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The AKP government and the bosses are responsible for

the coal miners deaths in Soma, Turkey.

Dear whom it may concern,
I, the undersigned, call on government ministers and senior officials in Turkey to launch a full
independent investigation into the deaths of over 274 miners (and counting) at the privately
run Soma coalmine. I feel strongly that the deaths of the miners should not be categorised
as fate or an occupational hazard. I urge you to listen to the demands of the Turkish
public and international opinion, and call to account the owners of the Soma coalmine for the
highly dangerous health and safety conditions that led to the disastrous death of hundreds of
In Turkey privately run coalmines regularly expose miners to hazardous and life threatening
working conditions, and it is well documented that the death toll in private mines in Turkey
are eleven times higher than those in state owned mines. Furthermore, the request made to
the Turkish parliament on 29 April 2014 for an enquiry into the health and safety conditions
at the Soma coalmine presented an opportunity to prevent the deaths of over 245 miners on
13 May 2014. It is clear that the lives of thousands of miners have been risked as part of
cost saving measures, with tragic consequences for miners and their families.
The Turkish government must bring to account those responsible for the brutal corporate
murder of the Soma coalminers and ensure that steps are taken to improve health and
safety in the mining sector with the aim of preventing such accidents in the future.

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