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Spheres of Influence:

Primary: Logic, Rhetoric, Knowledge

Secondary: Chaos, Intelligence, Independence

Primary Deity: Sarkazmus
Secondary Deities: None
Holy Symbol: The Gadfly and the Lamb
Representative Animal: Gadfly
Representative Weapon: The Sharpened Tongue

Description: Sarkazmus is the great lord of Rhetoric and Irony. Little is known of his
existence, or of his connection to the prime material plane, as he tends to be recluse. His
priests, however, tend to be loud and bombast, forcing those around them to heed their word.
The order recognizes the irony in this and accepts it, as is.
The intended goals of Sarkazmus are relatively unclear. It seems that he wishes for
humanity to unlock their maximum intellectual capability, but asks that his priests remain loyal to
his teachings. On the one hand he wishes for religion to remain out of the political structure of
humans, but at the same time he would usher in logic and reason, his own domain. Many of his
own priests have questioned the definition of free thinking and logic, if logic is derived from a
singular super powerful being. Ironically, this debate against his teachings is supported by
Sarkazmus because they question the nature of logic with logic. It is clear that Sarkazmus never
has the intention to build his priestly order, but one builds anyways. Beyond that, he then gives
special powers to the priests, even though he never desired them. Though he does not desire to
build a priestly order, he does attempt to convert people to the ways of logic and reason rather
than blind following. He does not ask that these people join the church (that he technically does
not support), but asks that they make decisions for themselves. This again raises the debate of
true free thinking because Sarkazmus decides the natural laws of logic.
The structure of the church of Sarkazmus is entirely absent. The few churches that exist
are scolded by other followers for its irony, and rewarded (but not attended) by others who
appreciate the irony. Most devout follower gather in taverns and parks to discuss the latest
discoveries in science, philosophy, and wine. Some followers have opened schools for children
to educate them on subjects such as mathematics, science, and world religions. The most
successful priests have opened colleges for adults with similar goals, but at a higher level. Two
such colleges exist today. The Odio, headed by high priest Platamus, and the Lykio, headed by
high priest Artistocoltes. The Odio is located on the island of Kerato while; the Lykio is located
on the island of Psychra.
Sarkazmus is a chaotic deity, always at ends with those who seek to control or enslave a
weaker populous. An especially authoritarian regime could find itself with several priests of
Sarkazmus wreaking social disorder and liberation. An oppressive church might find a priest to
Sarkazmus speaking out against it at open sermon or confessions. For this same reason,
Sarkazmus feels a particular hatred towards necromancers, good or evil. The total loss of free
will in the shell of a human sickens him to the core, thus he dispatches agents to dispose of the
undead and their creators when possible.
Sarkazmus does not believe in the existence of good or evil as they are merely
limitations placed by authoritarian rule to simplify the nature of existence. There is correct and
incorrect, but not good or evil. The actions of a hero that society deems as good may be under
the criticism of Sarkazmus and his followers for being logically fallacious in his actions. For this
reason, most true followers of Sarkazmus are chaotic neutral or pure neutral.
Sarkazmus is a great provider of knowledge. Although he encourages his priests to think
for themselves, he also understands the earthly limitations of humanity. Priests are often given
knowledge through Sarkazmus by being able to temporarily transcend earthly logic to godly
logic. Sarkazmus values the power of the spoken word above all other weapons, shields, and
The 'Holy' Symbol of Sarkazmus is the Gadfly and the Lamb. The order of Sarkazmus
believe that their role in society is much like that of the Gadfly in the stockyard. The fly pesters
the lamb by hovering around and flying towards its sensitive spots until the lamb eventually
breaks out of the yard, allowing all the others to follow to the freedom of the outside world. The
only avatar form taken by Sarkazmus is that of Gadfly. In this form, he cannot speak, but can
telepathically create an emotional connection to whomever he wishes to bother. Whenever an
attack enters within two inches of his avatar, he instantly teleports close by, making him
impossible to kill by striking.
Divine Domain: Anarchist
Channel Divinity: Sharpness of Tongue
Starting at 2nd level, Priests of this order may channel the sly tongue of their keeper and
add their proficiency bonus to the skills of Deception (CHA), Persuasion (CHA), Perception
(INT), and Insight (WIS). If the priest is already proficient in these skills, they may add their
bonus again.

Channel Divinity: Sharpness of Mind
Starting at 6th level, a Priest of this order may dispel illusions. As an action, you may
present your holy symbol and all illusions within 25 are dispelled.

Sharpness of Soul
At 20th level, a Priest of Sarkasmus may submit his foes to a paradox. Foes within 25
feet of the caster become confused and incapable of committing to any action. In the Paradox,
foes suffer disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom based actions. These
include attacks, spell based attacks, saving throws, etc.

Domain spells:

1 Charm Person, Minor Illusion
3. Phantasmal Force, Suggestion
5. Major Image, Zone of Truth
7. Confusion, Arcane Eye
9. Feeble Mind, True Seeing
11. Mass Suggestion

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