc'ents!
Visa onsultant Officer:
-%is 'odle contains list of visa applications and proofs /iven 20 t%e applicant!
$ccept;*e&ect t%e applications etc!
-%is 'odle 'aintains eac% applicant<s profile 9 t0pe of visa 9 fair a'ont5 appl0
for visa5 pdate t%e details applied5 appl0 for I20 fro' etc
In t%ese 'odle different t0pes of visa<s5 etc are covered!

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