Project Media Assignment Spring 2014 Updated April 1

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Kelan L.

Koning English 113B Spring 2014

Project Media
The goal of this assignment is to construct a sequence of fifteen to twenty images (photographs and/or
graphics) as a visual essay that forms an argument relating to social class and/or the politics of space.
Consider a topic such as waste, gender, sexuality, or unnecessary consumerism.
You might also tae a personal approach, creating an auto!iographical piece that addresses one of the
a!ove areas of focus.
Visual component:
Create a "ower"oint or video narrative of fifteen to twenty slides/frames, drawn from an original pool of
#$ photographs/images (please run any other types of images !y me for approval), arranged in a
sequence, with possi!le captions or comments. %f captions or comments from readings/research are
included, a wors cited must !e added as a slide at the end of the presentation. A works cited slide
cannot be included in the minimum image count. You will post this to our &oodle page.
Written component:
',$$$(word pro)ect statement explaining your purpose, argument and conceptuali*ation of your visual
essay (must include a wors cited).
Project Statement (max. 20 points possible):
The pro)ect statement provides an insight into your thought processes and decisions during the
construction of your visual essay. %n ',$$$ words, address the following questions in a cohesive statement
(i.e. do not answer each question individually)+
,ow do your images visuali*e your argument/thesis-
.hy did you arrange these images in this particular sequence-
%f you chose to add quotes to your images, why did you choose these particular quotes-
,ow does this your text exist in conversation with esta!lished texts (e.g., &ie /avis0s City of
Quartz, !ell hoos0 here e !tand" Class #atters).
Note: You must cite from one or more texts in your project statement and include a
Works Cited page. MLA formatting is required.
.hat is your strongest image- .here in the sequence did you place it, and why-
Kelan L. Koning English 113B Spring 2014
Visual Sequence (max. 20 points possible):
1emem!er that you are trying to 2write3 with these images4your visual essay should have a
!eginning, middle, and end. The first few images should set up your theme in the clearest way
possi!le, the middle images provide details, and the final images offer a conclusion.
You may add text to each image, !ut use it sparingly. You can add the text as a description
(comment underneath the image) or as a note on the image itself (to highlight a particular detail).
The text can !e written !y you, or it can !e a quote from readings we have done in class or from
any other text. Text and image must !e in tension with one another. This means that the text
cannot simply !e a description of the image, or the image an illustration of the text. 1ather, the
interaction !etween image and text should encourage the viewer to thin a!out how image and
text relate to one another (consider 5ar!ara 6rueger0s wor or 5ansy0s wor as an example of
how image and text exist in tension with one another).
7ll slides must include the following information+
o You must document !ere you o"tained t!e p!otograp!s !y providing source, %/
num!er (if availa!le), photographer (if nown) and pu!lisher/we!site address. %f using
personal photos, identify yourself as the photographer. This can !e included in the notes section
if this is a "ower"oint or in a lower corner of the slide if you are creating a video.
You may edit your images with "hotoshop/other image editing software. %f you completely distort
an image, you need to explain why you chose to do so in your pro)ect statement.
You may change the si*e of your images. You can re(si*e your images or crop them to highlight
*Adapted from an assignment designed by elanie E.S. Kohnen! "h.#.
Project Web Timeline
Sunday !pril "t#: $opic !election and rationale due %#oodle&. ork on gathering
possible images %'(&.
T#ursday !pril $%
: $hesis statement and twenty)fi*e selected images with source notes
due %#oodle& by ++"(( ,# %copied and pasted into a ord document&.
Sunday !pril 20
: Rough Draft due for ,eer Re*iew %#oodle& by ++"(( ,#.
Kelan L. Koning English 113B Spring 2014
Tuesday !pril 22
: ,eer -eedback due %#oodle& by ++"(( ,#.
Sunday !pril &0
: ,olished Draft due %#oodle& by ++"(( ,#.

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