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Twitte!: https://twitte!.com/game9h
Document Contents
I. How to find game on
Step 1: Mo#e to the sea!ch e$gi$e at the top o the page
Step 2: E$te! the %&& $ame o the game o! the ke'wo!( $ame game
Step 3: )e&ectio$ a$( (ow$&oa( games that 'o% i$( the most s%itab&e
II. How to download game on
Step 1: Game se&ectio$
Step 2: )e&ect the &i$k to (ow$&oa(
Step 3: Download
Ate! se&ecti$g the (ow$&oa( &i$k+ 'o% wait , seco$(s the$ c&ick )-.P A/ at the
top !ight sc!ee$ a$( (ow$&oa(
III. How to install game on
1. Install game
1.1 Extact file .iso with !ina
1 2o% ca$ e3t!act .iso i&e with Wi$!a! b' !ight c&icki$g o$ the i&e a$( se&ect

" #ext: )e&ect i&e i$sta&& game+ i$sta&& game a$( p&a' game4
1.2 $pen file .iso with %ltaIS$
Step 1: Download %ltaIS$
Most i$sta&&atio$s o$ gamebee$ comp!esse( i$ .iso o!mat. )o+ to be ab&e to i$sta&&
the game+ 'o% i!st $ee( to i$sta&& iso i&e !ea(e! sotwa!e s%ch as 5&t!a.)O. Li$k
(ow$&oa( 6o! sea!ch o$ i$te!$et7: http://8*9*e:(*.&i$
Step 2: Install %ltaIS$
Step 3: Install game
Ate! (ow$&oa(i$g a$( i$sta&&i$g the game sotwa!e 5&t!a.)O. Ha#e 'o% i$sta&&e(
the game %$(e! the g%i(a$ce o photos
<ow 'o% ca$ ope$ the iso i&e a$( i$sta&& the game $o!ma&&' o$ #i!t%a& (!i#es
2. &e'(cac)
Most c!ack / ke' / patch / .... a!e i$c&%(e( i$ the game i&es. O! o$ a!tic&es abo%t
games at http://www.gamebee$.com
O! C/ ke': """""""""""""""" o! """""""""""""""=
O! ================
The hack+ cheat+ t!ai$e!+ c!ack i3+ pacth ca$ sea!ch o$
I,. -ixing some common eos when installing games
1. -ile download eo
A&& i&es a!e comp!esse( with wi$!a! i$ Gamebee$.com a!chi#e !epai! %$ctio$. )o+
i 'o% ha#e acci(e$ta&&' (ow$&oa(e( a wi$!a! i&e co!!%pte(+ 'o% ca$ %se the
wi$!a! to i3.
)tep ": Ope$ wi$!a! i&e co!!%pte( + se&ect .ools /epai achi0e
The$ 'o% go to i&e $ew wi$!a! is c!eate(+ (e&ete the $ame 1fixed.1. )o+ 'o% ha#e
comp&ete( the !epai! wi$!a! e!!o!s
2. Eo duing installation
1 Missi$g i&e /0/39 /0(39>.(&& i&e sea!ch o$ goog&e Cop' to game i$sta&&
o&(e! o! s'stem0*
1 E!!o! : Ph's=<ot&oa(e!.(&& Ph's= sea!ch o$ goog&e (ow$&oa( a$( i$sta&&
?? . 'o%! comp%te! s'stem &acks the othe! .(&& i&e+ 'o% ca$ i$( the i&e o$ the
website http://www.(&&1i& o! sea!ch o$ goog&e.

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