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"#$%& ()"*+,-,
Factoi analysis uses a set of
mixeu spectia to ueiive a set of
oithogonal eigenvectois anu
associateu eigenvalues to
estimate the numbei of
inuiviuual components in a
The fiist 1u eigenvectois
ueiiveu typically contain all the
spectial vaiiations piesent
We applieu factoi analysis to a
spectial iange of 12u spectial
banus fiom 1.8 - 2.6 m

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Taiget tiansfoimation
ieconstiucts enumembei
spectia using lineai
combinations of the set of
The algoiithm geneiates a least
squaies fit of the significant
eigenvectois to laboiatoiy
A goou spectial match inuicates
the mineial enumembei may
be piesent in the set of mixeu


4567.4!48(.497 9! :;68.<(= 675>6>?6<: 47 8<4:> 5(.(
@:47A !(8.9< (7(=B:4: (75 .(<A6. .<(7:!9<>(.497
Nancy B. Thomas anu }oshua L. Banufielu, Eaith anu Space Sciences, 0niveisity of Washington

Spectial uatasets contain laige volumes of uata with vaiiable mixtuies of inuiviuual
spectial enumembeis. It is often uifficult to iuentify anu isolate these spectial enumembeis
fiom the uata since they aie not often sepaiateu fiom othei components. Factoi analysis anu
taiget tiansfoimation is a methouology that auuiesses this pioblem anu can be useu to both
iuentify the numbei of inuiviuual components anu test foi the piesence of anu isolate
inuiviuual enumembeis using a set of mixeu spectia |1j.

This methouology has been applieu to laboiatoiy anu spaceciaft theimal infiaieu (TIR)
spectial uata |2-Sj. Beie, we have auapteu anu applieu these techniques to visibleneai-
infiaieu (vNIR) spectial uata collecteu by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging
Spectiometei foi Nais (CRISN) on boaiu the Nais Reconnaissance 0ibitei |6j.

4)$&%C3#$-%) <0,3*$,
7%-,0 <02%E"*
!3$3&0 F%&G
!-/3&0 HI 22S mixeu
spectia fiom CRISN
Peifoim factoi
analysis on the
mixeu spectia.
!-/3&0 JI
(plotteu) anu
eigenvalues (listeu)
fiom factoi
analysis on spectia
fiom !-/K H.
!-/3&0 LI Apply taiget
tiansfoimation to
eigenvectois to
geneiate a least
squaies fit to
enumembei. Spectia
aie offset foi claiity.

!-/3&0 MI Sample 12-plot geneiateu using automateu piogiam.
!-/3&0 N: Noise
iemoval piocess
applieu to CRISN
caibonate inuex.

Reconstiuction of the oiiginal CRISN uata using only the fiist significant eigenvectois
(in this case 1u) showeu significant ieuuctions of noise in the spectial uata.
Noise iemoval techniques moie cleaily iuentifieu iegions containing high caibonate
inuex values while loweiing the noise typically piesent in CRISN inuex maps (!-/K N).
-47uu m 2uuu m
!-/3&0 O: Ng-caibonate ueposits aie shown as white boxes. The &0C
aiiow points to !<. NL?6 anu the P*30 aiiow points to !<. L6HJ.
The backgiounu image is N0LA elevation (coloi) ovei the TBENIS
uaytime global infiaieu mosaic.
7S km
|1j Nalinowski E. R. (1991) !"#$%& ()"*+,-, -) ./01-,$&+2
2nu eu., }ohn Wiley & Sons, New Yoik.
|2j Banufielu }. L. et al. (2uuu) 3452 1uS, 9S7S-9S87.
|Sj Banufielu et al. (2uu2) 34567*")0$,2 1u7, Su92.
|4j ulotch T. B. anu Banufielu (2uu6), 3452 111, E12Su6.
|Sj Bamilton v. E. anu Ruff S. W. (2u12) 8#"&9,2 218,
|6j Nuichie S. L. et al. (2uu7) 3452 112, EuSSuS.
|7j Ehlmann B. L. et al. (2uu8) :#-0)#02 S22, 1828-18S2.
|8j Nichalski }. R. anu Niles P. B. (2u1u) ;"$< 40%,#-<2 S,
|9j Wiay }. }. et al. (2u11) =7: >=882 Abstiact #26SS.

!3$3&0 F%&G
Taiget othei wavelength iegions to
iuentify moie chaiacteiistic
enumembei absoiption featuies
Apply the automateu technique to the
global CRISN uata set
Quantitatively isolate enumembeis
using Root Nean Squaie (RNS) values
Refine methouology foi CRISN Nulti-
spectial piouucts (NSPs)

We testeu oui methouology on
CRISN uata containing eviuence
foi caibonates |7-9j.
Taiget tiansfoimation confiims
the piesence of Ng-iich
caibonates in Nili Fossae as
pieviously uetecteu by ?/*1"))
0$ "*< |7j (!-/K Q).
!-/3&0 J shows wheie we have
uetecteu auuitional CRISN FRTs
containing Ng-caibonate in Nili
Taiget tiansfoimation also
confiimeu the piesence of
siueiite in Leighton Ciatei |8j.
Pieviously iuentifieu caibonates
|9j on the Buygens iim ciest
showeu no cleai match to any
caibonate in the spectial libiaiy
(!-/K R).

!-/3&0 Q: CRISN spectia of caibonates in Nili Fossae.
Spectia aie offset foi claiity.
!-/3&0 R: Best fit CRISN spectium to ankeiite in Buygens.
Spectia aie offset foi claiity.
<0#%E0&0C 6)C202P0&,
Nili Fossae talc
Cioss Ciatei
4 km
Factoi analysis can be
applieu to the entiie
CRISN uata set
Eigenvectois aie
geneiateu fiom a
sample of eveiy S
pixels in a CRISN FRT
Taiget tiansfoimation
is applieu to a
stanuaiu set of 12
spectial enumembeis

4 km
Caibonates iuentifieu in Nili Fossae
Recoveieu magnesite enumembeis
Basic Steps of Taiget Tiansfoimation
Pooi fit example
0iiginal Image Cleaneu Image
!-/3&0 SI We iuentifieu spectial featuies iesembling talc, kaolinite, nontionite,
kieseiite, gypsum, iozenite, anu illite using taiget tiansfoimation.
Nili Fossae

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