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Academic Capacities

Taking It




Lifelong Learning Capacities

With Direct
With Guided
Taking It



Thinking &

Personal &

Huband Park Elementary
School District #71
5120 Mottishaw Road
Courtenay, BC

Student: Paige (Mock Report Card) Grade: 4
Term: 3 Teachers: Gagn, Nye, Grant
Learner Voice:
Last term, Paige set goals to work on Math facts with her family and Read Just Right books
to help with her fluency.
This term, Paige has played math games with her peers during goal setting and worked hard
to complete a chapter book during silent reading. She is trying to read independently at home
and tries to use fraction words.
Teacher Voice:
Paiges participation in class has supported our learning community through her caring manner
and positive attitude. She communicates in a friendly way with both her teachers and
classmates when she contributes and shares ideas. Paige participates in Physical Education
with sportsmanship and fairness. Paige has worked hard in the Fraction and Decimal unit with
her work completed. She has worked in math partnerships as a team player, in which she
contributed to the task-at-hand with confidence in her answers. She has developed an I can
attitude in answering class directed questions and seeking support with independent work.
Paige has been innovative and daring in her writing, which has shown growth in her vocabulary.
She is willing to take risks and ask for support in creating ideas around her thoughts. Paige is
persistent in completing a chapter book and very proud of her accomplishments. Her hard
work in reading Just Right books has reached a higher level of self-confidence. This shows
through her willingness to read in groups or aloud to the class.

Next Steps:
Math: continue on math facts by skip counting to strengthen her multiplication skills. This can
be done through dice and card games at home.
Reading: for continued improvement in Paiges reading, she needs to read her Just Right
books and any other reading materials that interest her. Paige should continue with
strategies in decoding words, such as looking for word clues within the text or breaking the
word into phonetic chunks.

her little
buddy in
Poetry Art
How Fast
Does Light

Student: Paige (Mock Rep

Academic Capacities

Taking It




Lifelong Learning Capacities

With Direct
With Guided
Taking It



Thinking &

Personal &

Student: Mattheus (Mock Report Card) Grade: 4
Term: 3 Teachers: Gagn, Nye, Grant
Huband Park Elementary
School District #71
5120 Mottishaw Road
Courtenay, BC

Learner Voice:
Last term Mattheus set goals to master the Multiplication and Division facts. Also, he set the
goal to Pacing and Polishing his work.
Mattheus has worked hard on his math goals and has shown an improvement in his
multiplication knowledge. He has shown authentic evidence in his number facts to real world
numbers. Mattheus has worked well with peer assessment to improve his assignments and to
be more polished.
Teacher Voice:
Mattheus is able to contribute to our learning community, through adding many worldly facts
to classroom discussions and is very good at accessing his prior knowledge and skills on a wide
range of topics. He believes in getting the tasks complete and has a very friendly attitude
towards his peers. He enjoys working on group tasks and brings many strengths to the group
with his creative outlooks, as in a recent Readers Theatre group activity. Mattheus is working
on supported writing strategies for pacing and polishing his work to a level of taking it
beyond. Mattheus has been very keen in applying fractions to hands-on activities and can
fluently explain the mathematical equations in the activity. In Physical Education, Mattheus
applied himself to learning new racquet techniques and participated fairly in activities.
Mattheus was very keen in working with his group during science experiments and was a team
player in supporting his peers from beginning to the end of the project. Mattheus is always
eager to learn new lessons in class.
Next Steps:
Math: Mattheus can continue furthering his math facts through reading statistical materials
and playing number games, as he likes to find comparisons between academic work and the
real world.
Work Habits: Mattheus works very well independently and needs to launch a criterion that
can support the pacing and polishing of his assignments in order move his completed work
Mattheus working on a science experiment:
Does Light Travel in a Straight Line?
Teachers: Gagn, Nye, Grant

Academic Capacities

Taking It




Lifelong Learning Capacities

With Direct
With Guided
Taking It



Thinking &

Personal &

Student: Emmett (Mock Report Card) Grade: 4
Term: 3 Teachers: Gagn, Nye, Grant
Huband Park Elementary
School District #71
5120 Mottishaw Road
Courtenay, BC

Learner Voice:
Last term, Emmetts goals were Editing his writing and taking the time to find an interest in
writing. He was also wanting to establish a criteria to Pacing and Polishing his work in order to
move beyond.
In this term, Emmett has produced some creative poems that have been self-assessed and
supported through his desk group readings.

Teacher Voice:
Emmetts smiling face and fair-minded character is always a pleasure to see throughout the
day in our learning community. He is starting to show a leadership amongst his peers with
worldly discussions and honest support. This term with his academics, Emmett is confidently
applying himself to move beyond his current level of work habits. Emmett is very good at
orally articulating his stories and is working hard at putting his words into his writing; as his
poetry has been well polished and creatively displayed. Emmett has been very motivated and
authentic in his reciting of poetry and Readers Theatre pieces. In Physical Education, Emmett
shows a willingness to participate and play fair. In our Science Unit with Light experiments,
Emmett took on a caring leadership role and supported others in order to get the task
complete from beginning to end. Emmetts thoughtful presence in the class is a strong asset
to our learning environment.
Next Steps:
Emmett is a strong class reader and needs to find the I Can in sharing his own writings. His
work is becoming polished and written with care, in which this shows that he can move his
tasks beyond. Emmett needs to applying self-assessment strategies to his work and perhaps
use more peer-assessment criteria to build his confidence.
Emmett during a science experiement:
Does Light Travel in a Straight Line?
Creating a Spring
Term Summary March 31 to May 9, 2014

