Common Ground

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Nate Postmus

Date April 3 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Persuasive Writing (common ground) rade !!!!"
I. Objectives
How does tis lesson connect to te unit !lan"
This is the seventh lesson in the #nit o$ Persuasive Writing
Learners will be able to#
& # Ap An ' ()
(omprehend +hat the this tool is and ho+ to use it #
Demonstrate ho+ to use this tool in their o+n +riting Ap
(ompose their o+n +riting and $ill out the +or,sheet

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
Provide reasons that are supported b* $acts and details- lin, opinion and reasons using +ords and phrases
(Note# Write as man* as needed. /ndicate ta0onom* levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. /$ an objective applies to particular learners
+rite the name(s) o$ the learner(s) to +hom it applies.)
)remember- understand- appl*- anal*1e- evaluate- create
II. 'efore (ou start
Identif( !rere)uisite
*nowledge and s*ills.
#nderstand the di$$erence bet+een the previous tools that +e have learned in class and understand
+hen +e +ant to use certain ones in di$$erent scenarios
Outline assessment
(applicable to this lesson)
Pre-assessment (for learning):
&evie+ the previous tool
Formative (for learning):
2isten and +rite do+n the notes as / +rite them on the board
Formative (as learning):
Write using the tool +e discuss b* $illing out the paragraph and then ma,ing me a paragraph
Summative (of learning)3
Wor,ing on the $inal project +hen +e get to it
+at barriers migt tis
lesson !resent"
+at will it ta*e ,
emotionall(- etc.- for (our
students to do tis lesson"
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Action and E.!ression
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Provide options $or perception%
making information perceptible
The notes +ill help them
understand- the boo, on persuasion-
the *outube commercial
Provide options $or ph*sical action%
increase options for interaction
Provide options $or recruiting
interest% choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimize threats
Ta,e notes and listen to me as /
describe the tool
Provide options $or language-
mathematical e0pressions- and
s*mbols% clarify & connect
Provide options $or e0pression and
communication% increase meium
of e!pression
Provide options $or sustaining
e$$ort and persistence% optimize
challenge, collaboration, mastery-
oriente feeback
Provide options $or comprehension%
activate, apply & highlight
The* +ill be +riting do+n the
notes and +riting based on the
Provide options $or e0ecutive
$unctions% coorinate short & long
term goals, monitor progress, an
moify strategies
Provide options $or sel$%
regulation% e!pectations, personal
skills an strategies, self-
assessment & reflection
/aterials1wat materials
$boo*s- andouts- etc& do
(ou need for tis lesson
and are te( read( to use"
The* +ill need their notes- *outube video- 36 copies o$ the notes
How will (our classroom
be set u! for tis lesson"
Same as al+a*s
III. 2e Plan
2ime Com!onents
3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities
for eac com!onent of te lesson. Include im!ortant iger order tin*ing )uestions and5or
&evie+ +ith them the tool that the* used the da*
prior. As, them +hich tool +e used *esterda*- have
one student give me the de$inition o$ the tool- and
use a di$$erent student to provide an e0ample $rom
the tool +e used earlier.
Write the name o$ the tool on the board and +or,
through +ith them a de$inition o$ the tool. As,
7What does common mean89 as +ell as 7ground9.
/:ll have them put the t+o together and have them
come up +ith a de$inition o$ it themselves.
Sho+ an e0ample o$ the *outube video to help sho+
(ommon round (https3//+++.*
v;u<mvcN=4#!g the pepsi commercial)
>elp me remember the tool $rom *esterda* and
help provide an e0ample +hen / as, them. >ave
them pa* attention to the boo, and the video
(the largest
component or
main bod* o$
the lesson)
>ave them +atch the commercial t+ice- but a$ter the
$irst time as, them 7+hat is Demi 2evoto tr*ing to
get ever*one to have89 Discuss the di$$erence in the
commercial bet+een ro*alt* and the peasants. As,
7+ho thin,s just the ro*alt* can have pepsi- or should
ever*one have pepsi89
Write the de$inition on the board. And tal,
about/e0plain ho+ +e use this tool to tell that
ever*one should have the privilege to have
A$ter +e have tal,ed about the de$inition tr* and
have them thin, o$ di$$erent e0amples that people
Participate in the discussion- help me thin, o$ the
tool de$inition- ta,e the notes that / +rite on the
board and help $igure out an e0ample- +or, on
the assignment and then +rite me a paragraph on
the bac,
should have. Write the e0amples on the board tr*ing
to use one or t+o that the class creates.
>and out the assignment and e0plain +hat the* are
supposed to do +ith it. Write on the board to sho+
ho+ the* are supposed to $ill out the $orm and get the
ans+ers that the* need and create their o+n stor*.
#se an e0ample o$ science because the* are +riting
on math.
?nce the* are $inished $illing out the assignment
sheet- to turn the page over and +rite about it on the
bac, o$ their paper.
Wal, around the room ans+ering @uestions and
ma,e sure the* are +or,ing on the assignment
When the* are $inished the* can do A& reading.
Wor, on the assignment
6our reflection about te lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement
for ne.t time. (Write this a$ter teaching the lesson- i$ *ou had a chance to teach it. /$ *ou did not teach this lesson- $ocus on the
process o$ preparing the lesson.)
2is lesson was interesting. 2e( seemed to understand te lesson es!eciall( wit te!le because te( wanted to *ee!
watcing it. Once I got to te assignment !ortion of it toug I struggled. I tried to do ever(ting$ m(!le& on te
board in one color- but te( didn7t follow it. I tin* it confused tem too muc- but /rs. /iedema ste!!ed in and wal*ed
tem troug it. 8e went ste! b( ste! wit tem using different color mar*ers and te( seemed to understand it better. I
learned tat troug tis lesson tat wen it is a multi1ste! assignment to use different colors to el! tem better understand.
Once se ste!!ed in and el!ed me- te( seemed to get it better and te( were able to do te assignment. I didn7t feel too bad
because tis was te first lesson tat se reall( ad to ste! in and ta*e over to get tem to understand- and se el!ed me
understand te color coordinating better.

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