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May 14, 2014

RSIP Public Meeting

The community needs your help.
IMPRT!"T P#$%I& 'R(S)P
When: Wednesday, 21 May
Where: Nautilus Room, Community Center
Time: 6 pm
Tired of watching homes eing scraped and replaced y structures that conflict
with the scale and proportion to their neighors, often roing them of oth !uality
of life and property "alue# This is your chance to let your "oice e heard$
The Residential %tandards &mpro"ement 'rogram (R%&') Committee wants to hear
from the residents of Coronado*s neighorhoods$
This is an important meeting$ &f this issue is of concern, please come$ &f you feel
strongly, please forward this to friends and neighors and ring them to the
C+&C, -.R. for more 'ulic Wor/shop information$
C+&C, -.R. to read the City*s press release$
Ro Crenshaw
RSIP &ommittee Recon*ened
+ast year the City Council "oted to recon"ene the R%&' Committee and directed a
re"iew of %ingle 0amily and R12 Multiple 0amily de"elopment standards to oth
re"iew the wor/ and the products that ha"e een put together under the City*s
R%&' standards and consideration of new ways to encourage and impro"e the
residential standards that focus on impro"ing the !uality of neighorhoods$
3rian Trotier, a memer of 453C, was selected to sit on the new R%&'12

The committee egan wor/ in 6ecemer 2712 and meets on the second and
fourth Thursday of each month$ The pulic is in"ited to attend$

C+&C, -.R. to read and download the agenda of each meeting the committee
has had since last 6ecemer$
'hat +e ha*e been up to ,a history-.

!ug 2012: 8erry MacCartee wrote a letter to the .9: concerned aout the city
allowing construction of massi"e homes on lots too small to accommodate them,
thus roing our neighors of sunlight, pri"acy, air circulation and space$
Sep 2012: Twel"e of us teamed to form the 453C core group and determined
there was a significant numer of Coronado residents as concerned as we were$
We pulished a wesite and too/ out an ad in the .9:$
ct 2012: 453C hosted a town hall meeting$ We had thirty1three in attendance
and our supporters grew to twenty1two$ 0rom that meeting a group of three from
the legal field formulated a plan to draft an ordinance address property rights of
residents protecting their right to sunlight, fresh air and pri"acy$
"o* / 0ec 2012: 6uring the election campaigns and throughout the holidays we
were dormant$ We opted out of the campaigns in order to stay apolitical and the
holidays are tough to get together$
1an / May 2012: 6uring this period we met monthly in groups of aout fi"e to
se"en persons with email follow1ups to those not in attendance$ 3rian Trotier and
-arry 6eNardi did in1depth research loo/ing for west coast each communities
that ha"e successful residential ordinances$
1un / !ug 2012: We riefed, indi"idually, the Mayor, the City Council and then
3lair ,ing with two of his staff$ The sessions addressed our concerns and spo/e to
our proposals$
3all 2012: the City Council "oted to recon"ene the Residential %tandards
&mpro"ement 'rogram (R%&') committee and directed a re"iew of %ingle 0amily
and R12 Multiple 0amily de"elopment standards to oth re"iew the wor/ and the
products that ha"e een put together under the City*s R%&' standards and
consideration of new ways to encourage and impro"e the residential standards that
focus on impro"ing the !uality of neighorhoods$
3rian Trotier, a memer of 453C, was selected to sit on that committee$
0ec 2012: The R%&'12 Committee egan wor/ in and meets on the second and
fourth Thursday of each month$ The pulic is in"ited to attend$
May 21, 2014: R%&'12 'ulic Wor/shop scheduled$
'hat +ill your neighborhood loo4 li4e in 10 years.
That*s a !uestion participants will e as/ed at the May 21 pulic wor/shop to
discuss residential design standards that may affect Coronado*s !uality of life and
"illage atmosphere$
We stri"e to protect your pri"acy$ This Newsletter goes out only to our supporters$
We will ne"er sell, share nor trade your contact information$
&f you recei"ed two or more emails, we ha"e se"eral of your email addresses in our
dataase$ :ust ;<nsuscrie; from the email you wish to drop$
&f you no longer wish to recei"e our periodic updates, you can opt1out anytime (see
;%afe<nsuscrie; elow)$
'lease contact me with suggestions or comments$
Warm regards,

Ro Crenshaw
In This
453C -istory
453C N.W%
@ur %upporters
@ur Concerns
6isit our +ebsite7
&opyright 8 2012. !ll Rights Reser*ed.

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