Overview of Language Arts Poetry Unit:
a) An overall picture of the unit of study
Students will recognize multiple types and styles of poetry. They will respond in writing to
poetry, as well as, read poetry fluently and with expression. Students will be able to define
and identify figurative language in poetry. The students poetry and art will be displayed
and celebrated with a Poetry Caf.
b) Key unit concepts.
1. Students will be able to determine if a poem is written in first or third person point
of view.
2. Students will be able to identify and create alliteration in poetry.
3. Students will be able to notice rhymes schemes, stanzas and lines in a poem.
4. In Poetry, students will be able to define and identify examples of:
a. onomatopoeia
b. acrostic

c) The BC Provincial Learning Outcomes (PLOs):
Gr. 4 Language Arts
A1 use speaking and listening to interact with others for the purposes of: contributing to a
class goal, sharing ideas and opinions, improving and deepening comprehension, and
completing tasks.
A11 use the features of oral language to convey and derive meaning, including - text
structure, a variety of sentence lengths, structures and types, smooth transitions, syntax
(i.e., grammar and usage), enunciation, nonverbal communication and receptive listening
B1 read fluently and demonstrate comprehension of a range of gradeappropriate literary
texts, including: stories from various
Aboriginal and other cultures stories from a variety of genres and poems that make
obvious use of literary devices.
B7 select and use strategies after reading and viewing to confirm and extend meaning,
including: selfmonitoring and selfcorrecting, generating and responding to questions,
making inferences and drawing conclusions, reflecting and responding, visualizing, using
text features to locate information, using graphic organizers to summarize and
C4 create meaningful visual representations that communicate personal response,
information, and ideas relevant to the topic, featuring: development of ideas through
clear, focused, and useful details, connections to personal feelings, experiences, opinions,
and information, an expressive voice, an organization in which key ideas are evidence.

Overview of Language Arts Spelling Unit:
a) An overall picture of the unit of study
Students will complete worksheet task, brief poetic readings and write sentences to
review spelling words. The vocabulary will look at words with long e, long i, long a and long o.
b) Key unit concepts will follow the BC Provincial Learning Outcomes:
English Language C11 conventional Canadian spelling for familiar and frequently
used words; spelling unfamiliar words by applying strategies (e.g., phonic knowledge
and skills and visual memory, use of common spelling patterns, dictionaries, word

Overview of Mathematics Fractions & Decimals:
a) An overall picture of the unit of study.
This math unit provides the students with an authentic, cross-curricular and hands-on
learning. They will be engaged in individual and peer group strategies that will be solidified
pictorially and symbolically to further understand fractions in equivalent form and apply
conversions of fractions to the 10
and 100

b) Key unit concepts for the Fraction and Decimal unit are:
Understanding Fractions
Equivalent Fractions
Fraction Word Problems
Place Value
Fraction to Decimal Conversion

c) The BC Provincial Learning Outcomes (PLOs):
Grade 4 Mathematics
A8 demonstrate an understanding of fractions less than or equal to one by using concrete
and pictorial representations to
name and record fractions for the parts of a whole or a set
compare and order fractions
model and explain that for different wholes, two identical fractions may not
represent the same quantity
provide examples of where fractions are used
A9 describe and represent decimals (tenths and hundredths) concretely, pictorially, and
A10 relate decimals to fractions (to hundredths)

Overview of Science Light & Sound:
a) An overall picture of the unit of study
By the end of the Physical Unit, students will have described sources and investigated the
properties of sound and light.
It is expected that students will: identify sources of light and sound, explain properties of
light (e.g. travels in a straight path, or reected) and can explain properties of sound (e.g.,
travels in waves & travels in all directions).

b) Key unit concepts of this unit is:
What is Light?
How Light Travels?
The Colours of Light
How Sound Travels?
KWL Inquiry on what student
want to learn about sound
Making Sound

c) The BC Provincial Learning Outcomes (PLOs):
Gr. 4 Physical Science: Sound and Light
Identify sources of sound
Relate vibrations to the production of sound
Explain properties of sound
Identify sources of light
Accurately sort various sources of light within their environment as natural
or articial
Explain properties of light
Conduct an experiment to demonstrate how white light can be separated into

Overview of Physical Education:
a) An overall picture of the unit of study
Each lesson in this PE unit will include an open activity that will introduce skills, review
skills or warm-up muscles to engage students activity. The lessons will then transfer into
skill or exploration development, where the review or introduction of new skills will provide
racquet skill practice during the closure of the lesson this will allow the students to cool
down, share in assessment feedback.

b) Key concepts for this unit are:
Body and space awareness
Sequences of non-locomotors movement
Sequences of locomotors movement
Skill development
Manipulative movement skills

Overview of Health and Career Nutrition:
a) An overall picture of the unit of study.
To build further understanding of how nutrition affect student health and learning with
the learning intention I can create a balanced healthy school lunch.

b) Key unit concepts follow the BC Provincial Learning Outcomes for Grade 4 Health and
C2 describe choices they can make for healthy eating, based on Canadas Food Guide to
Healthy Eating
Through visual arts, mind maps, charting and graphing

Overview of Health and Career Morning Launches
a) An overall picture of the unit of study Learning Intention:
To work as a team and individually to build on concepts and goals to improve work habits,
interpersonal relationships and understanding of positive self-regulation.

b) Key unit concepts follow the BC Provincial Learning Outcomes for Grade 4 Health and
A1 identify the steps in a decisionmaking model (e.g., identifying the decision,
listing alternatives, selecting a course of action, assessing the results)
B2 demonstrate an understanding of the importance of developing effective work
C5 describe interpersonal skills necessary to build positive relationships (e.g., co
operation, inclusion, communication skills, empathy, respectful behaviour)

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