Tag Question Webconference

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Julin Alberto Rico Cadena
WebConference 12 de Mayo de 2014
The Day

Unscramble these words to from a tag question
Actor you an aren`t You`re _____________________________?

Grammar Explanations Examples

1. We often use tag questions to:

a. check information we believe to be true
b. comment on a situation
Tom lives in L.A., doesn`t he?
(The speaker believes that Tom lives in L.A. and wants to
check this information.)

It`s a nice day, isn`t it?
(The speaker is commenting on the weather.)

2. Tag questions have a statement and a tag.

Forms of tag questions vary, but their meaning in always
similar. The statement expresses an assumption. The tag
menas Right?

a. If the statement verb is affirmative, the tag verb is

a. If the statement verb is negative, the tag verb is
Statement tag

Youre not from L.A., are you?
Youre Jack La Costa, arent you?
You dont drive much, do you?

Affirmative negative

You work on Fridays, Don`t you?

Negative affirmative

You don`t work on Fridays, do you?

4. When you use a tag question to check information or to
comment on a situation, your voice falls on the tag. You
expect the listener to agree or just show that he or she is

Tag question can also be used to get informations. As with
yes/no questions, your voice rises at the end, and you
expect to get an answer (Yes or No).

A: It`s getting warmer, isn`t it?
B: Yeah, seems more like summer.

A: You`re not moving, are you?
B: Yes. We`re returning to L.A.
No. We`re staying here

4. When you user a tag question to check information or to
comment on a situation, your voice falls on the tag. You
expect the listener to agree or just show taht he or she is

Tag question can also be used to get information. As with
yes/no questions, your voice rises at the end, and you
expect to get an answer (Yes or No).

A: It`s getting warmer, isn`t it?
B: Yeah, seems more like summer.

A: You`re not moving, are you?
B: Yes. We`re returning to L.A.
No. We`re staying here

Lets practice
1. IDENTIFY Read this conversation. Underline all the tags.
KAY: Hi, Tom. It`s a nice day, isn`t it?
TOM: Sure is. Not a cloud in the sky. How are you doing?
KAY: Good, thanks. You don`t know of any vacant apartments,
do you? My son is looking for one.
TOM: He is? I thought he was staying with you.
KAY: Well, he really wants a place of his own. Do you know of
TOM: As a matter of fact, I do. You know the Sobotas, don`t
you? Well, I just found out that they`re moving to New York
next month.
KAY: They are? What kind of apartment do they have?
TOM: A one-bedroom.
KAY: It`s not furnished, is it?
TOM: No Why? He doesn`t need a furnished apartment, does
KAY: Well, he doesn`t have furniture. But I guess he can always
rent some, can`t he?
TOM: Why don`t you give your son my number, and I`ll give
him some more information?
KAY: Will you? Thanks, Tom.
EDIT Read this part of a movie script. Find and correct seven mistakes in the
use of tag questions. The first mistake is already corrected.
Ben: It`s been a long time Joe, haven`t it?
JOE: That depends on what you mean by a long time, doesn`t that?
Ben: What are you doing around here, anyway? It`s dangerous.
JOE: I can take care of myself. I`m still alive, amn`t I?
Ben: Yes, but you`re stil wanted by the plice, are you?
JOE: Look, I need a place to stay. You have a place, don`t you? Just for one night.
Ben: I have to think of my wife and kids. You can find someplace else, can you?
JOE: No, You`ve got to help me!
Ben: I`ve already helped you plenty. I went to jail for you, haven`t I?
JOE: Yeah, OK, Ben. You remember what happened in Vegas, do you?
Ben: OK, OK. I oan make a call.
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